Who is the closest to the original white race?

Which Indo-European population is closest to the original white race?

Also, what was our original homeland?

I'm thinking it's Slavs, specifically those you would find in Poland and Belarus. Probably the closest to the original European stock, and with the least amount of admixture.

What do you guys think?

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The Space Elves. They landed on earth when we were just Neanderthals.

The jews


Without a doubt Norwegians and Anglos

The Finnish master race. We even speak quenya

unironically Persians.

Persians are extinct

The oldest defined pre indo European population are the Basque but they look pretty ethnically Spanish to me

other than them who knows. I presume they would have mixed up with the Info European migrant waves.. it's been tens of thousands of years

I've wondered if we might not be admixed with aliens before, since we're the only race that has naturally varying hair and eye color. It seems different from the rest of the terrestrial population.

On the other hand, the Bible talks about angels mixing with humans.

Concrete answers aren't forthcoming, but it's interesting to speculate on.

Except for the Mongoloid admixture in their gene pool.

I'm thinking that Basques are related to Berbers and Ainu. They are caucasoid and in many cases physically indistinguishable from us, but certainly don't have indo-European origins.


Whiteness originated around the Baltic when sea levels were lower. So scandis, north Germans, Baltic states

the original split was between the R1a slavs and R1b Western Europeans around the LGM. Until the bronze age R1a were only in the pontic steppe region in the Ukraine, while R1b pushed into the caucuses, anatolia, the levant and north africa while the sahara was still savannah and could support cattle. During the bronze age, the R1a population exploded and they conquered northern india and iran but were absorbed by the natives, but they also pushed into stone age europe and colonized as far as the oder river in germany. these are the present day northern slavs. the R1b population began raiding up the danube during the the chalcolithic and then during the bronze age colonized all of western europe.

so the most genetically pure examples would be those who have not formed subclades and are still the basic R1a or R1b y-dna haplogroups. My best guess is that ukranians or at least some subgroups in that area probably have the original R1a clades and that isolated tribes in the caucuses and anatolia such as possibly the Yazidi have the original R1b clades

So it looks like you're also thinking northern Slavs.

I'm thinking that the Aryans who brought Hinduism to India were indistinguishable from the Slavs, and I would speculate the same for the original Persians and Greeks. It's admixture from other groups which made them different. MENA admixture in Greece, Arabic Admixture in Persia from the Pisslamic conquest, and of course Dravidian admixture in the Indian population.

North of the caucuses. The Sami are native whites who lived NORTH of the ice shelf over 20,000 yrs ago. Their cousins went west and lived here (pic related). "White" is a neadrathal trait, if you have blue eyes, that gene is about 70% neander. There was the southern migration "cromagnon man" and the northern neanders who had a shyness gene (this is your aspergers fight or flight response).
That help?

The Sarmatian genes in Poles are, not the Slavic ones

But yes you are correct

>I'm thinking that the Aryans who brought Hinduism to India were indistinguishable from the Slavs, and I would speculate the same for the original Persians and Greeks
Correct that the "Aryans" who conquered India and Persia were R1a same as Northern Slavs. Incorrect about Greece. The R1b clade pushed out of anatolia and up the danube on their way to western europe during the chalcolithic. so the "Dorians" would have been R1b

"I'm white and so's my wife!"

Man, the Finno-Korean Hyperwar sure did a number on these guys...

shut up big nose

>I'm thinking it's Slavs, specifically those you would find in Poland and Belarus

>that sweet, sweet feel when you dropped your asian girlfriend for a catholic polish girl

Icelandic - a mixture of Scandinavian men and Irish women

Greeks,Assyrians and Persians

Basque are not un-mixed with indo europeans, they are just less mixed.

Resettlement of white tribes around the area - Russians-Prussians and later Scandinavians-Vikings was done from central Europe.

IDK about west and south situation. Just the fact, that arabs genocided everyone in north africa after Rome destroyed Carthagen and Hunnic "rome" "catholics" fucked with late Roman Empire.

People... you dont have to guess at this. Look at my above post, and read some science.
Also, the user pointing out r1a and b is dead on. This is where the story was hidden from us.

Honestly this
I miss the Martian circadian rhythm threads

I'm thinking it's somewhere close around in Iberia. Before the ice age I mean. After it ended they probably moved north.


