..and Greek people?
My friend from Crete (Greek island) thinks it's fucked economically, but still has a strong culture. She also claims that they have a pseudo communist government under Alexis Trespass.
..and Greek people?
My friend from Crete (Greek island) thinks it's fucked economically, but still has a strong culture. She also claims that they have a pseudo communist government under Alexis Trespass.
Love them, but there aren't so many English teaching jobs in Greece unfortunately.
I have a thing for Eastern women, idk what to tell you
Greece is the portugal of europe
>Eastern women, i
Aren't you referring to arabs?
Greek culture is resentment of Turkish economic success.
Greek economic management makes Somalia look stable.
No one ITT is going to sex the thot OP posted to get views. Average Greek women are average though due to poverty you could try the mailorder thotbride method.
>t. asshurt shitbanian
Why do globalists get so triggered by Eastern Euros who don't buy into their self hating bullshit?
P.S. I could bleach any children I had with a woman like that back to Hellenic features and there is literally nothing you could do about it.
that's top .0001% of Greeks
barbaroi tbqh
It's amazing to realize that they had the highest GDP in the world at one point. No one has fallen harder than the Greeks.
>What does Sup Forums think of Greece? ...and Greek people?
I don't.
I don't know what you're on about, lad.
You said eastern women so I assumed you meant arabs or Persians. Of you're talking about slav women then eastern Poland, Belarus and western Russia us more your thing. Same with Serbia etc.
>Inventors of European Civilization.
>Based and Orthodox.
One of the best peoples in Europe.
Greeks are turkroaches LARPing as Europeans.
that's 7/10 in a good day
kek, this mart sharter thinks he's funny. Our downfall can be easily explained: we had arabs and t*rkroaches on our eastern borders and traitorous faggots on our western borders. Fuck you all tbη fαm
this is an immigrant in america
inferiority complex and jealous of Greeks
You won't, because you'll be Brazil 2.0 and then the next South Africa within the next half a century.
>le 60%
>le 56%
>le 53%
Times ticking
she doesnt even look Greek you flag hiding shitskin
stupid trash post
american flag after all
its otherwise you shitskin
People from Crete are retarded.
Greeks are he only people who dont lie in this list
though germans work least after the dutch
stay butthurt grease
dutch are retarded
My dad was greek, adopted as a child by my American family and brought over to America. We visited Greece a few times in the early 2000s. It was comfy then. Dunno about now.
its op you stupid subhuman
>usa is only 37% white
>most powerful nation on earth
Lazy fucks, like all the other Mediterranean countries. Their economy is a big pile of shit, they invested like retards in a lot of bullshit, without any return.
And you can't drop the fucking toilet paper in their toilets, even if you're on a FUCKING SHIP of theirs.
>t.grease expat living in germanistan
Greeks are the hardest working Europeans on the planet.
you flag hiding shitskin
What do her feet look like?
im native you flag hiding shitskin
This is objectively false: Greeks 2042 hours /year ranking 4th -- Germans 1371 hours /year ranking 38th
sauce: telegraph.co.uk
Trustworthy is absolutely subjective though, there isn't a reliable quantifying metric for trustworthyness. Still, they are corrupt as fuck (Siemens, VW group etc) but they have engineered corruption to a corporate scale, that's why they can do it and hide it so well
Not at all. this 'no u' bullshit doesn't apply.
She's Mexican, seen her before.
you don't know what productivity is, apparently.
>this 'no u' bullshit doesn't apply.
but you are subhumans by definition
albanian cockroach
You're American larping as white
You're Albanian larping as Bavarian
I'm only 1/4 Italian though. the rest is pure Bavarian phenotype
>thread about Greece
>que the asshurt albocuck that cleans stairs in russia
You must have no life at all Alia. Just end it all
dutch subhuman makes more money on a computer and it counts as more productive
we are the opposite of subhumans, retard. tall, white and high IQ.
flag hiding shitskin
Best people and eternal defenders of europe
>hardworking = productivity
Are you naturally stupid or just high in quality Greek weed from Kalamata?
check the definition of subhuman
you subhuman
you failed to mention that you are ugly and boring bitches
bant-less autistic Teuton with no sense of humor
Why do Greeks assume Albanians hate them? Albanians love Greece, especially the southern Orthodox Albanians. All the Greek restaurants here in Queens have Albanian workers. I've also never met an Albanian who doesn't enjoy Greek music and food.
you have no idea what you're talking about. you're a complete idiot so don't talk to me anymore.
USA is one of the most cucked nations on the planet alongside Sweden, Russia, and Germany.
