Explain This
ultra Orthodox jews. good guys
for real?
the only good jew is this
Its the Jewish equivalent of 1488ers hating on Hitler cause he wasn't hardcore enough
Not really, they still view you as a filthy goy. They just view the state of Israel as illegitimate.
Many Orthodox Jews don't think don't think Israel should exist until the Messiah comes back or some shit.
They are very hidden by the media because they say the same thing about zionist jews that Nazis say.
i am not niggering you
explain those silly hats.
>protip: you can't
Not many. I know plenty of Orthodox Jews. They vehemently support Israel. The ones in the pic are just religious deviants. They interpreted the Torah differently than most other Orthodox Jews.
Don't get me wrong, they still think that you are a dirty goy and a behemoth but they want to wait for the Messiah to come and bless them. They don't want to force world domination, they want God to do the work for them.
They're against the state of Israel because the Talmud says only when the Messiah returns will they reclaim Israel as their rightful land. That's why they are chimping out. Also, they are being forced into the IDF.
The only case you can make for them is the enemy of my enemy is my friend. These people are not your friends but the enemy of your enemy. At least from a Sup Forums PoV.
Ultra Orthodox Jews believe the exact same shit every other Jew does, except they don't think their Israel can come from a UN mandate. They still consider you subhuman slaves for the taking.
definitely not good guys. there's a documentary about them on netflix right now that's excellent.
The ones I've met (like 2 total) have been pretty nice. But like said, they probably still think of us as dumb goyim
there are some decent jews out there.
Lots of ultra orthodox jews are absolutely fucking bonkers. They view Israel as a secular state because it doesn't share their views therefore not truly Jewish and go so far as to attack IDF soldiers. They're so kikey even the kikes don't like them.
However, their birthrate is through the roof while regular Jews is as low as whites so these talmudic nuts are going to take over.
fuck em'
freeloading asshats that only have their own interests in mind
they might outbreed us and then what
lmao that's not even close to the reason and you know it.
it's because they don't think Israel speaks for Judaism.
Orthodox jews.
Basic gist.
Either it is Greater Izreal or No Izreal.
Freuda Shineberg and the Fellowship of the Froinlaven
Fuckin' based.
Its the picture equivalent of generalazations are always wrong. Which is a paradox in itself. Truly a conundrum OP.
thought the jews were starved in the camps. you need fat to make soap user.
Jews getting out jewed by Jews.
Pure coincidence
Jews gun jew.
No others can fill me in here, but they don't believe israel shall exist yet I do believe.
weird obnoxious extremists, only shit with these. They refuse to work, refuse to do shit attack non extremist etc for getting to close to where they live or for whatever reason
does israel want to wipe out palestine or are they settling for a 2 state deal????????????????????????????
that is why a jewish state would suck if its not run by germans
everyone jews everyone else
its the shrodingers state paradox
Yet they flock there and start new settlements.
60m+ refugees to Europe worst exodus in history of mankind....mmm No
They're Neturei Karta. They believe it's a sin for the Jews to have a state.
jewsh niggers basically
allow me to explain
religious jews stick to the talmud which somewhere states israelis dont belong to any homeland and are forbidden to form one
these are the zelots,these depicted hate goyim
israelis are more laid back on religion and just want a country
pol confuses both groups just as they confuse sunni and shia
pol needs to learn to understand this and exploit it
one side doesnt mind goys the other hates goys
neturei karta
Shuuuuu plz just go back (((fiend))) before I get mad
its like comparing some white turkic muslim from kazakstan with some street rat from yemen
both muslim but very different.
They are legit, but they are also extremely weird.
some Orthodox Jews believe that the promise land will be given when the Messiah returns and that Israel is a false promise land.
I mean from a religious standpoint you could argue they might be right but when it comes to practicality you can't really deny the reality that jews pretty much have a free ethnostate in a place they wanted it to be which for jews is a good thing.
Many hasidic/ultra-Orthodox Jews view Israel as outright heresy.
This belief stems from the exile. They believe that the Romans defeated them, razed their temples and scattered them across the empire because it was Gods will that the Jews be punished for failing to live up to their religious obligations.
To them, this means that they are obliged (As it is the will of God, or else it would not have happened in the first place) to live among non-Jews, respect the laws of the non-Jews, to be stateless and without an army.
When they see the Zionist Jews, it pisses them off because they think that God is going to come down and punish fucking ALL of the Jews again if the Zionists keep up with their heresy.
Unless you live near them or interact with them in any way, then they're a nightmare
the open boarder promoting ones are the disporia israelis hate them also
there are 2 groups of jews,globalist kikes who are ultra lefty which are the ones who are hell bent on cucking us
and israelis who have to deal with their shit also
we could exploit this civil war in the jews and side with one to crush the other
this is what jews always do, they were taking pics blaming white supremacists and nazis which all whites are to jews.
nope. both are dirty sand niggers
Nitroglycerin. People used to notice their clothes were cleaner where they dumped cremated bodies in rivers.
>one side doesnt mind goys the other hates goys
Oh no, plenty of Hasidic Jews still hate others for being non-Jewish. The difference in their behavior comes from a difference in the belief of what God wants, not a difference in opinion about you and I.
If they believe that God wants them to live among us and follow our laws, they're going to do it no matter how much they hate us.
Not all Jews are phucktarded zionists
Controlled opposition.
jewhohva's witnesses basically, except they refuse to work
cant really compare them desu
Jews consider they were kicked out of Israel by god. This was a punition, because jews would keep fighting each other, and god sent them to live among the goyim, without forming any kind of isolated community, or rebelling against them, just live with them and learn peace. And eventually some messiah would lead them back to Israel.
That's the story. Some jews don't like Israel, because jews returned without their messiah, plus they certainly aren't living in peace. Neither are orthodox jews living among goyims after all, I mean they sure are trying, but only as isolated communities. Nor are modern jews the same that were exiled anyway.
Jews fucked up everything big time in their cult, I really wonder why they stick to it.
Ultra orthodox jews see Zionism as wholly against the bible's teachings, that state that the Jewish people are not to have a homeland. They see zionists as we Christians view satanists or new wave catholics.
Don't confuse them with being good guys though. They still see non Khazars as cattle and will spit on you at any moment.
Was in JewYork one time and saw them burning an Israeli flag,I was curious, asked WTF....
years later saw Don't tell my mom I was in Iran and I understood that the response 20 years apart was the same: Israel is not my land, fuck Israel
My mexican beans are currently trebucheting over the trump prototype walls
Serbian Jew Double Bluff.
in all seriousness, is israel fucked once they become the majority?