Is Fight Club the whitest movie ever made?
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In project mayhem we have no race.
Blacks lack emotional sophistication, particularly empathy. There is no need for co-operation and understanding the plight of others when you don't have to work together to survive the winter. In the jungle, you just have to take all you can for yourself. In today's society this is being glorified instead of despised and condemned. A thing you have to remember is that black people in America today are in some cases only a few generations from the actual jungle. They are the descendants of slaves who only understand life in a very primitive way.
I see what you're saying, but
>In the jungle, you just have to take all you can for yourself.
is just not true. Even chimps live in troops. Your assertion about blacks being less empathetic might be true, but if so, I doubt it's a reflection of physiological traits.
David Fincher is a Jewish pedophile. The whitest director in history is Stanley Kubrick.
Very well, but a chimp troop is a far cry from the degree of social sophistication and specialization required to create civilization. All chimps do is fight each other, while we build cathedrals and go to the Moon.
A lot of people misinterpret the film. Pitt's character preaches anti consumerism but wears a $500 jacket. He talks about rejecting conformity but everybody shaves their heads and wears the same thing. Its about 2 things:
Those who are selling an idea usually arent buying it
Even when youre an anticonformist youre a conformist
Shut the fuck up you fuckin' pasty British faggot, or I'm gonna fuckin' roll out there and knock out all those fuckin' teeth and kill you you little cocksuckin' faggot ass bitch.
No, but it is one of the stupidest movies ever made.
>Also Jewish.
that or the driller killer...
A literal based kike
I mean there's definitely some satirical irony. But, I don't think Chuck P is that much of a thinker in the sense that I don't believe that's what the book is about. He wears a $500 jacket (which isn't a lot btw for a leather jacket) because that's what the stylist put on him.
People always try to say Fight Club is mocking the idea of Anarchy, but I don't think the author really even put any thought into that judging by all his other books. I think the anti-corporate anti-capitalist sentiments of the 90's were very real in his mind when writing this and without irony.
I don't think there was a single non-white in Dead Poets Society. Very watchable movie.
> (((Arnon Milchan)))
I disagree with you. Just take a look at the building he lived in - he was not addicted to consumerism. Owning some nice clothes is much different than the obsession Norton displayed in the beginning.
And your statements about conformity are high-school-tier and irrelevant to anything in the story.
Read the book. The story is about reclaiming man's vitality in the society of fatherlessness that killed God.
He was /ourguy/.
I think the problem is with the environment. It's not jungle, it's desert.
who gives a shit about the faggot author?
Sequential digits confirm, I guess.
fuck off
Fight club is the movie for betas. Patrice kinda dislikes whites people in a respectable tribal way so he associates whites being beta.
I cannot recall who it was but the same has been said many decades ago that they lack esprit de corps
This. Subtlety is lost on most chimps. It's why Chinese have no finesse to their theft, why blacks are some confrontational, and why Mexicans just wait until they outnumber you. Only western white idealogy brings forth the lone hero shit. All other culture believe it's because they are the chosen race. Whites believe it because all other races are incompetent of doing anything, and they have to shoulder the burden.
>is 99% white
checks out
>A generation of men raised by women
no, this is
Chimps live in troops to limit inbreeding, the females leave and the males are kin bonded, that is why they work together.
Define white, OP.
Its a movie,much like First Blood or Deathwish,that most nu-males won't understand.
Or at least a generation raised by women won't understand.
It's good, somehow para-fascist, and against the contemporary materialistic world, specially when they start to organize in that fclub group.
with a little bit of identitarian presence and it would be perfect.
no wonder Spengler always looks so upset. The world is going to suck when we're gone
who is patrice?
red pilled ded nig based black man
>lacking empathy
No but a great movie.