>this image summarizes the majority of American posters on this board, especially the "hates" part.
You LITERALLY cannot deny or disprove my statement.
This image summarizes the majority of American posters on this board, especially the "hates" part
Other urls found in this thread:
oh, this is an ascended level of amerimutt normalfag
I actually disliked the 56% memes but apparently they're true lol
I don't know if it's true or not but i laughed so much
How do we counter this meme fellow Americans?
can someone post the goblin voices vocaroos
you britcucks will be the new 56% meme in a generation or 2 and we burgers will surpass in in whiteness because of all the immigration reform, the wall, and deportations. you britcucks have the highest non white immigration in europe.
pic highly related to you britcucks
Accept the truth and stop larping as white
You found this image today and got it from me didnt you.
>the average Sup Forumsack is just an average American.
Fuck off you divide and conquer kike pos.
embrace our fates
Say it with me folks:
Only true for overpopulated and cucked cities. "Rural and suburban retards" are patriotic whites.
The same could be said of your island, with the islamists taking over your cities. The difference is that you don't have massive amounts of rural land. When you are overrun, you'll feel it hard. When it happens here, the cities will fall and us real Americans wouldn't even notice.
Enjoy it because it's actually pretty funny. I'm curious to see just how much this meme will evolve. If you're that butthurt about it go poison a watermelon patch.
This is an absolute shit response. Don't post this again, it's embarrassing to us.
There's no way this 56% meme isn't a JIDF trick to cause more in-fighting, like all those "Are x white" threads
This meme is pretty clearly forced. It, and lots of variations and crops of the faces, all appeared and spread at the same time. It reeks of a coordinated campaign. Either JIDF or some leftypol faggots in a discord.
It's most likely a D&C attempt to prevent white nations from working together against the international elites.
Be on your guards. Whites of the world should have each other's backs.
>burgers unable to survive to banter
Toughen up Jamal
I just don't like being forced to look at these ugly monsters, [spoiler]I have to deal with them enough in real life[/spoiler]
literally half the bait threads on Sup Forums are made by british Pakis now
Americans all over the board are saying this. You guys are the ones that fling the most shit and can't handle some flung back. Pathetic.
Mate, britanistan is not even 56% white. Like, 1 out.of 10 people were white while i was there. In 2 generations the only whites there will be the royal family and polish toilet cleaners
>all appeared and spread at the same time.
This meme is literally months old.
All successful memes are true
Looks like it's time to dump my UK_cucked folder
The only thing that popped up all at once was the "Americans" who actually give a shit what 3rd worlders think. This meme has been around for ages, but strangely has only gotten troll-feeding reactions like yours as of late. Cry more, maybe that will stop them from hurting your fee-fees.
Jerk off to the fact we at least have a gf? Unlike the anglos that only have acid attacks and kebab
>nonwhites telling american they are not white
Brazil has more white people than Germany, its a fucking laugh riot.
it's no longer a meme it's literally your future you sub-anglo mongrel
I'm 100% European so I find this funny as shit.
small talk is for charming people and I have the le 6% face!
did you even see OP's pic? It fits perfectly with the 56 narrative. There's always some pure one in a bunch but it generaly just seems like the memes are real
>Likes: smalltalk
this one was made on ylilauta wasn't it
reminder these images are the work of one autistic.
pajeets and roaches can handle their memes but trust the amerimutt to pull the victim card
literally "i'm gonna sue you"-tier faggotry from the butthurt nigger worshippers
It's not a meme. We're not white. We really do all look like le 56% face.
>I'm 100% European
Reminder to go run for political offices. It's the only way to stop the 56% meme. Do it, user. Make the ethnostate.
t. 5th generation mulatto
For "white hispanics" it's absolutely real. Non-Hispanic whites in the US are still 95%+ European at least though.
amerimutt genocide now
WWE for likes.
why are you such a sensitive faggot
No, it's too late. We're already all mixed mutts. Our only course of action at this point is to use our military to wipe out the white race once and for all. If we can't be white, nobody can. It'll be easy as fuck, too; European militaries are all run by women.
remember Ameribros we has constitution and maga
it's not fair we were supposed to be the bullies not the bullied
is the UK actually that white? I remember visiting a college in scotland and their were browns and asians everywhere. I checked and apparently you were at 85% in 2011 but that has had to gone down now. I guess the EU likes to keep those stats under wrap so white people don't noticed they're being replaced.
No. The original meme is the one here:
and in OP's image. That one has been around for a long time, yes.
All the other faces in this image: appeared at the same time. Not just that image itself, but individual crops of the faces from it all began appearing at the same time as that one. It's clearly building on the original meme, but it's done so in a calculated and organized way way.
This meme is forced. And it's clear if you are familiar with the JIDF's agenda of D&C. They don't want whites to wake up worldwide.
Banter is good, banter is healthy. But don't forget your white brothers. We're all in this together, and we're all gonna make it.
We just have to accept it fellow mutt
...I'd say this is a sample of just one sector of the population. After all, the US is a huge country, as opposed to a little island where everyone has fucked teeth and the food is atrocious.
>you britcucks will be the new 56% meme in a generation or 2
Maybe. Maybe not. Until then, we are going to take the royal piss out of you.
