Rather than just paying attention to what is actually happening, Sup Forums creates crazy conspiracies about how some sort of violent protest/revolution was going to happen today. They are shocked when it's just the same old protests. They would've seen this coming if they saw how Antifa repeatedly said that they weren't behind this and for everyone to not fall for it. This is why the right is a bigger problem than Antifa, the fear mongering and false narratives are extremely dangerous. Just try to prove me wrong.
Sup Forums is shocked when hit with reality
Other urls found in this thread:
>false narratives
>lole twas only a ruse
You're trying to turn a disaster into something you can use and failing.
You guys aren't fooling anyone.
B-b-but Alex Jones said...
nice defense mechanism
>They would've seen this coming if they saw how Antifa repeatedly said that they weren't behind this
Wrong. An "Antifa" organisation took out a full-page ad in the New York Times, and we know how much nu-males and faggots worship the NYT
>our attempt at regime change completely flopped
>let's try to salvage and spin this as something positive
>w-we were never gonna in the first place
>j-just right-wing tricks
>but we'll totally bash the fash...someday...
The damage control cringe from the commies has been hilarious today.
That's was your "big plan"...
>set aside my whole day to watch antifa get stomped once and for all
>check /pol at noon, ready for the fun to begin
>"it got pushed back to 1"
>"it got pushed back to 2"
>"it got pushed back to 4"
>"it was invented by the rightwing"
>after having this date marked on my calendar for over a month, only three people protested nationwide, and they did so half-heartedly
You are not fooling anyone
>It was a conspiracy theory, we never said we'd do anything, we weren't going to try to start overthrowing the government today, it was all a big joke on you drumpfies, we're only pretending to be cowards that backed out at the last minute
>Rather than just paying attention to what is actually happening, Sup Forums creates crazy conspiracies about how some sort of violent protest/revolution was going to happen today. They are shocked when it's just the same old protests.
Why the f is there no new IOTBW campaign threads????????
Haha loser. Commies fail again. Sage.
>w-we were never gonna in the first place
>j-just right-wing tricks
>but we'll totally bash the fash...someday...
>The damage control cringe from the commies has been hilarious today.
>taking out a $100k+ full page NYT ad to trick some Sup Forums neckbeards into believing something for a little while
Dang, is antifa the greatest troll organization of all time? I was thoroughly trolled. You have to admire their dedication to the ruse!
>physical media is dead
>soros wastes millions on an ad granpas will see
We knew you faggots didn't have the balls to do it.
>spends 100K on a full page NYT ad
>trying to play it off as the opposition spending that
you're a joke. you're over.
I alreay said it would be nothing. The right talked about Nov 4th then the left did. It’s the retards who can understand basic information who were using it for fear monger bullshit
they took out a full page ad in a new york paper.
it was either a fail on you guys, or a weird attempt to shame Sup Forums into not making happening threads anymore (LOL)
Ahahahaha!!! Lebfthtards BTFO!!
You faggots were losers, are still losers, and will continue to be faggots
Haha guyz it was just a joke all along haha do you believe me? Haha
revcom.us says differently.
>The right talked about Nov 4th then the left did
So did the right trick the left into buying the NYT ad and standing on the freeway holding signs that say "Nov 4 it begins"?
Perhaps we are the ultimate trollerino dogs after all :^)
I am so bamboozled :(
Reminder, all their material said their campaign STARTED today, not that it was only happening today. They are playing a long game, don't get complacent.
Antifa are commie fucks who have already caused enough violence and destruction of violence.
We've been saying it will be fucking nothing for days. Lurk more commie.
True, it did say it would start small and build into MILLIONS
I'm so sure millions of normal people are going to join the violent thugs of antifa in their stand against LITERAL FASCISM
Still haven't found out what Trump has done that resembles fascism yet though. I'm sure they'll let me know eventually
>Antifaggots try to bait Sup Forums
> Sup Forums sits at home waiting to watch streams of soyboys embarrassing themselves
>ahahahahaha we trolled you
>w-we n-never i-intended t-to do anything, r-really!
Hey faggotron, lay off the booger sugar. You’re like that puppy that bites people’s ankles, just to let us all know you’re there. Fake and ghey. But on the off-shot you actually think you’re part of something bringing change? Grandiose delusions are a sign that you need help. Seriously. Get help. You’re a fucking mess.
>Implying this was Soros
>Implying this wasn't a right wing false flag
Okay kid
Well, congratulations, you got yourselves naught. What's the next step of your master plan?
Yeah right dude. Been watching all the threads made. Most were embarrassingly mady by lefties to drum this shit up. Most anons have been mocking or dubious of this for a long time. Now your dorky op completely failed. Just go away. This is why antifa sucks.
It was a no show still going to keep it up until 2024?
>Sup Forums didn't really react, no counter protest
Just because there wasn't a happening doesn't take away from the the fact that Antifa themselves promoted today as a special day worthy of happening status. But they failed to deliver.
We created conspiracy theories even though you were actively promoting a violent revolution?
Fuckin' kill yourself you are obviously looking for any reason to justify why the fuck
you pussies withdrew from the fight today.
Fucking sage this faggot cuck. You pussies were not and never will do shit. You are a
god damned pussy, and an even bigger moron.
At the outset of the NY march, their organizer said they are planning a march next week sometime in Washington
You still fell for the obvious lie, you dumb cuck
Even if they did so what? They bought more ammo formed alliances with other patriots.
You didn't accomplish anything except making yourself look like the bitches you really are. sage
You pussies talked big and couldn't back it up its your problem not ours. Its not even worth taking you seriously for trivial things anymore or even engage in discussion because fundamentally you don't believe in yourselves or your "cause" enough to put on pants and get out of the basement. This protest is mom tier which shows they have more guts and initiative than you.
Into the trash you go, and never show your faces here again.
You guys fucked up. Your big event was a noshow. You lose.
I know comrade its almost like those facts we read are donkey shit and what our professors say is all truth. Bash the fash
Faggots deserve a noose. sage
Stick to bashing the Beef Bishop, you faggots shit your pants.