I thought black people were heartless savages with no humanity.
How do you explain this image Sup Forums?
I thought black people were heartless savages with no humanity.
How do you explain this image Sup Forums?
I guess they take care of their own.
We also said they're very relatable to gorillas
That's honestly the sweetest, saddest thing I've seen all week. That dude is a park ranger and an endangered gorilla. Pour little tyke knows he's one of the last of his kind and his mom's dead.
What is the gorilla touching?
In-group preference, what people have been saying all along.
why can't we take in Gorilla refuges instead shitskin mudslimes?
His mom died that day too
they had to shut down the comments because of too many "racist comments" ahahahahah you fuckers
There are good negros too.
"I only see two gorillas"
Animals too can feel sad for losing their mom, that doesn't make them human.
>hey guys, this one example of someone doing something negates everything about everyone of that race
I swear to god, leafs are all clinically retarded.
Aww, comforting his brother after their mom died.
The nigger is thinking 'ooga booga where da white wimmin at
The gorilla is thinking 'ooga booga where da banana at'
I always said, that negroes are pretty dumb, but they are extremely good friends.
For instance Anglo or their Jew butlers are white, but they are unsufferable, vindictive, greedy crooks, that have no concept of gratitude.
Just give a negro full family and allow him to act white.
It seems to be locked because of these jokes.
Where's the father?
hes a good father
the average american
>good friends
>would throw you under the bus the moment he has to chose between tribe and companion
Of course he was sad, that was his mother too
Well, he just calms down his brother.What's so confusing about it.
All power to him. I don't want him to be an astronaut in my continent, though.
has there ever been a popular thread on reddit that didn't get censored in any way?
Which one was the gorilla?
He probably killed the mother.
Way to poorly make the most obvious joke in existance
ok america
i have no problem being closely related to either of them
as for these fucks:
i hope their mothers die in their sleep tonight so they can suck eachothers tiny cocks for comfort as the bitches they are
i honestly mean this
Granted, that is a lowland gorilla, but Dian Fossey wouldn't allow niggers anywhere near her mountain gorillas. The poachers were black and the apes freaked out when they saw nogs.
Something fishy with this story
There are exceptions even among the most savage people.
funny hearthful american compare black people to gorilla! Funn!
C'mon guys enough with the jokes. He was even nice enough to give the gorilla his shirt and pants.
ow so edgy
Top of the bell curve.
You're alright, leaf
You're alright.
came here to post this, kek
A nigger will work any angle they can to try and get that dick wet..........
family matters
>How do you explain this image Sup Forums?
That's his sister dumb ass; it was his mom too.
I see you've sharpened your edge
How did the man’s mother die?
Also, why do they call ‘it’ a ‘man’ and then use the correct ‘it’ gender pronoun later in the same sentence?
Its so nice to see a father spending time with his children
>muh dik
Yes, we know your feelings are hurt, Tyrone.
>i have no problem being closely related to either of them
You probably are, which is why you are chimping out right now, chimpy.
sharing 98% dna with the gorilla i find ok, being almost 100% related to a retard like you worries me though
He probably felt bad for raping it to death.
what the article doesn't mention is that it was also the niggers mother
The true reason is because places where gorillas live and are protected draw HUGE amounts of money from tourists. They spend millions each year to see these gorillas in the wild, and its one of the countries major sources of income.
So why niggers? Because they PAY THEM WELL!!! In comparison to most natives that is. These men are paid to follow the troop 24/7 and protect them from poachers. Just like rhinos in Africa. These same people also lead tourists to see the gorillas in the mountains in the wild. That is literally their entire job their whole lives. They are paid well to follow the gorilla troop, try and be considered as one of the troop, protect the troop from nigger poachers, and lead tourists around. That is why those niggers are there. I guess its possible that some do feel emotion, but if you gave that nigger a couple hundred bucks more, he would give that gorilla to the nearest zoo.
>two members of the same species acting familiar with each other
No surprise, really.
please go back to plebbit
what an original response, are you a comedian?
no, i like it here
can confirm.
t. average american
Trust me, nignog, I'd be more worried about your reproductive focused demographic being related to me if there was a chance for it. But there isn't. You aren't related to me at all. I have zero African DNA and I'm rhesus negative. Verified. The out of Africa theory that is actually barely even a hypothesis can suck my dick.
>american education