I think disease and starvation are the two best ways. Don't even have to drop a bomb for that, just let the niggers keep fucking monkeys.
How should Africa be depopulated?
Genocide is the only option
A little bit at a time. Don't colonize all of it at once this time.
Is Africa were treated with benign neglect by the outside world, they'd crash hard in just a few years, then balance out into the shithole they were meant to be.
But they already do that to themselves on a daily basis in dozens of places. Just stop giving them free shit.
Hey, nonagem here.
the Elites already solved that problem with the disease in East Africa right now.
there has been an effort over the last century since imperialism failed (the logistics of committing genocide on the scale needed for the entire continent would cost too much money)
the effort has been through chemical and biological sabotage
AIDS, Malaria, Ebola, and now the Bubonic plague. Lots more too
How would it cost that much? There are people that would do it for free given the means
literally just stop having western countries propping up people that would never be able to sustain themselves on their own
let nature take its course
but "oh that's 2 mean"
stop all humanitarian aid and let the bubonic aidsbola plague do the rest.
isnt that what aids and ebola was for?
The bubonic plague /black death
just leave africa alone. don't import refugees unless they have actual, valuable skills
Start psyops against main african based charities, stop them sending medical supplies and contraception.
>Nazi symbol on trans f>m
Are the next hyper-aryan super soldier's going to be white trannies?
What did kek mean by this
if it weren't for all the white Christians, they would have died off by now
You mean colonization
It should not be de-populized, just left alone.
Every country needs to be depopulated, especially countries like China and India.
Natural selection is our best option. God has got it.
Nuclear hell fire and some war crimes such as rape and pillaging sprinkled in for good measure.
>checking your own digits
Dont take them as slaves
The problem is the billions we pay them to fuck. We have to stop giving them our stuff.
I just watched American History X. Derek should have done a better job of hiding his power level. He was right to turn his back on those fake prison skinheads selling dope to white people but he should have started his own group in there and took over the doc when he got out.
The elites are noticing that an Africa with 1 billion people is not in their interests. Of course, immigration shall continue, however I predict a lot of black plague scenarios on the horizon.
Africa is such a shithole they'll spread like wildfire.
Also I believe ebola was their first try, though they noticed what they developed was too strong. So they downscaled their bioweapon to that black plage variant they've introduce in Madagascar.
MOAB the entire continent.
If Derek didn't curb stomp the car jacker and waited for the police to show up he would have literally done nothing wrong. I don't think the National socialists of Germany would even like it if you tattooed a swastika on your body which goes to show how retarded neo nazis are.