Donna Brazile Feared Being Murdered Like Seth Rich!
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Truly /ourgirl/
starting to like this nigress
my god can today get any better?
Donna is a saint. Bless her soul.
Did she flip or is this a desperate red herring?
Reminder that she is an enemy of the republic. She helped to undermine the democratic process. She contributed to the rigging of the primary for Hillary by leaking CNN debate questions to her campaign in advance.
Don't let her use Seth Rich's memory to try and rehabilitate her career.
The full quote.
>Brazile writes that she was haunted by the still-unsolved murder of DNC data staffer Seth Rich and feared for her own life, shutting the blinds to her office window so snipers could not see her and installing surveillance cameras at her home. She wonders whether Russians had placed a listening device in plants in the DNC executive suite.
My question though; why is she still pretending this Russian shit is a thing when she's openly talking about Seth Rich being murdered and Hillary rigging the election? Trying to save face with other Dems? Trying to do a controlled take down of Hillary only?
she's probably on the hook for a bunch of crimes and wants to signal her willingness to out her boss. also bitter for having her life ruined after being discovered cheating for HRC, and then cut loose by HRC. That's about all.
It's like Mega-user said before.
A lot of people who have been stuck in the swamp are people who got pulled in and are just trying to do what they have to do to survive. They are scared shitless, they are part of the swamp but they want to be free from the swamp.
what else happened today? i wasted the day so far with my wife and kid.
Hahahah old jew BTFO by based negress
Eat shit berniecuck
Guaranteed Brazile is guilty of a lot of shit and just trying to cover her fat ass, the entire Democratic party is pure shit
Go read about Saudi Arabia.
Donna Brazile is such a retarded nigger. Stupid Affirmative Action hire
>Donna Brazile is such a retarded nigger. Stupid Affirmative Action hire
which is why you would want to keep her around
Elizabeth warren wanted to run with buffalo
how does she keep getting away with it
Hilliary needs to kill this traitor bitch NOW.
Hilliary would have the best president, fuck that nigger cunt.
here's my intuitive take: Hillary Clinton is a Frank Underwood + Harvey Weinstein in a pantsuit. Her modus operandi is to intimidate people into working for her. As you say, the entire party is full of people, who done shit. But they were threatened into doing shit that they wouldn't be eager to do on their own. That's how mob operations work. They don't beg or bribe people to do shit, they intimidate them into e.g. being a drugs drop off point and give them a little money to make them benefiting participants of the web.
Harvey didn't just rape the actresses. He intimidated them into the sex and then he gave them some benefit, so they don't go to the police. And even if they go, it looks like they were hoes who sucked his cock to make a career, but are just unhappy after the fact.
there's no proof and we'll most likely never get closure, but here is my personal theory:
Russia exploited the man's death (at the very least). Only proof seth was the dnc leak source was from Assange's mouth (and he only implied)
They used seth as plausible deniability.
Also ru had no reason to tell Trump any of this, why would they?
As far as his actual murder, the place he tech. died (name of hospital) has still not been released - let alone caliber, video footage, nothing. Pure speculation.
His murder and the exploitation of it, may be two separate things..
Its a literal conspiracy theory.
>based black woman
>Its a literal conspiracy theory.
It's like you missed the last 18 months of FOIA's getting rejected looking for documents related to his death and his investigation. You agree they haven't released any footage, or anything else related to his murder. How many other "botched robberies" are you aware of where they didn't at least release video of the suspect(s) that were still wanted and at-large? How can you say that this is a conspiracy "theory"?
Oh that's right, because you get .02 a post.
Again, it shows the "grandiose conspiracy" defence is nonsense.
It's fear and covering of asses that can make many people silent.
Who will be next?
She is not, at all. She is as dirty and corrupt as any commiecrat, she just decided to cover her ass. Just a mueller 2.0. Was dirty and flipped for protection.
Stupid fucking Nazis.
It was a botched robery.
I think I need a nap. Anyone else feeling sleepy?
Not only that but she was feeding the MSM and vice versa. This bitch is hella corrupt.
The crown prince of Saudi Arabia has busted other princes for corruption, and pol has predictably tied this into LARPs and other conspiracies. You didn't miss anything.
How is it even possible for a human being to look like this?
She looks like she can be a character on Courage the Cowardly Dog or some shit.
You would think the deep state would just get rid of Hillary, she is now a direct threat to them.
She doesn't fear getting Sethed now?
Donna Brazile, the right wing, tinfoil hat, nutjob, conspiracy theorist must've been watching Alex Jones on Infowars,
The sleuthing from Assange, Stone and followers undermines the Rich family's investigator Jack Burkman who made a case for a murder using forensic analysis .
Even though places like Sup Forums ceased circulating more outrageous rumours the Wikileaks statements probably continue to cause the Family severe anguish and distress. OAN, FOX and Ecelebs exploitations of those statements have sometimes been even more outrageous and disregard the obvious suffering it would cause. Cant wait for Jack to get the documents!!!1!
>Tweets 1
is this real life?
This is a desperate red herring and an attempt to distance the DNC from hillary. So the party can survive and point the blame at Hillary just look how active shariablue is lately
It's all out there, how the DNC let Clinton buy them, how payments to crowdstrike coinciding with murders, et cetera.
We should turn Donna Brazil's into a alt right mascot like Pepe to confuse and fuck with Libs.
