Why do I see so many blacks/arabs driving BMW/Audi/Mercedes?
How the fuck did they get their hands on one of these?
Does this explain the fucking unbelievable behaviour from these drivers? That they are fucking retarded niggers with no road sense or courtesy?
Grayson Howard
>car rentals >police auction >gov. surplus
Ayden Cooper
Used German cars are dirt cheap because after about 8 years reliability goes to shit. Civic hold their value way better.
Sebastian Williams
bought new or leased. driven with zero worries or maintenance and then traded for the newer model. reliability and responsibility of ownership are completely neglected since they're seen as consumable items. new models come in. need to drop old models with minimum investment.
german vehicles are engineered as art. they're perfect until you start to use them and then you have to sell them to brown people to keep the system rolling.
Hudson Lopez
assuming they aren't prolapsed stretched with debt
Oliver Mitchell
You forgot they most likely stole it.
Henry Reyes
They have jobs. Unlike you.
Adam Barnes
In Norway and Sweden. You can see 18 year old arabs drive brand new Ferraris, Porches, Audi R8, the most expensive Mercedes models etc. I guess it's mostly leasing cars, but I mean what the actual fuck. Most wypipo at that age can't even afford a car. And if they can it's a VW mk4. A 15 year old volvo and so on
Jacob Bailey
They buy them used. Whitey needs to buy the car first and trade it in before a nig will buy a triple beam or a benzo.
Zachary Cruz
BLACKS drive as a true alpha: they do not care for other people and seek to run over the greatest number of people to inspire fears in other drivers
Samuel White
>Lease >Can't pay lease >Repo
Reminder 99% of New Benz drivers are a paycheck away from bankruptcy.
Julian Moore
Pretty much user. Was a time when German cars were expensive and only hard earning people could afford them and a certain type of cunt. Now any nigger can own one, and with that it's own level of nigger cuntiness.
But it makes things easyer, want to know where all the cunts are, good chance they are sat behind a German badge.
Christopher Kelly
All you need is money for a down payment.
These niggers get lucky, and put a down payment on a benz, then drive ot around for months while the repo guys look for them.
Dont worry, OP. Niggers cant afford these cars in reality. None of them own one that's for sure.
A lot of old niggers on social security get those too. They think it makes them established, driving their benz back to the hood where they live in a shit shack.
Nolan Watson
>What is leasing?
Depending on the model you can get a brand new BMW starting at 150 bucks a month over here in Germany (3.5k payment up front). I imagine prices are about the same in other countries.
It's not hard at all to afford a BMW, Audi, etc. if you lease them, but it's simply a stupid economic decision if you cannot do it through your company.
Leo Rivera
That and imports are so fucking expensive to fix in the US.
Rich people put about 30,000 miles on it then trade.
Elijah Taylor
gypsies in my country drive x6 bmw's while living in a tent and technically do nothing but be drunk and loud. How you may ask? "They are a poor minority" so with that excuse greece can milk its people for some stinky fucking negros' fun.
Joshua Perry
>easyer i'm not normally one to pick on spelling mistakes... but good god, man, get your shit together.
Ryder White
Stupid nigger, not taking care of your shit. Maintain it and they'll drive 300k+.
Jacob Campbell
They get seed money and open up lucrative businesses here. Liquor shops or gas stations usually. An Iranian guy is in my motor club. Wants to buy my Nova for $30k to send overseas to his cousin in Britain. Honestly don't know if my car would be street legal there. Considering it. I need another project now that this one is done. I think his day driver is a white Civic though. Nice Alfa Romeo classic for the shows though, at least $50k into it.
Jordan Green
they spend all 'their' money on a second hand shit car whilst living with mom and dad in a shitty public housing apartment in an awful neighborhood.
Isaac Stewart
probably they are drug dealers rolling around in cash.
Easton Diaz
Novas are fuggin dope, man. Don't sell it to the shitskins.
Christopher Young
Bullshit. It's always 5+ year old BMWs.
Parker Hernandez
Easy, they can't afford them. They lease them, steal them, rent them. Rarely do they buy, and when they do, it is all their money going towards that. Why? Because niggers don't care about investing in their future, their homes, their education. All they care about is "dat der benzo homie!" And "look at mah new iphoneX nigguh, take a pic of my new Js wit it" They love status symbols but live in poverty because of their stupidity and bad finances
Zachary Anderson
that's if you buy them. 95% of all "expensive" imports are leased for $300-$500/mo it's literally the most nigger move you can make
Cooper Sanders
they're family members of oil barons.. it's not hard to put together.
Andrew Jackson
Oh, here's the other thing. If they wreck their car, they flee the scene and almost always report the car as stolen.
John Collins
They're leased, then they don't pay, and just drive it around for a few months, until the repo man takes the car
Charles Jackson
Maybe where you live. But here in Oslo you see shitskin kids who rides expensive cars worth 2 or 3 times more than you make in one year. Why would I make this up? lol
Hunter Powell
I live in Oslo too, never seen that sort of thing (and I'm on the road quite a bit). Probably just some rented cars. It's like this user stated:
Jason Harris
They get free home from the government + welfare for their kids. They pay for cars with money they earn under the table.
It's way, way easier to evade taxes for them because they have parallel societies where no-snitching rules are enforced.
Noah Gutierrez
It's called automotive financing and literally any retard with any job can get it.
