How can you buy this service without giving your real identity?
How can you buy this service without giving your real identity?
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Not sure.
I've wanted to do genome testing for a while but as far as I know, there are no good/accurate and anonymous services that are under $500.
23andme isn't even accurate and it's a google/government front.
why would you want to give your DNA to (((them))) when they're just going to sell it and use it against you in the future? are you retarded OP?
100.0% white nordic Aryan European -
high risk of inbred retards -
get sterilized, LOLZ
I know, that's why I want to do it in a way that is completely untraceable.
It's tricky because even if you give false info, your payment method is linked to your real identitiy
Because I am a mutt and it would be interesting to see where my DNA comes from. Also, that's they whole purpose of my question; I want to buy it in a way that is untraceable, if possible. That way, even if (((they))) have my DNA, if they can't trace it back to me, it will not affect me
Lie and put down BS information on the form. If you are really paranoid then have it mailed to a friend, or use a mail forwarding service.
Ask your grandfather to make the payment for you.
Learn how to pay using gift card visa, which can be bought using cash.
23andme information goes directly to the NSA not to mention Google's database. This information is permanently stored and will never be purged. You don't want them to have that information. Put your worst enemy's personal information on the form.
Just use a fake name lol
That's what I did
>he said, posting on Sup Forums
you amerimuts are pathetic
Why are you tards so narcisstic to think that the evil (((jews))) are going to use your DNA for nefarious purposes?
Buy the kit at Walgreens with cash. Send it in with a fake name and whatever email account you wish. You'll get your reports.
Why would you even need that test?
Oh yes, because you're american.
Wow. What a cool insult. This is rich coming from someone with probable Mongoloid genes. Meanwhile, your country is utterly irrelevant. And soon you'll be invaded by Russia too.
Insurance companies would find your DNA health data useful to deny you or to fuck you up
You're superior to me but I think you should show some manners on the internet as well.
>try to be anonymous
>give away whole dna but use fake name
who sees the logic flaw?
That's currently illegal and technically impossible. The machines employed by these "ancestry" services only take snippets of your DNA (SNPs) - about 2% of your genetic sequence. It is not currently economically feasible to sequence your whole genome because it costs about $1300 per genome. So this goes back to what I asked earlier: why are you so narcissistic to think that you're worth $1300?
>expect them to keep you anonymous
>when you give them a sample of your fucking dna
>of which you have no idea what they actually do with it
>can easily track you down and put you on the grid
you are a special kind of stupid
>being this obsessed about finding out how white you are...baka
desu I know I am not white, I am just curious if I have weird unexpected shit in my DNA (like black DNA for example)
You can do it anonymously on NatGeo.
Then take the test. I'm hispanic and found a bunch of interesting shit on mine.
2 factor identification sounds prebby secure desu
If you can't trace you're lineage back, I'm sorry. So sorry.
Just a reminder that hapoloautism is not an exact science.
Take it with a grain of salt. But sure it's still interesting
>be too paranoid to tell a company who you are
>sending them your DNA is perfectly fine though
this is the fucking tard logic foil hatters...
You're retarded if you honestly believe they can test ancestry through your saliva. Its a sham to collect a DNA database and churn out a random breakdown.
What will they do with it anyway, clone me? hahah
If they really want it, they can take it from my trash can
It doesn't matter.
The moment you take a 23andme test your DNA is in every government database + corporate databases for eternity, with non-revocable commercial license.
They don't pay that $1300, the state does.
I wonder what makes up that 52%
Why would the state pay $1300 per individual genome sequence right now, in 2017? Genetic counseling/analysis and "CRISPR" DNA modification are years off -- we're easily 2 decades away still from a Gattaca world.
You tin foil people literally aren't well versed on the subjects. If you have a driver's license/national ID, then you should be more concerned about that. Your photo, birth information, and fingerprints are on international databases.
I think when they really want everyone's DNA they will start collecting it in hospitals upon birth.
Stop larping as an American
Its also a question of why would you willingly put that information about yourself. Even if it isn't being used for anything shady now, that could easily change, so why take the risk unless you have to?
Get a sibling to do it
US govt monitors this site you retard, we're all on a list already anyway
>Why would the state pay $1300 per individual genome sequence right now, in 2017?
