>he doesn't have the hairstyle of the romanian chad matyr who's lads hung jews on meat hooks and skinned them alive >he doesn't posses the quiff of the the modern day vlad the impaler of the iron guard space marine chapter
never gonna make it in the polls
Blake Barnes
Brody Robinson
Wtf the meat hook part
Christopher Foster
>Carol met with Hitler shortly before giving the order to kill Codreanu >Codreanu was killed by German Carol on Hitler's orders
Jayden Anderson
Codreanu wasn't a Chad, he was Saint tier.
Anthony Reyes
Wrong Carol granted Hitler an alliance but asked to be free to rule the interior politics as he wanted Hitler answered: regarding internal politics; do what you want
Christian Bennett
>Hitler answered: regarding internal politics; do what you want
Which meant betraying Codreanu. Don't pretend Hitler didn't know about Codreanu.
Julian Ramirez
>he doesn't walk around with this fancy headgear on
Aiden Gomez
Why are non-romanians posting in a codreanu thread
Jackson Wilson
to trigger butthurt proxyfag LARPers like you
Noah Nguyen
>Why are non-Germans posting in Nazi Germany threads
Liam Edwards
What haircut is that
Jordan Howard
Jaxson Thomas
I fucking hate Romanians but Codreanu was awesome
Caleb Cox
it's kind of hard not to like him honestly
Josiah Gutierrez
Yes he was
Noah Lee
What products would you even use for that hair? No matter what I do my hair always turns flat and frizzy when i'm outside. Any Chads willing to help me?
Caleb Jackson
Jewish tears
Ayden Brooks
The blood of jews
Julian Wright
This is the best Romanian.
Lucas Taylor
Go away we having a actual thread
Brandon Hughes
Hello /r/Kaiserreich
>tfw no thick hair >tfw undercut Its been purposefully manipulated as propaganda against the Iron Guard.
Juan Allen
I got Amerindian hair from my great-grandmother who was partly Indian.
I can't cultivate that hairstyle.
Amerindian hair = spiky Asian hair.
Remember, guys: NEVER racemix.
Nicholas Lee
Anybody know name of a haircut that looks like that or should I show my barber this picture of him on my phone
Carson Davis
I am half spic. There must be some abo in my blood because my ugly ass, wire-like hair will not cooperate with any barber in the USA. >have one chance at life >born half spic My greatest great grandfather actually owned slaves though, so that's pretty good.
Luis Jenkins
Yeah probably, Hitler was a shit tier ally I just said that he didn't said "kill him'
Robert Ramirez
he knew about Mosley, but I have yet to come across anything that says he knew about the iron guard
Dylan Martinez
Is he the clerical fascism guy I hear about occasionally?
Andrew Cox
forehead too high, hair too thin
Carter Diaz
>standard bowl cut >flip bangs back >add product >zhoozh
Camden Williams
Antonescu was better
Aaron Wilson
>Cucked by the king
Tyler Scott
>who's lads hung jews on meat hooks and skinned them alive That's kind of fucked up
Owen Parker
> the king >cucked by russian communists meh
Jaxson Phillips
Leave in conditioner. Pomade Sea Salt Spray
Bentley Richardson
Now I can kill jews for Christ and look good! Thanks user!
Alexander Carter
to be fair this was years after his death
Justin Cooper
>Romania >Codreanu >most people that died in ww1 compared to the population in Europe >4th most people that died in ww2 compared to the total population in the whole world goof job Codreanu. Now we all gypsies
Noah Diaz
Still really fucked up.
Michael Lee
What do you mean by leave in conditioner?
David Jenkins
nah they trespassed on his property first
Asher Sanders
Wrong flag m8. Gadsden is just libertarian in general.
Hudson King
cant tread on something if your feet dont touch the ground
Nathaniel Jones
wew lad I am starting to think I am too much of a moralfag for this place, while plain old deportation is apparently too edgy for other places.