Reminder to report and hide slide threads. For whatever reason we're being raided heavily right now.
Reminder to report and hide slide threads. For whatever reason we're being raided heavily right now
Sup Forums janitors don't like you reporting shit sliders.
They gave me a warning for it. IT may be that we have a purple haired Antifa infiltrated as a Sup Forums janitor like twitter
could be
I got banned for nothing
What did you get banned for?
1st this shit
then for fucking days after I reposted the thread that got deleted for no reason
That's pretty fucking retarded desu. I've been seeing pizzagate threads ever since the scandal started, did they just start banning them?
I don't think so
I was destroying some fag about pgate
felt like the usual shill but at some point he stopped replying and the bread got pruned + 15 min ban
Why is this shit not being removed instantly and the users banned?
wtf is that?
idk. It's all over the catalog check it out.
thailand is flipping the fuck out
It's been going on for at least 15+ hours now.
it's being posted an indian and a lao, i have no idea what's going on.
i was just thinking "jesus christ so many shills and slide threads rn"
this helps combat slide threads in the absence of janitors.
soros outsourcing shills
these are the slide threads now
Are those numbers on the side the number of threads that contain those words? Because that's insane. There have to be at least a few people who Hiro/mods can trust to work as janitors here
If slide threads on Sup Forums were the actual Nov 4 HAPPENING all along, I'm going to be very disappoint
some are getting deleted
wtf is the point of doing that?
some thaifag was spamming kill all humans in one of those
why do you filter *rump*?
yeah that was pathetic