There used to only be one Le 52% Face but now there's about 5 variations. And they are all being posted by memeflags.
Did Shareblue get an extra dose of Soros cash or what?
There used to only be one Le 52% Face but now there's about 5 variations. And they are all being posted by memeflags.
Did Shareblue get an extra dose of Soros cash or what?
Blame starstans constantly yelling about people not being white, not a soros excuse.
Your country is just a disgusting cesspool of mutts and deserve to be treated as such.
I am convinced that it is JIDF or some other shilling network at work. One day I was browsing and they just kept getting spammed in a shit ton of threads. They are all forced as hell, don't get me wrong, I think that the occasional "le 56%" banter is alright, but when they get pushed into threads excessively then it is obviously divide and conquer tactics.
I think they're fucking hilarious lol
My feelings exactly.
They are when used in proper context but new images are being spammed, which looks suspicious.
>soros must be paying for them to make fun of us
Americans have a habit of being arrogant and defensive normalfags assuming to be the ultimate arbiter of racial purity and individual worth, so this meme was born to humble the shitposters.
>it's a conspiracy
>the world really does love us
this is just another meme, its banter, I dont see what soros have to do with it
>le 56% face
i thought it was just a meme
I spread these so more people are ashamed of nigger DNA. It will slowly make it acceptable to draw niggers accurately like they did back in the 1930s.
quit being butthurt you faggot and they'll stop making fun of us
Butt-Hurt Lefty Faggots broken hearted that their "Heroes" are all Pedo-Rapists and torturers
The tubby little guy is starting to grow on me.
Burgers are receiving some spanking due to bad overall behavior.
this guy gets it
its pretty fucking funny
I am fairly sure it was started by the butthurt turkroach that spams dead american soldiers. He created the thread where it all started. He uses an EU flag now but I've gotten him to show his flag a several times and I recognized his dead soldier images and filenames. A few Yuropoor shitposters that hate the US immediately caught on as they have a severe inferiority complex with the US. Specifically a Brit and Kraut that always make anti-american threads started spamming the turkroach's meme everywhere and the rest of the yuropoors and canucks joined in.
>Le 56% Stranger Face
>But you are not white, portugal!
fucking lmao. ded
IOTBW posting IRL = amerimutt response posts on POL
I have a guy who sits next to me in class who literally look slike the Amerimutt. He has big lips, exact same color, smells like starch at all times, and has a small afro. He's disgusting, vocalizes every little stretch or movement he does, and eats like a fucking pig. I wish I could just punch his fucking face in cause he's literally the lardass amerimutt that euros complain about.
holy shit
>It is some unrelated shitskin that is at fault
>My behavior is perfectly acceptable
>about 5 variations
more like 5000 my man
kys newfag
you don't understand where this comes from because you're reddit cancer who has only been on this board and website since the US elections
> gosh why all those people are making fun of us hardworking americans who never did harm to any other nation,is not like we introduced feminism,transgenderism,drugs,rap and propaganda
> hmm,must be the jews
is so hard for any american to believe not everyone like you filthy?
Anyone have the one with the polish woman and her mixed son
Stop spreading degeneracy all over the world. Stop spouting MUH FREEDUMBS as if it's an argument. Stop going on about how NAZIS AND COMMUNISTS ARE THE SAME DEYRE DA REAL RACISS
Then we won't make fun of you anymore.
Internet Research Agency memeshitting psyop campaign along with Its ok to be white
its a d&c psyop, not sure by whom, doubt its leftypol
trangenderism was a weimar germany thing
I was just explaining the origins of this surge of mutant faces because I was in the thread where it started. Is that not what OP's thread is about?
You guys are fucking retarded if you think this isn't yet another divide and conquer scheme.
Because we ARE mutts
The best one is that Oblivion character creation screen. I can't seem to find it, maybe you have that one?
Bless you user, have a pt waifu.
This is a good meme. We need to bully liberal Americans until they crave whiteness, if only to be as good as Europe.
>replying to yourself
how pathetic
>not reading and understanding that there are id tags
da derp duhh
user, my dear, is this your first day in Sup Forums
I could go on with a lot more
>There used to only be one Le 52% Face but now there's about 5 variations. And they are all being posted by memeflags.
>Did Shareblue get an extra dose of Soros cash or what?
holy shit, how new can you be
Don't be so sensitive us leafs get it way worse literally every response is shitposting against us.
And you are a certified mutt nation so don't be so buttblasted.
Look at me I am a fake country just like Ukraine, Belgium and Kosovo.
usa no blanco.
I'll allow it.
see, you're doing it again and I've been here for years
Reminder that every EU flag is a shill
>We need to bully liberal Americans
On Sup Forums? That idea is almost as stupid as your flag
Literally pissing in an ocean
Them gringos are fucking up your tacos senyor.
It's usually britbongs posting it the most, and a good 35% of posts by britbongs have been made by obvious Pakis for a while now.
You got enough already? It hasn't even begun.
Who the fuck even cares. Improve your life instead of bitching about inconsequential things.
You faggots have a flag now?
Huh, the chans sure is quick.
And why bash the KKK faggot?
Ah, halfway batshit hlfway shitposting, have a pepe user.
Every EU flag is either Turkey, Germany, Sweden or in some rare instances a Pajeet (They mostly use UN flags now).
Trace the original filenames on 4plebs from faggots who make anti America threads and you'll see it's only like 5 or 6 people spamming them. All the other faggots are posting them because baiting burgers is pathetically easy
Yeah, most likely a divide and conquer strategy by leftists. Nationalism still has the problem of national fault lines and national pride, so they will most certainly try to alienate the right.
What we have to counter this is our banter culture, which defuses actual antipathy to a degree. However, with an influx of newfags, it's still a danger to be kept under observation.
They WILL try to divide the nationalist movements and lure them into battling each other rather than the common enemy.
it's jidf posting from NYU. thursdays and saturday afternoons.
It's funny they all look like anti semitic memes too me. Like ms paint gypsy mutts
Fix the text you fuckin mick.
>divide and conquer
But your president wants to unite ALL Americans, how can you say this meme is divisive when it's portraying an accurate picture of the average American 2017?
>be the reason Europe is flooding with migrants
>wonder why the rest of the world hates you
this is just bantz, you have nothing to worry about, because you are 100% white, right? ...RIGHT??
We Americans are simply not white. What's so hard to grasp?
It's meant to breed animosity between Americans and Europeans.
Just ignore them; like any bad meme they won't spread.
Roll it baby.
Because it's pretty funny you mongrel
Do you even know how the downstream of memes works?
This shit will be on Facebook, 9gag and reddit tomorrow
Meme flaggots get gassed
I don't know, i think they are pretty funny.
maybe if you were a mutt you would get butthurt but I'm 100% white
-1% face is underrated.
lol because every video that comes out of ur dumb country is full of mutts
This. Just embrace the truth. And stop ducking parking as wbite
Don't take it seriously, man. I come on this site to have lots of fun. It's a great place.
>Americans are simply not white.
>but I'm 100% white
It's a D/C tactic. The pictures are amusing though.
This. They seem to upset a lot of 'muh fellow Americans' though.
Yeah, like you aren't the number 1. Spreader of animosity.