Countries like Poland, Lithuania, Ireland, Hungary, and Portugal will exist way longer that you cucks will.
i wasnt trying to be funny
this board is just americans and diaspora shitskins hiding flags
because albanians are very manipulative subhumans
they are also stupid
I had a greek gf once, the food was good, but she wouldn't let me fuck her in the ass which I always found strange considering her people invented it.
read you dutch subhuman
>i wasnt trying to be funny
No need to be redundant, I knew this by your flag.
You literally prove that you're shit, because it's all about productivity.
you should have eaten her ass first a few times, that'll get her into it
t. anal connoisseur
thats good though
we do the same job in half the time you mongs take for it. do you understand that at least? there are reasons why your country has always failed economically and that's one of them.
Seems legit, my good friend.
Why would you put your tounge /pee pee in there
>we do the same job in half the time you mongs take for it
prove it shitskin
you germ roaches just keep others down since centuries and were breeding like rats
Because they do. They envy the prosperity we had because we were not behind the iron curtain like them. They enjoy Greek music and food because they have virtually no culture of their own due to communism. And be warned: albanians are the niggers of our continent, any mannerisms and behaviors you would expect from actual niggers, you should expect it from them as well. They are barely smarter than niggers and just as violent, as they have killed time and time again for petty sums of money during muggings (for less than $3 for fucks sake).
i never roleplayed a german
you are the manipulative shitskin hiding your flag and wrote his before
That's how the world works, deal with it.
Nah they just hate whatever scum villainy Albania has been sending past the border for the past 100 years. Also they have a general dislike for muslims. Obviously it doesn't apply to the whole country, it's just a significant portion of their population that is bitter as fuck for no reason. I have Albanian friends and they're nothing like this Russian fuck and those thug balkan bastards.
Before Ottoman empire and the whole northern Epirus fiasco Albania and Greece were like the bestest of buddies.
I know a greek family, mostly daughters, and the women all seem to have a remarkable vitality. I have also noticed their hair seems a bit dry and stringy
You imbeciles cannot grasp the meaning of a simple fucking word?
hard-working =/= productivity
efficiency = productivity, you fucking discolored niggers
you are a flag hiding shitskin and jealous of Greeks
this whole thread is full of your kind
shitskins in america and others hiding their flags
You sure are obsessed with grease an awful lot for a "native German"
I'm sure their is no way you're a mulatto larping on the internet due to his own inadequacies, right?
I had this qt Greek Cypriot teacher who fooled around with me in school now I'm hopelessly attracted to wog women.
A fake country
Arvanites made modern Greece
Your national costume has Albanian origins
>"native German"
where did i pretend to be german you manipulative shitskin?
show me that post
For the moment, Greeks are pretty based, christian orthodox is the state religion, they don't like mudslimes nor nigger for many, girls are cute
use another word you anglo subhuman
I'm trying to explain to you that it doesn't matter if you work a lot if you're not being productive. which is the case.
its not
you flag hiding subhuman
they didnt you flag hiding shitskin
never liked that costume
You're an Albanian larping as Russian.
you are just mad that you are lazy subhumans you shitskin
Sure thing alia, because shitania was the cultural power-house of the region. You would be sad if you weren't hillarious
Can you translate the surname of "your" national hero in your meme language?
> Καστριώτης = he who hails from the castle
smelly k*rdspawn
You are a Russian larping as an albanian
Romans and Greeks settled here before the Germanic invaders destroyed the natives.
Greeks came in contact with the Germanic savages in the 4th century B.C.
They've been useless and doing nothing but making guttural noises and smelling like shit for 2,000 years so
I am a Greek
>Loves the English language,a sizeable percentage which are loanwords from Greek.
>Understands that philosophers like Plato,Aristotle,and Socrates laid the foundations of modern Western society.
>Understands that dudes like Archimedes and Euclid were key in the development of mathematics
>Likes the Olympic games (the modern ones and not the ancient ones where dudes competed in their birthday suits)
>Likes gyros
>Never had a bad dealing with a Greek person in my recollection
I don't mind Greeks at all.
thats wrong you shitskin
And i am trying to explain to you that the chart in question was about H A R D W O R K I N G, not efficient.
I never said that hardworking = efficient. But efficiency wasn't part of the fucking chart in question. Capische?
Γεια σου, αν βγεις από την kρίση
if you are so hard working, then how comes your economy is so shit?
My family is literally all from north Italy and southern Germany.
Hello cousin. Stop being so butthurt. And stop larping as a Greek. You are living in Germany, you are German.
In 1821 Albanian christians rebel against
Turks, throughout Europe the word goes that Hellenes are at last fighting for freedom, realizing that Europe will help restore “ancient Greek” they just go with it and start to Larp
ask that to child workers in india
stupid subhuman
I live in Greece.