To identify distribution of genes in subpopulations for ethnic bioweapon purposes.
>If you have a driver's license/national ID, then you should be more concerned about that. Your photo, birth information, and fingerprints are on international databases.
No fingerprints for these here, as of now
btw I took the test myself and found out I'm a good part native american (rest being white)
does that mean my genetic composition is the same as hispanics?
Are you an American? They took my fingerprint when applying for a DL.
If you have an RFID passport ,then anyone can steal your birth information (possibly more, who know's what's on it), without you even knowing.
I mean, if you're really going to be a tinfoil fag about muh privacy, then you're fucked unless you haven't applied for a DL or passport.
>why would you willingly put that information about yourself
I mentioned up above. I was curious about my genetic background because I'm a heterogeneous individual: I have half a dozen European ethnicities, Native, and a little North African. 23andme was very fun, even if it's not too reliable. If you know that you're the product of two potato niggers or whatever, then I concede the 'what's the point/not worth the risk' caution. Even still, I still think your tinfoil fags.
Again, why would Google or the government want MY genetic information in 10 years or whatever. What do you think they're scheming? Are they going to clone you, kidnap you, and replace you, like some invasion of the body snatchers situation?
I just don't get the tinfoiling. I'm just a very carefree person. Not narcissistic in the least
use the ancestry one, mormons are more trustworthy
Looks good
Have you done it?
Is it any good?
How much Native? Are you from the Southwest or from a state that doesn't really have a Hispanic presence? Do you have any family lore of having Injun in the blood?
>Is it any good?
Yes I did it a while back. It's probably the best and most honest one out there.
>Insurance companies would find your DNA health data useful to deny you or to fuck you up
This the correct answer and the reason to avoid ALL of these types of businesses
The company I work for buys and sells data for different types of insurance companies. One of the things Life Insurance companies LOVE is buying data from companies like "23 and Me", or other types of DNA/Ancestry services, because they can use it to figure out if you're lying on your application about genetic/pre-existing conditions to get a lower premium, and then you get blacklisted from the entire industry.
tl;dr they sell every bit of information about you including your DNA
24%. I'm from Minnesota. No Injun lore. Brown eyes, brown hair, always thought I was just white.
If you do this you need to do it under three different testers and different names.
I bet you would get different results from the different facilities
Not if they have no way to tie the data to you
23andMe is not allowed here because they did a huge viral marketing campaign about a year ago and because this is not a political topic. If you want to advertise then buy an ad.
>mestizo master race
As long as you're not Spanish-Native, you're safe.
Fascinating. Well, you shouldn't dwell too much on your new found Injun blood. If you 'pass' for white and grew up white, then it's something you can keep to yourself. Or not. For Chuck Norris, it's a source of pride. Your mixed blood relatives probably kept it to themselves for similar, or even more pressing reasons--it was not good to be Injun back in the day.
Anyway, in regards to your earlier question: no. "Hispanic" is both a shared culture and a shared ancestry. I mean, you can be Hispanic with one and without the other, but it seems like you don't have any ties to Spanish/Latin culture, since you didn't mention it. Being mixed blood is not interchangeable with being Hispanic. I think you're conflating that point.
Your DNA is unique, friend.
Even if you use a fake name, it still means your literal DNA will be stored in an unknown number of data warehouses of faceless corporate entities, and one way or another it will be matched back to you eventually, I can guarantee it
You're an actual, genuine retard if you do this. Don't ever give people you don't know your fucking DNA sample you dumb fucking retards. I mean honestly, how fucking dumb can you be
Can you provide a source for any of that? It sounds highly illegal. HIPPA is serious business, but you're alleging that insurance companies are getting much more than what's on your medical chart?
And like the other user said, at this point in time, it shouldn't be possible to tie it back to you.
And finally, why would you want to buy a life insurance policy anyway? That's literally giving your wife an incentive to kill you. If my employer gives me a policy/subsidizes it, then maybe I'll sign up, other wise, I couldn't care less about voluntarily getting a life insurance policy.
Give them DNA samples from your doggo and watch them say that your dog is part nigger, spic and kike.
Do your two parents separately under fake names.
user Fakename but this is Not user Realname's DNA? Honestly I'm stumped on who this could be. I really want to believe that this is user Fakename... but the DNA evidence is just as important as a name that anyone can write down?
