what do we do about the nu male problem?
What do we do about the nu male problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
>he gets laid and you don't
why do you have to "do" anything? are you having problems being a numale?
hanging yourself would be a great start
literally who
You go find a good woman and have kids with her. You then raise them to be men. They will out-compete the beta-cucks.
He's not getting laid outside of pity maintenance fucks. She's getting his beta bux while getting another guys alpha fucks.
It's Wayne static's non gender binary cousin
>this amount of denial
Tell yourself whatever you want, virgin.
he's got a full head of beautiful hair and can grow a beard. prob got a 10 inch cock for his qt too.
give them a stern talking to
You disagree that women will hitch their wagon to a pathetic man for financial security while fucking real men behind his back? Hell, doesn't need to be behind his back, these sorts will sit in the corner and weep and beat it while watching.
We're just gonna kill 'em.
Sort them out if they won't sort themselves
(1) I know women and limp-wristed men
speak for yourself faggot
Most won't breed. So they should die off in a generation or two. Or at least the women they impregnate will realize how beta they are and that will result in single moms raising more numales. Hmm
RIP Wayne
I was talking to OP, but if the shoe fits...
I know three personally. One is actually successfull. Rest assured, they will never ever breed. It's a silly evolutionary deadend.
Bellum Romanum.
cuck porn isn't reality, but you don't know that considering you've probably watched it and fantasized about it so much you can't tell the difference.
his beard is absolutely shit though desu
Mandatory testosterone injections until their balls drop.
I didn't know you had published research on this, can you post it here?
kill da whites
but seriously white people have dangerously low testosterone levels, pump iron.
Do we need this garbage thread every day?
I believe that the technique Col. Cooper popularized is the correct one. It's so simple that you could teach a child to do it and it produces effective results each and every time. It consists of two to the chest and one to the head.
I don't doubt that at all, but if you begin to think that every woman is going to act like that then you are the problem and not them. Chances are you have judged a good woman badly in the past and will do so again in the future, enjoy being alone.
>you need to be a passive aggressive, spiteful numale to get some mediocre STD-ridden pussy
Nah I'll pass
It's only fitting this guy is canadian
I don't think all women act like this. I have a good relationship with the women in my life. I am only commenting on a specific subset of women.
Jimmy nu-tron
This is so gay. These are the people writing for Jezebel and buzzfeed
Top kek
Cut the beards.
im just going to leave this here
Control fashion.
Make looking like a man from a cartoon unacceptable.
‘Who controls the fashion controls the future"
>You then raise them to be men.
>Only have daughters
Well, it's 2017, girls. Have fun at football practice!
>all daughters
That would be my luck.
That said. I did play football with a few girls up until jr high. Dykes.
I thought Wayne Static died?
I don't quite understand why, but look at this kid makes me angry.
*mods your reddit*
>tfw look like a nu-male
I've had glasses since I was 10, man. I don't want to get contacts.
lmao that beard
this is ylyl worthy pic
>black kids get clean, minty fresh and less shitty candy
Why are white people such cucks?
>Adam ruins white culture
Wasn't he begging for money for her at some point? I forget the details, but there was some medical condition?
I meant
hahahahaha this soy boy
No he doesn't
This extra beta male is being used by this bitch for his "fame" and his looks
She may let him kiss her on the cheek but that is it
Don't be mistaken
He's beyond friend zoned
He's just zoned
She had a nasty fucking cavity mouth 2 or so years ago so he e-begged to fix her unforgivable condition brought on by poor diet and poor dental hygiene
same as we always do
>it's disappointment and false advertisement: the game
poetry, figures these kind of cucks would be behind that abortion
let the time kill them all ,they wont will sons aniway
nu males, bugmen, and soy boys are genetically weaker than the average male and as such they reproduce fewer children on average and their offspring have tiny weak bodies and minds like they do, so overtime their bloodlines and genetics will die out.
Meanwhile my Mormon wife and I are having 8 German Irish children and Muhammad (even with a sub IQ) is having 8 with multiple wives. Historians could look back on this era and marvel at the differences in perspectives.