Besides politics, does Sup Forums care about the preservation of the wildlife?

Besides politics, does Sup Forums care about the preservation of the wildlife?

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meh, we have their DNA, we have more important things to worry about right now

Of course. A logical conservative also wants to conserve native.


We need to make sure wildlife is around for a long time because some of it tastes good

I mean I was thinking about the Lion of Persia

Majestic but unfortunately hunted and now extinct from all of the Persian region in the 40s

Nice khajiit

thats a big cat...

Biodiversity is codeword for anti human.

What good is an extinct animal?

Sentient life must take precedence.

unless it has black skin, speaks in tongue clicks, sells crack, and eats fried chicken

Cool looking cat

I think the environment is very important, but that doesn't change the fact that "green" politics is a scam.

Much more so than nigger babies and deformed pajeets.

How can you hunt an animal is if it's extinct? We need to keep their populations strong so they can hunted in the future or used as rights of passage for the young when civilization collapses.

Of course it is very Huwhite to care about the preservation of wildlife. No other race gives a shit.

>tfw no pet snow cat

And it's a threatened specie :/

Quite depressing

I say that wildlife preservation is pretty important mainly because of the effects on the entire ecosystem. This video is a pretty good representation of that.

Yes, absolutely.
Honestly, I belong to /out/.
I plan on working for the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife managing Salmonoid (Sea run Cutthroat Trout) in the sound.
The preservation of wildlife is highly important to me.
>I’m not from r/Leftypol

The people who kill the most wildlife are chinks, niggers and poos.
It's nigger-tier to force beautiful animals into extinction.


That's nice user
Imagine beautiful animals extinct to feed 1b chinks and 1b poos :/

Na, fuck animals and plants.
Kill 'em all.

We are not more important than nature you mug.


Depends. We really don't care with all of the invasive species that come in and shit up the environment. We like to appear as caring when it comes to easy things, but we won't eradicate problems because we lack the inventive to do so.

I think mankind should go extinct.

I do, actually. We just have bigger things on our plate.

For sure! i love animals.

Everyone does. Only edgy teens don't regardless of politics.

Here is the US we have bugs killing our beech trees, we already lost the majority of our chestnut, and we have smaller blights hitting oak trees and pines. Habitat destruction by invasive pests which leads to destruction of animals which live in them.

Zimbabweans literally sell their wildlife.

i'm for a very strict regulation of african population

Only autists would want to live on a dead planet.

It kind of goes arm and arm with gun ownership.

Sure. I don't see any reason to dodo any more species. Ecosystems are fragile things though, so too much intervention can have a negative impact as well. On the other side of that coin, some preservation efforts are a waste of time and money. The giant panda is a great example of this. No amount of money, or effort will save them. Nature has slated them to die, and we are dragging it out.

no, fuck animals

I own a wolfdog hybrid. Good hunting companion. I intentionally shoot deer in their legs or rump so they're slow enough to be caught on foot. I let my dog loose and he rips their throats out. Primal. Good feeling hunting with my friend.

Pic related, bitch magnet. Hotties always want to touch him. One day I'll find someone on craigslist who wants to get savagely fucked by him as well. It'll be neat.

Furries yiff in hell though, seriously fuck all of you autistic retards.

yes, i love animals more than most humans

Anyway, I remember a documentary, and it basically showed how chinks and mestizos were hunting on shark sanctuaries and forced several species into near extinction. I remember because the guy who made it was a Canadian diver I think, and he died recently (last year) from a diving accident. I forget the name of it, though.

Really makes you think.

i care about the 4types of lynx

It is really important to preserve tje wildlife.

Animals are cute and I like them.

fuck you sandnigger

Mankind as a whole is shit. NW-C Europeans descend from barbarians who are no better than niggers, hence why you're called "snow niggers". You're not that different from niggers.


>If we had thicker skin; they would have been domesticated more already.

I disagree for no reason
Checkmate atheists

Sure doesn't.



I care more about endangered cats than most continents on earth.

Barbary pirates are Africans. Barbarians aren't European.

>buy a dog from a breeder
>torture and kill animals in your free time
Nice one Cletus.
>inb4 muh deer population
end yourself subhuman

Of course. We ain't runnin' out of niggers.

>buying meat from a supermarket instead of hunting your own

Sucks to be you. I'm in the Hudson Valley of New York, flyover-land must he an awful place to live. I thought middle america fatties LOVED huntin' and muddin'.

Europeans engage in a lot of animal abuse too. Whaling, seal clubbing, factory farming, etc. Indifference towards the suffering of animals is something prevalent amongst all of mankind. You don't have the moral high-ground, faggot. You cannot selectively choose to ignore certain evidence in favor of others.

and you don't even have to leash her. well behaved companion.

>buying meat

yes, I volunteer my time doing native planting and revegetation. Find a local group you can support with time or money.

I preserve wildlife with my smoker.

tell that to an extinction level event.
We are the only chance the Rhino has to outlive the sun burning out.