Said this a million times, send in someone else's swab and have them send in yours. Test is done regardless.
I bought one but then I realized they'll own my DNA forever
You can pay for it however you like and they will not know who the kit is for. There is a anonymous option, all they will know is that you likely know the person whose CC you use. U have one I need to send in that is registered to me, I'm not a tin foil fag.
eventually it won't cost $1300
Because they've actually done it before you fucking fagget. While chrichton was doing research on cloning for his jurassic park books he found out that some drug company stole a guy's DNA who had a terminal disease they knew nothing about, patented it, and then used that to create a drug for the cure they sold while they let the guy die and put his widow in massive debt for the ”procedures" he had to undergo while they were stealing it. He literally legally did not own his own DNA.
I bought in in britbongistad over the counter payed with cash
>drug company stole a guy's DNA who had a terminal disease
Are you referring to this guy?
It says personal identity not DNA in that case.
You do realize that they only finished sequencing the human genome in 2003.. way after the time that the Jurassic Park books were written.
>23andme information goes directly to the NSA not to mention Google's database. This information is permanently stored and will never be purged. You don't want them to have that information.
How can you believe this and not also think that samples from visiting your doctor haven't been subjected to the same analysis with the results available to the same people?
This wouldn't be any more underhanded or illegal than stealing the 23andme data, which they contractually agree to keep as private as you choose.
He's obviously not talking about that.
What happens is that, when people seek medical treatment, sometimes their case, including their genetic information, is used to create new treatments. And sometimes, the patients are shocked --shocked!-- that all the intellectual property rights go to the people who created the cure, and none go to the patient who had the disease.
Point is they've done it, are undoubtedly still doing it, and most definitely will continue to do it. Don't be naive.
>>of which you have no idea what they actually do with it
what are they going to do with it? in what way would their having my DNA ever actually affect me?
i cant, they dont ship to brazil
Is there any alternative service, goys?
I'm not naive. But most of your arguments are rather circular and sloppy. You're repeating the same assertions and cautions, but not really providing sound arguments to back them up.
Again. I have to fall back on, why are you so narcissistic as to think that YOUR DNA is valuable and worth stealing? With Obamacare staying, insurance companies can't use your genetic information against you. So I really don't understand why you're raising so many alarm bells. I'm trying to hard to see it. But I just can't.
If some big scary organization wants to know your DNA, there's basically no stopping them. You leave DNA everywhere you go, on most things that you touch. You're shedding it constantly as you lose skin cells and hairs, as you wipe your mouth and urinate and defecate.
If they can get at your garbage, they can get your DNA.
If they control a restaurant you eat at, they can get your DNA.
If they control a hotel you stay at, they can get your DNA.
If they're involved in any of the labs involved in your healthcare, they can get your DNA.
Trying to keep people from getting a sample of your DNA is like trying to keep your face out of their databases.
>your arguments are rather circular and sloppy. You're repeating the same assertions and cautions, but not really providing sound arguments to back them up.
Fucking moron, you're replying to two people saying different things.
There's nothing circular or sloppy about this: This is just how it works: if medical researchers get access to your samples, and they find something in your DNA to patent, they get all of the intellectual property, legally owe you nothing, and of course can still charge you for any derived treatment or diagnostics, and deny it to you if you can't pay. They're the ones who worked and made the discovery. You don't own your DNA, or have any special rights to it.
Right. I'm not a lawyer. I will accept this as true then. So what? What do you want me to do about it?
I've had two biopsies done, had a spinal tap, and hundreds if not thousands of blood tests drawn in my lifetime. I'm pretty sure, if someone, somewhere, wanted my DNA- they have it already.
>I will accept this as true then. So what?
So, you were saying that this stuff doesn't happen, that the guy who was talking about it must have meant some identity theft case. I'm injecting accurate facts into the discussion.
Correct. I don't see how anyone can't see that why make it easier for these companies to get complete samples by just hand it over voluntarily using one of these kits? No shit they can get your DNA if they really wanted to, but why make it easy? It's the same logic people use when securing their home or car by locking it or otherwise putting up as many barriers as possible for them to get in. Lmao at anyone thinks it's for narcissistic reasons. I mean, afterall our DNA should be ours right? Unfortunately that doesn't seem like the case.
