Ex commie turned alt-right. AMA
Do you want a fucking cookie? Nobody cares
What happened to make you take that decision?
Did the women on the left scare you? Half of them are dykes and trans, and the rest are fat harpies. Glad I found me a conservative woman.
>still uses meme flag
When did you give up soy?
why do you fart when you suck your dad's penis?
why did it take you so long to realize that the left hates the working class?
"Women" The trannies were a bit terrifying, but some were fine. I even redpilled a few. Ironically, a lot of the women are nymphos who like being dominated, so I enjoyed that side of it.
How's your Asian single mom ex
Satanist girlfriend?
I went to communism because I saw people dying on the streets, broke and unable to pay for live saving medications. I really wanted universal healthcare, but went deeper down the leftist rabbit hole, and saw the glorious side of communism, the nuclear program, the cosmonauts, the AK, the victory against Germany, etc.
Then I started ironically listening to Moonman, then heard about Kekistan, Shillary's corruption, etc. I turned to /pol, and OD'ed on redpills. Best decision of my life. Now I know the commies strats and structures, and know how to destroy them.
Communism if done correctly is very good for the working class. But it's IMPOSSIBLE to do it correctly, and even then, the working class is reduced to peasants. Corruption spreads like cancer, and so does the ideology.
What makes you think that anyone cares?
No one cares, idiot
You read 1984 didn't you?
Not too well, but it works great for me, I love milking those delicious libtears.
Did you mean Animal Farm?
Well I mean people care enough to reply. Plus I can undermine this commie shit.
Nice b8 m8 8/8
Go fuck yourself
wut is this, senpai?
Can one be a fascist liberal/commie? I want unity.
Go back to plebbit faggot
Here's how you can fuck them up, I know from experience. Infiltrate them, then demonize a major member, go Trotsky vs. Stalin on them. When Trotsky leaves, the remaining members will be weakened. Have Trotsky fight against Stalin, and infiltrate the organization. Make them up their security, and stray so far from the original path, that even the most loyal members leave. Play both sides at first, then leave and let them fight with each other. This has worked time and time again, I know both from history and personal experience.
>I went to communism because I saw people dying on the streets, broke and unable to pay for live saving medications
Forget about communism and the alt-right then.
i missed this event
fucking die authoritarian
Yes and no. The ideologies are very similar in many ways, but both are opposite extremes, so they will never cooperate, unless under extreme circumstances.
TL;DR Yes but they never do
Ffs, the only argument you need to discredit communism is that "you can never force a mother to love a stranger's child equally to her own."
Anyone who ever fell for commie ideology is either weak minded or mentally stuck in adolescence.
Just posting in light of the Antifa shit. My goal is to shed light on how communists actually work, so that we may better combat them.
Plus, the only true *commune* that can exist alongside human nature is the family unit, and commies hate that shit like schitzo Stockholm syndrome downies
Not authoritarian, and when I was a commie, I was more of an an/com. I support liberty, gun rights, gay rights, drug legalization, etc. I believe any rule without a just cause is inefficient and hinders civilization.
how many times a week does this happen to you?
do your parents know you used to suck cock unironically?
you get the bullet too
Yes and no. I'll admit, I hate the idea of many traditional families, as we end up with christfags and children who blindly follow idiot parents, or are abused. However, I do believe in small communes working in certain situations, let's say a VOLUNTARY commune the size of an apartment complex, that could work. Communism on a state level? Nope. It also works better when the people start with nothing, hence why it worked so well in the impoverished ruins of Russia, but failed utterly in the US.
Ew redditcucks
Communes exist in nature as the family through biological bonds.
Can a commune exist without the blood bond? Sure. But it goes against nature and thus requires constant attention or it will decay and fail with one bad apple.