Conan the barbarian came from prehistoric Ireland, or Cimeria.

>the original white race

There is no such thing, Europeans always had considerable genetic differences.

>Thinks Basque are Ainu
Are you literally retarded or pretending?

Somewhat relevant.

Basques are, like most Spaniards, mixed from pre-IE founder groups and IE Invaders. Because of geographic isolation, a couple communities maintained pre-IE cultural practices and the idea of larping as super old indigenous Europeans became popular in the otherwise ordinary Basque county. A couple of 19th century linguists actually took the role-play so seriously they tried to "revive" the old "Basque language" they speak there today. It's actually Sardinians that have the smallest amount of Yamnaya admixture I believe.

Did you drop her because of race or did you drop her because you had to drop her?

Finns are Altaic, they are not even indo-european

Bro that was just a fantasy novel

Assyrians are Semitic.

Not everyone. The Coptic population is the contiguous remnant of the original Egyptian population. Also, you can still see some native elements in Morocco and Tunisia where you have Berbers that speak their original language.

But generally, yes, they did jack over the region and damage the gene pool, perhaps irreparably.

First whites = Corded ware people, so I would say Lithuanians.

>It's actually Sardinians that have the smallest amount of Yamnaya admixture I believe.
Yamna was a proto-indo european cultue probably more closely related to R1a Northern Slavs than R1b Western Europeans. Sardinians, sicily, southern italy and greece are majority J1 semitic

This chart is great
What's your ancestry, generally?

Basque, Alsace, and other mountainous regions with a "mysterious" origins are descendent from Doggerland. When the land bridge crashed, those caught on the continent built those societies.

>Assyrians are Semitic.
correct Assyrians are semitic, and only the indo european ruling class of persians are indo european, the majority are semitic. Greeks are also majority semitic, but Greek culture was dominated by indo european conquerors

>Sardinians, sicily, southern italy and greece are majority J1 semitic
is it so hard for you mexicans not to talk out of your ass?

What's hard for you to follow, Ancap? I think it's possible Basques and Ainu are related, and there is certainly no shortage of speculation on the matter.



The theory is that there were transarctic migrations in the ancient past (highly plausible) when the northern climate was more amenable. I won't go into all the details, but it's possible that both groups broke away from a common ancestor and became isolated as the climate changed.

my mistake, J2 semitic. J1 is the middle east. J2 is levantine and mediterranian, although I do see that sardinia has a large population of I2 stone age europeans, I was not aware of that, so you are more closely related to the southern slavs than to italians or sicilians

Yes basically. Original homeland was Ukraine or slightly east.

Might the semitic DNA in the Greek gene pool be a result of being occupied by the Turks for so long?

>Probably the closest to the original European stock
Didn't they arrive in Europe during the collapse of the western Roman empire tho?


are you joking? Ainu are a mongoloid race. Any caucasian looking Ainu are mixed with slavs.

Russia exiled tens of thousands of eastern europeans into ainu lands.

>J2 semitic
so were bronze age Greeks semitic?
I ask again, are you compelled to talk out of your ass or is it some kind of condition?
and Y-DNA haplogroups have fuck all to do with genetic proximity
for that matter Sardinians major Y-DNA is also closest to Scandinavian hunter gatherers than I1 is since the latter are nowhere to be seen in pre-neolithic Europe


I am a geneologist. Without a doubt the oldest genes in the world are found in south slavs. They are a mix of the old slavic and old greek blood.

It is the purest bloodline in Europe.

Comfy pic

got more?



The Dutch.

>Which Indo-European population is closest to the original white race?
>Thinking it's Indo-Europeans

>not R1b
The vast majority of samples we have suggest otherwise.

The original Ainu were not Mongoloid. Today many of the people who self idenfity as Ainu appear Mongoloid because of race-mixing (similarly there are many registered "Native Americans" in the US who appear white". If you look at the older photos of Ainu from the early 1900's and late 1800's they have a more caucasoid look, and I'm talking about the photos of Ainu from Japan, not Sakhalin.

I think it was the Emperor Chin who started the genocide that eventually drove these people out.

Amerimutt, of course. Anglo/Frankish/Frisian/Irish.

I didn't know the Vaegirs had Mammoths.

Found this stuff doing searches for "Hyperborea."

>majority J1 semitic
lol, stop spreading disinfo

search Ancient North Eurasian