This Norwegian building is over 900 years old
Suck my vikang kuk
This Norwegian building is over 900 years old
>Comfy and climatic?
a house of sticks
Also Poland has a better VIKANG STAVE CHURCH
Isn't that a church? Don't you vikangs hate Jesus?
>Its more machine than man now
Are those dicks coming off of it?
*burns your church*
what do?
wood is for plebs
Is that milan?
Been there this summer.
Full of niggers, trying to scam and steal from you. Police doesnt even care. Never again.
Wait for him to get anthrax from having sex with the local sheep.
Wow. How adorable.
No, please OP, tell me more
VÃĪldigt snygg! Bra jobbat!
You sure wuz kangz OP
It is not
Can we consider nordics, white?
You haven't unlocked it yet!
How late were nordics compared to other whites?
That's cute and all...
Our holes might be over 1000
2000/2500 years
Thousands of years baby
>Suck my vikang kuk
Did you know that the blood line of your royal family is claimed to be of Noahs origin?
If you think that Trevi fountain was made by romans you're completely retarded
Yeah, the roaches thought id be a good idea to store gunpowder in the Parthenon. Still, it's standing.
Agreed, was going to post the pyramids too, but I already made my point of making the snow nigger look small.
Richest man in history?
It reeks of the plague
It's Norwegian, dumbass. It was bought by some German and moved to what is now Poland.
What means "kuka" in Norwegian and any others north language?
Thats18th century on top...
We have one of those as well.
White fags haven't even made a giant world wonder yet.
Kuk means cock.
It's very nice.
Hopefully some some LARPing faggot in face-paint doesn't burn it down.
how do they stop it from molding?
We coat it with dead niggers. The stench scares the mold away.
So german Kuka robots makes you LMFAO :)
Did you know that your ancestors bend their knew to Noah?
>how many niggers does it take to stain a Nordic stave church?
>10, but ya gotta slice em real thin
I know m8, but it does belong to us now
Thanks to G*rmans being nigger level looters
Kuka doesn't really mean anything.
Fucking slavs, always stealing our shit.
>Black & Slave owner
Left money to dindu kids, who promptly lost it all.
Another black success story.
Anyway, I'm jumping ship on this thread. It was clearly made by a divide and conquer cuck.
>OP posts a 900-year-old wooden church
>Amerifat posts a pile of rocks
>bought by some German
>Fucking slavs, always stealing our shit.
Too many of those street vendors harassing people..agree with the german bro.
Typed the peon yeoman of a feminist, postmodern regime from northwest Germany...
St Peter basilisk is far better than any """wonder""".
What a relief :) I love my KUKA robots :)
Is that why Polish Lion Statues guard the Royal Palace in Stockholm and Polish books fill the Royal Swedish libraries?
you can only win this game by having the oldest building STILL IN USE, crumbling ruins for tourists are disqualified APOLOGIZE
No, that's just Sweden being it's usual retarded self.
these tread are so ridiculous ,its like dispute the japanese and corean capacity only because they take 2000 years to achieve the mastery of chynese.Civilization grow litle by litle ,from mesopotamia to greece from greece to roma from roma to wenster europe, from wenster europe to nordic from nordic to slavic countries
Augustus was the richest man ever you brainlet.
>hurrr we don't know how rich musa was therefore he must have been the richest man ever durrr
On that one we can agree my vikang friend, I wish you the very best :DDD
rebuild it in thee days yolo.
Pic was built 3200 bc in Denmark. Older then the pyramids. About 500 tombs like these are still left in Denmark.
Please tell me you're being ironic right now, this is more pathetic than niggers going full WE
I don't think people realize that wooden structures decay and most all of them are fucking gone, the stone structures in heavily populated (heavy trade) areas are all that's still standing. not to mention there are fucking megastructures ALL OVER THE WORLD from as far back as thousands of years BC. this is the dumbest form of dickwaving.
and the mayority of northern europe is not suitable like the nilo in egypt , mesopotamia or indus valley, is as simple as that
More than 2500 years
How can nordfags even compete?
I don't see why you shit on scandinavian architecture, back then if they went outside you'd die from the cold, obviously not much time is spent on how it looks.
Not this fucking thread again
You mean the kind of wooden structures all burgers live in?
Nice rock fort user!
>Yeah, the roaches thought id be a good idea to store gunpowder in the Parthenon.
It was during a war with Venice. They thought Venetians would give a fuck about historical monuments and avoid to hit it with their cannons to avoid damaging
Pro-tip: they did not
Native Americans had more impressive structures that are hundreds, if not thousands of years older than these piles of rocks.
At least post a stave church that looks good.
literally a fucking hole with some rocks around it
looks Japanese
>. not to mention there are fucking megastructures ALL OVER THE WORLD from as far back as thousands of years BC
Not in Australia.
And they got cucked like retards anyway by the spaniards, I guess stacking stones isn't that advance after all.
It's obviously a remnant from the Finno-Korean hyperwar
Mankind was founded here.
HAS to be.
SOO impressive.
Running out of oil WHEN, dumbfuck ?
This retard burned down some of these churches and then some of them were replaced with modernist abominations. Wow great job Varg!!!
Varg is such a fucking useful idiot.
It's ok to be nordic
pic related is from 10,000 BC Turkey
1/3 some ruins
2/3 some decorations made before metal forging was ever discovered, using only stone tools
Too bad its now a mud-niggers rape house. Fucking cluck.
3/3 reconstruction of how it was
>even the mcmansion was invented by europeans
HAHAHA amerifats BTFO
Care to give some links?
And is for worshipping a dead Jew on a stick.