You guys know this is right. Spread it everywhere.
Alabama antifa
Gosh I’d love to see them try.
Your gonna get someone murdered.
If someone is stupid enough to try it then they deserve to die. I think it's brilliant really. Makes them look like a bunch of idiots.
you're a faggot if you open carry anything.
why would you want to draw that kind of attention to yourself?
drumphkins dont know who theyre messing with. im an antifa general and 33rd degree krav maga expert. I dont even need a gun but taking theirs and shooting them sends the message fascists need to hear.
Digits confirm. Call 911.
Go ahead and try it.
>Alabama antifa
Where? Montevallo campus when class is in session? A handful of nu-males ubering around bars at five points? Or by "Alabama" and with the elephant you mean specifically in Tuscaloosa?
Lol, this is dumb.
From bama? Probably uab trash if anything, they have a pretty bad shitlib infestation up there
fine if with group of concealed carriers
bad guy focuses on you and friends have your back
I go to Bama right here in T-Town. Good ol' white bread polo wearing frat daddy. Wat do if I see these fags trying to start shit on campus?
It's pretty common in my state.
It's legal to buy and open carry a handgun without any sort of permit or license, and they are allowed in a lot of stores, just not Banks, Schools, or Government buildings.
delet this OP we can't let them find out
I live in Alaska, open carry is everywhere, and you don't need a permit to conceal. Open carry is most common, as it has the quickest access to it. Your comment is retarded and only applies to the homosexual commune you live at
why open carry an AR
when you can CC it
Because you don't care about what other people might think and feel the need to arm yourself?
Instead of wondering why someone would want to bring that kind of attention on themselves, perhaps you should wonder as to why he/she feels it is needed to carry a rifle..
Most people don't do it for shits and giggles.
Your right; I don't care what other PPL "think" and certainly don't give a shit about their "Feelz"
The reason I would be carrying an assault weapon is as a tool for self defense, the very thing they are talking about. I spent 4 years on Ft Bragg, and they really really taught me that some disarming me means my death so to taking my weapon will involve a fight to one of our deaths, and I'm not a soft civilian pussy. The real secret to military training is the fact the natural aversion to killing has been trained out of you.
>mounting high powered scope to jiggly ass quad rail
who in the name of fuck did this
must be airshit, HAS to be fucking airshit
Probably because the gun in that image wouldn't even function.
>Most people don't do it for shits and giggles.
This is America and we most definitely carry around assault weapons for shits and giggles.
...where'd the buffer spring go?
OP is an off-duty Brazilian cop. good luck!
It's not an assault weapon if you're not assaulting
must run down the handle and is attached to bolt via hinge
think Remington 1100
buffer spring goes into the grip, it just curves, seems the most logical, either that or its an .22
but the store says its a 5.56
its called the fightlight raider
>legal right
I dont think they understand what a legal right is. I bet they're confused about it just as they are with human rights.
It's in the grip, just at an angle. The gun is also only being offered in .300BLK, so the shit barrel length isn't really an issue.
the more obvious your fake propaganda is, the easier normies will believe that ALL bad stuff about antifa are just lies we made up.
>"You have a gun you facist pig"
>Grabs for your gun wanting to shoot you with it
>"Why did you shoot me you white supremacist, I was protecting myself "
What did they mean by this?
>where'd the buffer spring go?
Shit I didn't even notice what th fuck that was. Back in the nineties my brother and I outfitted an ar (preban) with a pistol kit and we dropped that little mechanism that won't fit in the new receivers. Just because we could. I would never do it now though.
They need martyrs. Gotta feed the martyr/media cycle somehow.
>if someone is legally openly carrying a gun that looks dangerous to a common man's eyes, we want you to illegally steal the gun and then try to shoot that gun at the person but it's okay because he's totally a fascist because he's following his rights and laws
Saw this on /k/ several times. Yeah, the buffer spring is in the pirate grip. That thing is like 4 grand
>That thing is like 4 grand
not even a grand dude
First off, you know this dipshit is a poser. Optics aligned 4 fucking inches above the bore. Moron is all he is telegraphing. You are even safer in the presence of this dipshit than in the presence of folks who are unarmed.
Exactly. These Antifa pussys dont understand like some of us, that some were born to die. Our job is to help them along.
How old is this shit?
Where are the tavors?
Latina with a big ass on the left is mine.
That's Israel
Ignore 'em unless they break the law, at which point you call the police.
How can I carry a battle rifle concealed? A shotgun maybe under a very long coat, but it is awkward. Better to just carry open in those cases with a readily available knife on belt in case some dumb fuck decides to make a move.
100% sure that bubba would fuck you up beyond belief
>MFW I wake up on Sunday morning to see 90% of Antifa having been slaughtered.
Its time for donald drumpfty humpty dumpty pudding and pie and his merry band of supporters to get annexed. Fight the fash antifa. Take their weapons and shoot them
do the voices in your head get to loud sometimes? a .45 will fix that.
>It's legal to buy and open carry a handgun without any sort of permit or license
Which state is that?
Oh wait, none.
Jump for harambe was better. Not all memes are meant to survive
not everyone has wildlife that wants to eat you though, but i side with open carry.
That's not how you spell that.
Yeah, man, better protect yourself from people who have faces. They're scary.
>implying antifa can operate
Lol, disarm them with what?
And North Carolina.
this meme might be a little too edgy for me
can you get in trouble for memeing it?
Pretty sure it’s fine in Vermont too
Yea, thats now how this works, thats not how any of this works.....
if it is war they want then it is war they shall have
And Arizona.
The flags in the background were just a clue.
>That scope and mount
Several. Idiot.
Anitra! LMAO. Parlor pinkos. If today hasn’t proven you fucks are pajama boys you are hopeless. You miserable pieces of shit didn’t even present us enough targets to open the range.
And Virginia
Even there they mostly stay low key.