Hello everyone, it's Astra Kruger.
Please ask me anything about the politics of South Africa.
Please note: This thread is for White people only. And by white people I mean the Germanic, Celtic & Slavic peoples only.
Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese & Latin Americans will never be white, and therefore they are not welcome.
South Africa? Ask me anything politics related
How does it feel to be the nigger of Europe?
hmmm sholomo is that you?\
>italins/spaniards not white
Russian larp?
What the international legality of shooting a nigger while providing security detail in south africa?
Asking for a friend coming your way in the next month or so...
funny I was going to ask you the same question
>we was spartans and shit
Greek, you're not white too. Get off this thread
It is illegal to shoot anyone here
Yes, italiens and spaniards are not white
I'm a Celtic Italian, so I look Italian but I'm not a manlet, can I stay?
>Portuguese not welcome
Lmao what ever happened to being allied with Mocambique and Angola?
blacks are now waking up and starting to take back their land, poor no lip no ass having whitey meeee, come save me white gods, I'm being murdered in a country that my ancestors invaded, enslaved and stole from,
>Greek, you're not white too
And you are white? Because you dying your hair blonde?
Well at least we are not barbarians and cumskins like you. We create the greatest civilizations, not you subhuman.
Why did South Africans vote YES in 1992?
KEK you will get BLACKED
Can I get an afrikaans QT? Can you post afrikaans QTs?
I really really want some boere meisie butt
No, get out
Our people were under pressure from USA and the United Nations
1.How many black cocks fit in your mouth at once?
2. Ever done a Blacked scene for free? how many cumshots were involved?
She obviously doesn't dye it, look at the eyebrows.
Why do you consider celtic people white?
>It's the Kike from SA doing his D&C
are you a boer?
Yeah, they are trimmed and black like her hair roots.
Do you live in gated community?
Is Pretoria still white-majority?
Do you know any whites who live in 95% black places?
unchecked trips
kek please be real I would do anything for a conservative christian afrikaans QT3.14
This thread is for Germanics you fucking mongers get out.
Isn't that a female name? did you get bullied a lot when you where a kid?
how long till slaughtering begins?
Why do white people even stay in South Africa? The hatred seems intense from what I've read. White farmers in particular should just get the hell out of there if you ask me.
>White poeple only.
Thats why the niggers wanna kill you.
Please stay and die in your own country.
boere don't like anglos
>not white
You probably have nigger blood in you anyway.
>inb4 moorish blood
Honestly I would rather be 50% arab than 1% nigger
This guy stole my question. If Europe needs immigrants to survive then all of white south africans should move back.
You know the rules.
All Sup Forums is Sup Forums
Lol, so you Greeks to force us to regard you as white? No. It's never going to happen.
You modern Greeks are not the real original Greeks who founded the Hellenic world. You are a bunch of middle eastern immigrants
Astra is a common girl name
yea.. that was kind of my point.
What do you mean? Why its so important to be a cumskin? German idealism fucked up Europe and failed, while the olive skin remain the master race.
Also BTFO of my homeland,Africa is for BLACKS only
Is there really a white genocide there?
I'm celtic wafflebro. Grandparents are from achill. Fok die souties.
is that a actual pic of you?
> Le 8% white face
We are trying to get out but Europe doesn't want us back
Everyone knows that you're hiding behind that fake flag because you're not white. Get out of here
>You modern Greeks are not the real original Greeks who founded the Hellenic world.
You think all Greeks had blonde hair and cumskin?
one drop rule
Why are you non-whites in here? I told you from the beginning that you Mediterranean's are not welcome here. You people are not white
kek, odds are afrikaners are more native to za than you are.
almost. but whites still have most of the power and resources, effectively made themselves an inoperable tumor to the kaffers. They own over 3/4ths of the land, control practically the whole economy including all the production of their essentials such as food. ZA would be no different than Zimbabwe if the afrikaners left. yet apes like Malema unironically campaign on that (EFF).
they're not cucks and are still fighting. Afrikaners are the most based whites. There is still hope and whites are beginning to mobilize more. Look up #BlackMonday and the VFF+ and its alliance with the DA. If shit ever hits the fan then they might get a volkstaat if they're lucky.
can i plz have a QT boere meisie, I want a proper braai and redpilled wife
gaan shill iewers anders. elke week kom post jy die selfde thread met die selfde ASK ME ANYTHING.
