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50 IQ CTE brained meathead fuck. Fuck football players. We pay these mongs millions to play a game it's fucking disgusting.
Another tragic victim of violence. Protect your daughters. Protect your womenfolk.
Toll collected
Kek. These things always make my smile. She doesn't look white but still.
Since when were you a millionaire that owned a team?
This is the plot of Othello
That money could go to society but it goes to literal brain damaged niggers.
God damn I hate reverse quoting.
Good one lol
burn the coal
What a happy looking couple. Too bad this tragedy happened go...guys.
Literally who? He didn't even finish his cup of coffee in the NFL.
Don't stadiums come off the taxpayers dime? I'm no expert, but that's what I think. Could be wrong though, stupid leaf
This company has meme potential.
>A linebacker must have no regard for the well-being of his body whatsoever and just focus on tackling the man with the ball as soon as possible.
2 . M U C H . B R A I N D A M A G E
They do. Whats fucked up is if the niggers in detriot want to build a new stadium, it isn't even their shithole state that has to pay for it. Its all of us. Football is fucked, and this shouldn't be the case.. at all.
Meh, she's not that attractive
Today at work this morning I saw a nigger come in with a grotesque tumblrina looking white girl with a Mohawk that was combed down and had the muffin top build where they're fat while wearing skinny jeans. Zero fucks given, still hope their relationship goes to shit anyway. Never seen an attractive white girl burn coal (and no the girls from aren't even hot).
>but it goes to literal brain damaged niggers.
it comes from degenerates too.
>watching the athletic jew
>not practicing the athletic jew yourself
That part is for jobs to build and run the stadium. The players are paid by ticket sales, merch, tv deals and other consumer shit.
I like it
>fuck niggers
>get stabbed in the throat
they never learn
It's time for another German cuck fantasy posting.
So much insecurity in one post.
Is she Muslim?
Doesn't prove anything.
at least he had his kid in mind...
either way, BTCPTT
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Pure coincidence.
>football players
you meant to say NIGGERS. its NIGGERS you stupid homosexual
No patterns here.
Look who smug she is. She probably lives in London. It's crazy how good traditional Polish girls turn into sluts once they go to London.
It's how they express their love. You're a racist if you think it's wrong.
i have never seen such an ugly child wtfffff
KEK FLAG to you sir.
This is going to end well.
>Football player = concussions
She didn't stand a chance. Talk about doomed from the start!
you realize that the people that watch football and have an interest in it are the reason why they are paid millions. Its like how we as citizens pay for the salaries of politicians through taxes
It usually does.
Good thing football ratings are declining and the NFL is dying. Soon they'll need to find real jobs.
Someone please shoop this into the article
get fucked cole burning slut
>but I defend blacks on faceberg why are you doing this?
Same thing as welfare I suppose
These occurrences prove God exists, and he hates coalburners, too.
Bruh you gotta be a billionaire to own a team
Probably a kike though or at least part kike.
Huh. Guess it makes sense why the jews put the niggers on pedestals I suppose.
Cash cow for the snip dicks
>b-but blacks are only senselessly violent pieces of shit because of poverty n' stuff
lol at the fags still pushing the bullshit nature vs nurture narrative... blacks are always violent sub-human monsters regardless of financial status
>Not raped.
Stadiums are tax payer funded. Niggerball is subsidized by us faggot.
Keep kneeling to protest that police brutality.
People act like blacks are the only violent ones or commit all the crime in US
I don't think anyone said "all"
Just "most"
Wow, it really makes you think...
Why would a group so likely to be criminals take a knee to protest the police?
she asked for it
I bet in her final moments she fuckin' hated niggers.
Wow do they have any morals?
fuck. i know what I'm watching tonight
more of these please
memes aside, its really sad that this is the result of shitlibbery
I don't know about you, but this makes me want to watch their game.
Another liberal propaganda victim
It is. But if the meme just saves one life...
>we beat them
>we rape them
>we shoot them
>we kill them
>and they still come back for our BBC's
Sit the fuck down.
>Sit the fuck down.
like white women on black cocks?
I thought for a second Benni McCarthy did it. He played here for a while.
Only sad thing about this is that she managed to lay her mongrel eggs.
Your' cock is the only thing you can say positive about niggers? Fucking die faggot.
That shit is a fake stereotype anyways what the fuck is wrong with you?
>continues to talk about cocks in seperate post.
Fucking' next level faggot.
The selfish love of money leads another white woman to ruin.
She paid the toll.
if you watch niggerball you are a literal cu ck
no s elf r especting white wouold enjoy coonball
How can a woman date a man like that? Just looking at his face gives me anxiety.
Morals? kek They aren't even human Bro.
Animals; just sad we hold them up to the same standard as humans.
whatever brightens your already bleak day, Sweden
Wow I don't follow public school because I have no kids, but the actively force young
people into participating in fag "pride" parades?
Why is there not anarchy at these schools with parents protesting?
Honestly I would even stand against those faggots their agenda is fucking tyrannical and disgusting.
Honestly I know what's going down with these toll payin coal burners. You see whatever they tell themselves, they are dating an animal. And no that doesn't mean he's bigger or more aggressive, just means he's kinda dum dum.
However, in a relationship white women require complex mental stimuli in the form of drama, manipulation and back and forth arguments. It's their way off bonding. Now a dindu doesn't get this. He just watches some hoe acting weird and the entire conflict escalates.
Where a white man would have the mental capacity to recognize his bitch is emotional, black niggas take it as a personal attack. So they retaliate. They don't understand that deep mating ritual that is shit testing/flirting. They only get a simple basis off it.
This will always happen when a white woman tries to bond with a shitskin over drama. He loses his cool, gets all insecure and lashes out physically because he can't match her mentally.
Same way my dog doesn't get it when I start to fuck with him and starts biting me. It's the exact same thing.
But you honor she called me and my son nigga over a thousand times, I,I just lost it. I don't remember anything but her racism. She told me she voted for trump.
By order the f the court I judge Steven Lu, after conferring with Andrea Goldstein fine the victim guilty. The family of the deceased shall pay restitution in the order of all assets.
Nig sheeeeeeeet
Your welcome goys
Notice their endemic soulless smug face, a strong sign of someone who lives inside their egotistical simplistic minds.
Don't worry. Brazilian Niggers are the worst. They even kill their own kind, cook and eat it and call it "uma delicia".
>toll status: paid