Buy it using a prepaid credit card, acquire a po box, submit a fake name
It's not difficult
>why make it easier for these companies to get complete samples by just hand it over voluntarily using one of these kits?
Why do you think it's bad for medical researchers to develop diagnostics and treatments based on your DNA? They're likely to benefit you and your relatives. Besides, patents are only good for about 20 years. After that, it's in the public domain.
This is about like thinking that your surgeon owes you something for the practice he gets by doing your surgery, and the future revenue he derives from that increase in or maintenance of skill.
The fact is, you've provided no evidence to suggest that these companies will behave in bad faith and use your genetic information to your detriment. I think that was the main issue brought up by the cautious crowd. Using past examples of drug companies doing greedy things, is ultimately not surprising. When you sign up for biopsies, or even just sign a release at a hospital, you agree to surrender your DNA materials to the hospital. I know because I've signed these documents. This is a whole another medical/legal issue. I think it's a red herring to the ancestry services. These companies take your spit, analyze 2% of it, run it through computer program that spits out some estimates, and then puts your saliva in storage. This latter part is what the tinfoil fags are concerned about. At this stage, it's entirely conjectural what they're going to do, if anything, with your DNA down the line.
>The fact is, you've provided no evidence to suggest that these companies will behave in bad faith and use your genetic information to your detriment.
Of course I've provided no evidence for a position I haven't taken. Jesus, you're fucking dense.
all these DNA companies are owned by the same umbrella company.
also the CEO is a jew woman who is the sister of the CEO of (((Youtube)))
I'm using a plural you. I don't know what your position is. Don't care what your motives are. All I know is that you started responding to me with a seemingly hostile stance and towing the skeptics' line.
Anyway I grow tired.
Again, before I go, I can only repeat myself. You have to be incredibly conceited to think that your DNA information is worth stealing. I mean, what is your assertion? That there might something valuable in your DNA and you need to protect it from those greedy jews? I don't see how that is not narcissism. You're entitled to your opinion, but people like me can in turn call you tinfoil fags for it.
Alright, done.
I probably shouldn't have done it, but I took the bait.
At least I got to prove I was white though.
>0.8% Balkan
>All I know is that you started responding to me with a seemingly hostile stance and towing the skeptics' line.
You also know that you were saying stupid shit, and I corrected you, but you don't want to focus on that, so you're looking for some way to still feel superior.
Kek, it's literally owned by the Jewish woman who fucky fucky with Sergey Brin, one of the founders of google desu.
Also, it would better to just research your ancestors the old fashioned way.
>he got his fingerprints take for a DL
What cucked state do you live in?
The crichton story is an indicator of how that can be abused. I'm all for them using my DNA to develop cures, just at least ask for my consent or whatever, or acknowledge that you're doing it - not just stealing it and then letting me die. With surgery you at least volunteer for it most of the time. The point was don't trust these guys as far as you can throw them, because if given the opportunity they have historically proven they don't give 2 ducks about doing whatever they want with your shit.
The founder was arrested for molesting children.
Mormons are Zionist perverts
It's not illegal if you consent, and guess what boy-o, you probably consented somewhere in that TOS
>le 99% face
the inferiority complex in americans is astounding, they need a DNA service to check they are in fact 99% white and not feel left out of the NS movement
what is funnier is that asking your grand parents doesnt do shit, cus they are like 10th generations immigrants.
the jews have prospered so much in america because americans are retarded (due to le 56%), they buy this thing and think A) the results are accurate B) their DNA isnt gonna be used at all by the jews
you are too stupid for this world, were it not for the kikes you'd mutt race would have died off long ago, along all other non white subhumans, nature has no need for subhumans (or """""""""white""""""" mutts)
That has to be fixed at a legal level. You can't realistically prevent researchers getting your DNA to experiment on. You can only vote and ask politicians to make laws against patents on naturally-occuring genes, which are facts of science and not inventions at all.
hothoused poorman's gene editing when???
ever see the movie gattaca?
this shit will happen, doesn't matter if its illegal, they're going to do it anyways
>ceo is ex wife of google founder sergey brin
>ceo is sister of current jewtube ceo
Good idea user, give (((them))) your literal dna, what could go wrong
>0.1% African