Where were you when science proved whites are sissy fags? Sup Forums BTFO

Where were you when science proved whites are sissy fags? Sup Forums BTFO.

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Then why are blacks twice as likely to be trannies?

white men are the most masculine of all races,you cannot disprove this

>tfw pale as milk

>only tops
jfc. the state of (((science)))

I love it when they take this sort of fact and then turn it around to suite their agenda, but at the same time go on about toxic masculinity which is obviously something that arises from higher testosterone

higher testosterone also leads to impulsiveness and greater propensity for violence

sounds like black people to me

It has been already known by everyone that white """man""" is inferior compared to BLACK man. Now it's just scientifically proven.

The wh*Te """""man"""""" is the epitome of male weakness and emasculation.

Let's start by looking at his body. His body is small. Because of his feeble size he has to point himself out to make his presence known. He is effiminate, as a result of his low levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of weakness and unhealtiness. He is then covered by his pink skin. This fair skin reminds us of his weakness, a feature that developed due to being artifically created by Yakub. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The pink skin reminds us of our feminine, sissy desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The wh*Te """"""man"""""""'s demeanor is one of betaness. He is effiminate, sissy, and can be very coward . His behaviour makes other races of man burst into laughter.

The summit of expression of his femininity on his body is his penis. The wh*Te penis is smallest of all the races. As the penis is the ultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the wh*Te man the most effeminate of men. This tiny penis is not able to fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, hence women usually choose BLACK men instead. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the ineffective wh*Te seed will not enter the womb of the woman wh*Te """""""man""""" fucks, hence he can't impregnate.

In total, the wh*Te """"""man"""""" expresses this femininity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his impotence upon his partner without any restraint.

All this is the reason why the wh*Te """"""""man""""""""" is the epitome of weakness.

post disregarded


>1 post by this Id


No that's not me. If you want my picture check out your mothers phone.

This is why you're getting outbred by niggers and arabs and the west is so feminized? Because white men are more masculine?

right nigga, maybe you should post some more blackened.

Why would his mother take pictures of roaches?

>the butthurt anti-white roach is back
Nigger music will never compare to British rock.


Because jews have given resources to feminist groups that have literally grown like cancer in industries, it isn't just in the west either.

"getting outbred" is a fucking retarded argument, the planet should be lowering population , not increasing , though unfortunately you'd need an IQ to understand that, i suppose it's extremely masculine to be retarded enough to knock up all the girls you go out with.

Wait a second... I thought the only difference in all of us was the color of our skin and nothing else?

BLACK music: 3.1 billion views
british rock music: 805 k views (i filtered the search result by the most watched btw)
it is clear which one is more superior. as it is in everything else, BLACKS are superior to wh*Te subhumans in music.

theres a white guy in the first song you subhuman roach


Did you just take a picture of yourself jew boy?

Lol , okay now compare overall how many views white people have in the top 10 viewed music videos compared to blacks , logic.

Is that nigger supposed to be impressive lol?
That's achievable in 1.5 years lifting tops
Looks like 15.5 inch arms lmao
Don't get me started on those toothpick legs

wh*Tes are subhumans.
No point arguing with salt-right retards on the internet, when they don't have the balls to say it in real life.

I'm happy seeing Europe get blacked.
Based Merkel and based Juncker.

This is the ideal Turk body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

>wh*Tes are subhumans
Yet they dominated every other race for centuries.

remember this muhammad

The only place melanin belongs is in your brain and guts, not your skin Tyrone. We can farm for Vitamin D, we don't need the sun to give us cancer, dumbass.


Sometimes, I wonder why I browse this board.

>Turk and blmnigger both show up
like clockwork

ahmed, get off the computer

>capable of fighting off disease

Apparently except ebola.
And sickle cell.
And STDs.
And heart disease.
And being a nigger.


>mature faster
>die younger
but black don't crack amirite? Fuck off turkroach.

I'm not surprised. Women are whiter than men in all races. The difference in nordics is tiny, though. It's hard for the women to be lighter than men, when the men are already snow white.