No one gives a shit. If people here want to know what it's like to be a white South African. They can just google the economy from 1994-2017
u look kinda cute. but not bright to put you face and name out there in the cesspit of the internet. just saying
Yes. Ancient Greeks were light skinned and had light eyes. Just like the Aryan Alexander the Great
What's a good Twitter account that posts regular news about the white genocide or racial attack news?
Some larping faggot who wants you's.
>one drop rule
Well Alexander the Great had dark hair one black and one blue eye and he still remains the greatest General.
Africa is for BLACKS only
You do understand that the Bantu are not from South Africa either
>making fun of anyone for skin color
Astra!!! hoekom post jy elke week die selfde "I'm a white South African" shit tier threads on Sup Forums
Plenty of white South Africans here and no one really needs to know how South Africa is now and what it's like being a white South African. They can just google it.
Het jy nie beter dinge om te doen op 'n Saterdag aand met jou normie lewe nie?
>mfw every single boer gets raped and killed
>Yes. Ancient Greeks were light skinned and had light eyes. Just like the Aryan Alexander the Great
Alexander the great had heterochromia and dark hair.
Okay guys you heard him, call the WHO no more medicine for Africa.
Did she just leave this thread?
I wanted to ask a simple question, opinion on slavs?
btw u do know how to cook and clean right?
I am Brazilian, can I stay?
Nice name, Astra. Come here more often to raise awareness to farm attacks.
I dont use twitter m8 sorry. But read up on farm murders, check out orania, the AWB, VFF+ etc.. you'll get plenty of news. I believe the AWBs website posts news a good deal also. Aside from that you'll have to just stick to Sup Forums and related shit. Or just get some saffer boys to bullshit with, which I highly recommended. Afrikaners are based af. Just stay away from the souties.
volkstaat when boerbro's, I'd move there in a heart beat. Also is it just me or are most of the guys pretty short compared to americans?
BLACKS can make a country do not need no wh*Te there
will there be a witcher 4
and is cyber punk ded?
Gaan terug joodbook toe hoerkind.
Why do you live in SA and not the US?
stem saam. sy kom elke week hierna toe en post die selfde thread. sy is most likely 'n reddit of facebook shill. fokken normies
Fuck, I've just read that this thread is for slavs as well. Sorry, drank too much vodka, it's saturday.
>Witcher 4
Not likely, there was some talking about a spin off game in the same realm, but Geralt story was a trilogy.
>Cyberpunk dead
I hope not, there seems to be some turnoil in CD Projekt, I hope that my home boys pull trough.
... And north African immigrants.
She's a dumb third worlder who never went to school and her IQ is equal with the IQ of the chimps who live around there. So its pointless to open a conversation with a monkey.
She doesn't even know the basics.
Alexander who married the princess of Persia was Aryan muahahahahhaha
Alexander the great was a slav, now kindly fuck off, white people are talking.
I'll believe it when I see it boy.
>I hope that my home boys pull trough
me too bro
they are the only based devs out there
I like to chat with overseas white people. Why are you stalking me on my thread? Don't you have a life?
Alexander the great was a brazilian
timestamp now
Jy ken die reƫls hoerkind.
Wys jou tiete of fokkof.
grade A bait in the trash it goes
saged and fucked
Is it really as bad there as people say? If so why not move to America?
Yes. And north African moors too.
You are not white. Get out
My wife less an American exchange student living in Durban in 1985. She said it was beautiful and no problems with kaffars. How is Durban today?
>Alexander the great was a slav
Nice try slavic monkey, but you will never become Greeks.
>I like to chat with overseas white people.
why not use omegle or chatroulette. why Sup Forums ? serius question btw. not that many people go to this part of the interwebs to "chat", especially not women
You're a fucking eggplant m8.
You are jealous of Rome.
America refuses to grant us refugee status. Please make President Donald Trump aware of us, please