Christopher Gonzalez
I have no clue how auto companies are content with people basically scamming roadmiles off of expensive equipment by the millions
Jason Phillips
Leasing and debt you fool. More new people to go into lifelong debt is a bigger reason ((they)) push for mass immigration than demographic replacement
Dominic Phillips
yeah, good point. This planet is so degenerate
Sebastian Parker
How many niggers are driving around in New Mercedes?
Absolutely none. Black people buy 15-20 year old Benzes to show off, instead of buying a new Honda like a white person.
Jeremiah Jackson
That's why they make such wonderful replacement for the indigenous races. When you have nothing but shit for cultural identity, your value is signalled by consuming expensive pointless shit. (Sorry burgers, I'm looking at you as well)
Cameron Rodriguez
you're talking about people that will be delinquent almost immediately... The economy is running on bullshit, but at some point it's going to be a bad thing to do, like in 2008
Brody Gray
Because the (((loan officers))) enable it. You didn’t think the Jews weren’t involved, did you?
Lucas Brown
Top Kek
Cameron King
Cultural identity is for people who arent intelligent and dont contribute to western civilization.
Dominic Foster
>buy new car >tons of (((financing))) available >8 year loans >trade in car, not even done paying it off >transfer the debt to the new vehicle >repeat
Auto loan bubble
I know people who make only 60k a year and they get financing for a 60k truck, 500k mortgage, and like 30k on a line of credit
There are students in Canada who have 30k in student loans, 100k in credit card debt, and they DON'T EVEN HAVE A JOB
Thomas Reyes
Most working class of all races around here drive cars until they are literally falling apart. If it's a new car then it's generally a compact. The gibz/drug dealer class have all the giant SUVs, late model cars, etc etc. It's insane
James Johnson
I don't doubt it, but the few things that routinely go wrong in these cars, namely the electrics, are expensive as fuck to fix unless you have a warranty. Such is the way with... well, any car that doesn't really have parts compatibility with a cheaper model.
Samuel Watson
Misplaced priorities, obviously.
Henry Gonzalez
Most BMWs you see on the street were leased
Sebastian Foster
They buy one as a group and live in a shitty flat together.
Xavier Cook
Its called middle eastern people work hard.
Blacks... no idea though... fraudulent loans from stolen ID?
Julian Howard
Over here they will get on government assistance and then sell food stamps for 50% of what they are worth. Used to get 400 bucks of groceries a month for 200 it was pretty sweet. Anyway they live in shit holes that cost 300 - 400 dollars a month with all utilities paid and spend all their extra cash on car and clothes.
Elijah Barnes
Adrian Cook
Western governments have accepted the retarded idea that these mud people deserve to be paid for the oil they were lucky enough to build their houses over, so many of them can afford to send their children to our colleges, buy land in our countries, and buy sports cars for their children to play bumper cars with.
Mason Robinson
They are stolen user
Wyatt Wood
Because your government gives them your money to kill and replace you.
Jonathan Brown
Because black people will spend every single penny and go into debt to own status symbols. There is a correlation with their absurdly low personal wealth standings when compared with whites. They spend money on depreciating assets, clothes and cars. Fucking idiots.
Daniel Ward
If you set foot in a university you'd realize why. You inbred fucks actually believe all brown people are uneducated. Underestimating them is the biggest mistake you losers are doing.
White males are just content becoming electricians and plumbers and are the first reason why white genocide is happening. No wonder women hate your uneducated ignorant asses. All getting fooled by the ''welfare'' meme.
Eli Rodriguez
>German cars >poor reliability
Angel Morris
arabs/mooselimbs are notorious for doing scams and are every bit as savvy as the Chinese when doing financial fraud like insurance or welfare fraud. These jihadi's are ticking time bombs waiting for the order to unleash jihad on us so whats the use of being financially honest if its no benefit to them when they die in jihad.
Brandon Sullivan
Damn son you hit the nail on the head. Like these native folk who are the majority in this second class town down the road, they live in absolute filth but hey aslong as they're wearing those latest nikes then its allgood.
Filthy knuckle draggers.
Andrew Myers
Niggers and other subhumans will oftentimes lease a car in a family member’s name and share it between several people, each of them paying a small portion of the bills through welfare, pimping, thieving and drug money.
Jose Brown
They are willing to spend the majority of their paychecks (when they have a job) on a lease and live in the shittiest part of town in an apartment with 2-3 roommates just so they can drive a depreciating vehicle. Niggers are that stupid.
Blake Ward
niggers love to drive expensive cars but live 10 deep in a 3 bedroom apartment subsidized by housing
Grayson Cooper
Sup Forums wife
Leo Howard
they buy them used
and then they can't pay for the upkeep, which is more expensive than regular cars, so their cars run shitty or look shitty. If I hear a lexus sounding like its got some major issues, or see a lexus with a bumper duct taped to the car, I know a black person drives that lexus
Colton Williams
They probably took a 5 year financing plan on it.
Tyler Gonzalez
Those cars are expensive new but have the worst resale value, you can get a few years old Audio for pretty much dirt cheap and pass it off as new. That is what they do. I have owned a few BMW and Mercedes and when I resold them it was always a shitskin buying so that they can pretend to be rich. They also are the biggest fucking grinders, shitskins have zero couth especially dot indians and chinks. You can give these savages new money and allow them to live in our society but they will always be third world to the core.
Nicholas Williams
Jaxon Bennett
Yeah we know, we all see niggers on the road. Another reason everyone hates them