There are people right now, on this board, that want to kill non-whites, Jews, atheists, Muslims, homosexuals, journalists, and women YET they get to own guns because small-dicked Republicans don't want to ban them in order to live a Rambo fantasy.
Think about that
Connor Anderson
Nolan Campbell
Shall not be infringed
Zachary Turner
you can't just ban guns in a place the size of the US >ban guns >criminals still have guns, not everybody would hand in guns, very easy to hand craft
>ban ammunition >extremely easy to hand craft
so I guess we're left with banning metal, gunpowder, moulds and furnaces
Austin Young
The Second Amendment only applies to muskets. Sorry gun nuts.
Nolan Carter
I wish I can buy a gun and be like hickok45
Levi Thomas
The Second Amendment applies to all fire arms
Kayden Howard
Freedom of the press only refers to printing presses. Throw out all other forms of communication.
Adam Bailey
"I love prowling around in the woods, shooting my firearms, riding my Harley, shooting my bow, meeting our viewers, and pretending to have a brain"
From his Twitter.
"pretending to have a brain"
Gun nuts in a nutshell. No wonder you wanna be like him