Let's be honest here Mexico, you guys played a big role in this. It's okay, we're bound together by blood ties now.
Fuck you. We will not accept the destruction of our people and our civilization.
Fucking nu-Sup Forums. You just roll over and give in to the Jewish agenda.
It's okay to be white.
We're not white though.
Every country gets memed on, just be thankful you don't have to hide behind memeflags like Indians.
We do hide behind meme flags though. You can spot a burgerposter a mile away and they make up a good portion of those.
>posted in 2015
There supreme butthurt caused by these memes brightens my squalid and pathetic life.
>Haha [european country] is so cucked unlike us in amazing America you all deserve your fates you pathetic noguns morons I home Mohammed rapes you to death!
You're a fucking retard. You think these people see you as white? They'll kill you if they get in power.
that's sort of the point of the meme, shartmericans will cherrypick the 5% of Britain to call them sandniggers and get mad when people cherrypick their 44% and call them mystery meat
Too many of my fellow Burgers are still in denial. We're past redemption and need to start embracing our mongrel identity. "White American" is an oxymoron at this point, don't ever believe a burger poster when they claim to be white.
That accurately describes me.
oh boy
round two
I'm not trying to break white unions, just sheding some light onto the truth: America is slowly becoming Brazil and the ''Americans'' here are trying to hide it
Again, there's always a pure one in a bunch, true ameriwhites should fear no memes
Are you from the deep South?
>making fun of people instead of doing something about your failing country
wow its almost like you're projecting or something
sweet, so do we. and healthcare, working democracy ergo rule of the majority. get rekt.
Oh good, I was waiting for the next thread to be made.
This is probably the best meme to come out of Sup Forums. I don't even know why it took so long to kick off like this since mutt was already around.
What do you mean "slowly becoming"? We already are Brazil-tier. Nothing is more cringe than a burger who claims otherwise and insists that we can somehow become a white country again. It's never gonna happen and we need to accept it. Take it from me, I live here.
Talk about projecting. Our own country is on the verge of civil war.
I thought the left can't meme?
Why the f is there no new IOTBW campaign threads????????
None of these people would look remotely out of place in America, this really is what the average person walking down the street here looks like.
don‘t forget the billions of $ aid for Israel.
this desu, there was one drawing of le 52% face for months and months and all the new shit clearly cropped up thanks to a coordinated shilling group or some epic draw your own variation thread.
also people are dumb as fuck for D&Cing themselves with it. it's meant to be the "average" american because america has a ton of shitskins. I get disparaging american geo-posters because a lot of them here are clearly shitskins, but shitting on american whites and calling them not white is counterproductive shitflinging for brainlet shitposters. there have been studies done on this topic, 99% of self identified white americans are over 99% pure white.
the US pumps out a ton of degenerate jewish porn, sure, but that doesn't mean le melting pot suddenly actually DID work and happen.
up until recently americans were the ones advocating pan-racial white identity, because americans are used to words like "white" and NOT "white ethnicities," but none of that shit is going to benefit white western countries if whites are too busy flinging shit at each other and not the actual shitskin problem.
if you were in anti-Sup Forums's shoes you would be exploiting the FUCK out of this meme and "x isn't white y is the master race" threads.
Imagine living in Europe and having you’re entire society taken over by Islam and you only have time to make fun of Americans with forced memes that are not even funny
That I am. You Europeans know our geography and population demographics very well. Must be that excellent schooling you're able to receive when your country is 95% and greater White.
This is the most concentrated effort of euro autism since the shart in mart memes. You faggots don't even care you're being displaced, as long as you can misinterpret US statistics to say you're whiter.
its funny but americans are right about healthcare and global warming
>there have been studies done on this topic, 99% of self identified white americans are over 99% pure white.
Reminder that, for the purposes of these studies, we consider Hispanics, Arabs, and North Africans as White in this country.
And probably illegal in most of Europe.
>They don't want whites to wake up worldwide.
We Americans aren't white, this is just us.
Saying you are white is an indirect acceptance that america is a multiethnic state.
If america was completly "white". How ever you want to quantify that. Then people would call themselves American.
If you could call yourself american you wouldn't have this need to pretend to be European and 100% pure anglo viking blood.
Have you been to your local grocery store? How do you not see these faces?
He's just in denial.
>he fell for the civil war meme
Nothing is going to happen. Most people aren't as radical as you think they are, go outside once in a while.
Does this mean you'll stop making any jokes at all at the expense of other countries?
A true "white" wouldn't latch on to "white", they would identify as they're ethnicity. I've seen alot of European flags doing now, for what reason I'm not sure.
How about stop falling for the divide and conquer bullshit that's pitting Americans against Brits? Tools like OP and this faggot are basically doing the left's job for them by pitting whites against each other and attempting to demoralise right-wingers into giving up. Shit like is exactly what they want as a result of this, acceptance of miscegenation and adoption of left-wing values, if they can achieve that it won't matter if the pendulum swings right because they'll just hop on over and be free to continue what they're doing now.
Of course not, we're a bunch of hypocrites here. Probably the biggest hypocrites on the planet. Very untrustworthy.
Why counter the truth? The sooner we accept our current situation the sooner we can work on fixing it. This meme is a blessing.
That faggot is a h1b visa holder