unless this was meant to make us look bad, ya fucked it all up.
Unless this was meant to make us look bad, ya fucked it all up
hay rabbi, whatcha doin?
This wont work because the original news stories were of just plain old "its okay to be white"
haha jew faggot
LOL, yeah, THAT's what makes you guys look bad.
if people really do this its actially not a bad thing because it makes the normal versions seem gentle, which they are. its like when moderate muslims kiss your ass knowing that extreme muslims are plotting to blow people up.
Its ok to be white.
you shills out yourselves too easily
>unless this was meant to make us look bad
of course it was
OP is fresh from reddit, doesn't realize how shit works here yet
False flag set up to try and discredit the posters.
thats hilarious
but seriously,
can you faggots drop this fucking meme already ?
its becoming stale so fucking fast...... can't you work on the next propaganda piece ???
what'r you gonna do, flyer this stupid meme up for the rest of the year ?
It was god, for five minutes, dont fucking wear it out for no reason.
no shit that was meant to make it look bad
you did it too I bet
Is this phase 2?
being white is not a meme, its a lifestyle.
I did. You fucking srsfags ruined Sup Forums. Enjoy simmering in the lulz of better men.
Kek beautifull,eat shit redditfaggs.
Nice meme flag rabbi
It's a mystery.
Also fuck you I have trips
It's okay to be white
Replace Sup Forums with infowars or some other right wing forum/website on the poster. Only retards would draw attention to this shithole
How comes this is the only version of this image poster that exists?
If anything, it will makes the original image more legit and dissociate it from here.
>look those Sup Forums people made their own
>Print out a retarded sign
>tape it up in your hallway
>snap a pic
>take it down
LOOK what some Sup Forumstard did!
jew playing the victim this is why we cant like you . why cant you just behave like normal people
We can use this to our advantage. Because this shows outright racism while the other does not. As long as the other one is more prolific, it will be seen less racist. Shills btfo
How long did it take you to make that?
Worse yet, who hung it up in a home stairwell!
Because that's where it's at.
Being that's the case? Yea I'm not worried.
Either Rabbi or fucking 12 year old kekistan faggot
yep totally the instructions of the OP
if they don't listen it's not our fault. Anyone can look up the real instructions. Why not post the original instructions on twitter showing this is a false flag.
This pic has been up for the last 3 days. Old
bingo. if they wanna be faggots it just helps our moderate positions stand out.
Obviously a commie. Leftypol and other SJW love to falseflag'n'shiet, and since the original version wasn't "rayciss" in the eyes of normies, some of them went out of their way to try and turn it into something actually racist while adding a reference to Sup Forums in order to sway Normie's view on the whole action (because Normies know Sup Forums as this "bundle of internet racists").
>checking your own post
this shit is top kek
itt: some larping neet faggot tapes poster in his kike mommy and daddys house
Probably made by a buttmad Kike.
we know that you did that OP, you fucking idiot
Well thanks for the new recruits you retarded shills. You don't even realize how this place works.
Why did you post that inside your mom's house, OP?
Said the person who created this thread and has only posted twice.