Humans are awful. Humanizing animals is cruelty. Dressing dogs in costumes is abuse. Babying a cat or bird is abuse. Dogs understand one language, and that's violence. I beat the living FUCK out of my dog when he steps out of line. He knows his place and when he's crossed a line. He loves hunting though. Seeing him in his natural element is freeing. Must be liberating for him.

These little guys are not filling, but incredibly tasty. Very nutty flavor.

As a hunter/fisher, we do more than any kind of group like fucking PETA.

>Lifetime member of Mule Deer Foundation
>Lifetime member of Ducks Unlimited
>Lifetime member of Pheasants Forever

Fishing and trapping is great here as well. So much delicious free food literally everywhere. Hunting is great.

Yes. The best way to preserve wildlife is to get rid of most of the populations of Africa and Asia, so it coincides with most of Sup Forums's goals.


wouldn't it be interesting if let say for some reason i'm not gonna get into in this post that somehow there were little to no humans in africa.
Then we could create a giant animal park.

Dogs do not descend from wolves, and beating dogs in order to show you are "alpha" is not how they see the world, you degenerate hick. Look at Ian Dunbar's positive reinforcement training:

Using the clicker and treats is how you train dogs, not beating like the "alpha roll". You are no different than a nigger. Beating your dog makes you a piece of shit.

yes, especially humans

Speaking sense, m80.

Every dollar spent on preserving the wildlife is a dollar not spent on niggers and refugees.

100% of dogs descend from wolves. My dog is half grey wolf, half siberian husky. He's a wolf. Barbarians are also Africans, not Europeans. Barbary pirates were brown people. They also enslaved countless Europeans. Anyway, what do you think about zoos? If you don't lead your dog it'll lead you. Babying animals is cruelty and unnatural. Have a human baby. You can pamper that all you want.

Sup Forums knows we are wildlife and are getting endangered
after we save ourselves we can save our surroundings
that's the good fight

>100% of dogs descend from wolves.
You are an utter idiot, on the level of niggers. Dogs descend from a COMMON ANCESTOR as wolves. They do not descend from wolves themselves, you nitwit.

Watch the video I gave. Beating your dog is not an efficient, humane manner of training them. Dogs learn best through positive reinforcement training, not through beatings to assert dominance.

You dont have to be left wing to care about the preservation of the wildlife

i've never met a liberal when i was out fishing or hunting. most outdoors people are extremely environmentally conservative. they're also white and friendly

I have seen the great rainforests of the Amazon, and walked amongst the squirming, living, verdant self-consuming mass that is our great mother
I have journeyed to the great frozen plateaus where in the absence of all, mannis forced into honest and strength by god up in heaven
I have sat under the desert stars, free from the ever droning noise of the developed world, and contemplated the clarity and stillness of massive silent things
For this is the way of the white man, to know his world as he knows himself, to reflect and take in her subtle wisdoms
Only a creature capable of critical thought and understanding of the fundamental can see the value in preserving the virgin world
For you see, like he white man, the natural world is one of self reliance, where plant and animal alike know they must earn and build everything for themselves, else they vanish into oblivion
Of all the varieties of man, only the white man shares this understanding
In this way, nature is our ally
Of all things, this entity is our greatest teacher, and our finest role model

To know and value nature is to know and value true strength of will and body

For you

You don't, but aside from natsoc most right wing people have a terrible attitude towards animals.

>dogs descend from wolves
>uhhhh their ancestors aren't wolves though

Why do you abuse your housepet by not allowing it to live out it's natural instinct to hunt prey and eat it? Seriously not even memeing when I take my dog out he's DRENCHED in blood when we're packed up and ready to go home. The metallic smell of blood is always something I loved, even as a kid. I bet you feed your pet kibble instead of meat. What an awful person you are. Someone should call the SPCA on you.

>100% of dogs descend from wolves.

You are so fucking stupid it hurts

To think you have wild wolves up there too. What a waste.

Do you even know basic biology, you hick?


Why do u retarded muzzles hate doggos so much?

>white people come to Africa
>African wildlife suddenly in decline


I do indeed. I consider a love for nature and recognizing the need for conservation to be one of the surest signs of political, cultural, and social enlightenment and success. Look at Africa, Latin America, and Asia. Are they trying to conserve and preserve the natural world? Hell no. It's only in Western Civilization where this is a priority.

Yes, I think you're the confused one.

So...why do you abuse your housepet?

99% of anything that's ever lived on Earth is now extinct.

Natsoc Germany was the first country to protect wolves. Nature can be preserved and human populations can still thrive, if you want to destroy the natural world you’re a blackpilled psychotic kike.

Holy fuck you actually are stupid

>The metallic smell of blood is always something I loved, even as a kid.

Lynxes are great!

Absolutely, shutting off the dune coon, chink tap is the only way to save Canada. Gook cunts have driven up poaching. It's only slants that blast bears and take nothing but the gal bladder. Indians exploit their own for cheap labour. They can fuck off back to India. Getting full up.

I blame the Jooooooooooooos.

There one cute cat

Too bad they aren't domesticated ;-;

I like most animals except for niggers and Indios