I laugh at how people make a big deal out of how Manafort gets indicted for things he did a decade or more ago, things that weren't even secret, while Mueller was the director of the FBI, with the aid of the good Senator McCain, while Bush and Obama were President - somehow it's Trump's fault.
Here we go
what the fuck happened with her? She took the big white cock and got redpilled?
She's going HAM on the democrats and Hillary.
This one is better
yeah I'm aware of the foia rejections.
I never said it was a botched robbery, anyone who claims to define his murder cannot, given the little information we have.
Drudge removed all posts several years ago. Now he just tweets once, and then deletes the tweet a few days later.
She would be Muriel as a sheboon in the possible upcoming shitty diversity remake of the show. Eustace would be the evil white man.
Kek. Quick and easy way to get the libs to eat their own even faster than they already are: claim that their figureheads were actually working for us the whole time. It doesn't have to be overwhelmingly convincing, either. Just enough to plant the seed of doubt.
is it any wonder that they hate us? Is it so hard to see that "anti racism" is motivated by envy and hatred?
ok. keep us posted on your family's adventures you fucking faggot
seems legit
>*spoon clank*
>...that's about all...peace out
I think she flipped. HRC threw her under the bus as soon as she got busted.
It's called chaff.
When retired DC homicide detective Rod Wheeler called up his old buddies in the department to find out what happened to Seth Rich, he said Brazile tried to get him thrown off the case and stop the investigation.
Guys this user had a good idea.
We can use Brazille to our advantage.
Fuck off. Simple as that.
Don't you dare insult our lord and savior spoon clank
There could be dead commies and nazis in the street.
im rubbing my hands at that comment, doesnt matter shes now /ourgirl/
Brazile is a god damn retard trying to get sympathy and get rich quick with her book by omitting full context of everything and taking advantage of fantasy
you sound scaaaaared.... it's only just begun
No it's literally just bs
The agreement she found about giving Hillary control of the funds was for the general election after the nomination. This recent bit would imply that she knows who killed Seth Rich which is bs as the Seth Rich case has all the hallmarks of a typical group of random niggers killing someone and then running because of the gun shot. Literally happens all the time
nah, DNC is a private organization and they can run their nominations as they see fit. of course, exposing them as corrupt and undemocratic hurts their image immensely, but i dont think its an actual crime
>the Seth Rich case has all the hallmarks of a typical group of random niggers killing someone and then running because of the gun shot. Literally happens all the time
Yeah, I suppose in this case, being around DC and all, it made more sense then the usual 'suicide'.
Have read the news lately? The Russian thing isn't just real but people are getting indicted. Jeff Sessions is about to get indicted for perjury because he lied about meeting with Russians.
Why would he lie?
stay woke lil nigga dont be a jester out here
It's not retarded if it sells books.
She's turned everyone against her now
she has no friends anymore anywhere and will have to watch her back now constantly as everyone will be trying to destroy her
>“There are no DNC or Podesta emails that exist beyond May 21 or 22, last email from either one of those groups. What the report says is that some time in late Spring… he makes contact with WikiLeaks, that’s in his computer,” he says. “Anyway, they found what he had done is that he had submitted a series of documents — of emails, of juicy emails, from the DNC.”
>Hersh explains that it was unclear how the negotiations went, but that WikiLeaks did obtain access to a password protected DropBox where Rich had put the files.
>“All I know is that he offered a sample, an extensive sample, I’m sure dozens of emails, and said ‘I want money.’ Later, WikiLeaks did get the password, he had a DropBox, a protected DropBox,” he said. They got access to the DropBox.”
>Hersh also states that Rich had concerns about something happening to him, and had
>“The word was passed, according to the NSA report, he also shared this DropBox with a couple of friends, so that ‘if anything happens to me it’s not going to solve your problems,’” he added. “WikiLeaks got access before he was killed.”
>Wheeler said that brother Aaron Rich tried to block Wheeler from looking at Seth’s computer, even though there could be evidence on it. “He said no, he said I have his computer, meaning him,” Wheeler said. “I said, well can I look at it?…He said, what are you looking for? I said anything that could indicate if Seth was having problems with someone. He said no, I already checked it. Don’t worry about it.”
>Wheeler said that Seth’s girlfriend told him that Aaron Rich had possession of Seth’s cell phones, but Aaron denied it and said “we’re not going to worry about the cell phones.”
>Aaron also blocked Wheeler from finding out about who was at a party Seth attended the night of the murder.
>“All I want you to do is work on the botched robbery theory and that’s it,” Aaron told Wheeler
>According to a source close to the Rich family, Aaron works for Northrup Grumman, which was named as the fifth-largest defense contractor in the world in 2015. The source did not provide what his specific role is at the company.
>“It’s not just hacking and defending, there’s a lot more to it,” a cyber software engineer at Northrup Grumman says in a video on the company’s website.
A breaking report from America First Media Group appears to show that payments made to private cyber security firm Crowdstrike coincided with the dates of two mysterious deaths, including the unsolved murder of Seth Rich and the death of process server Shawn Lucas.
Disobedient Media previously reported on Shawn Lucas’ death, which occurred shortly after he attempted to serve former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz with papers regarding the DNC Fraud Lawsuit. Attorneys for the plaintiffs in that case later sought protection from the court, and in doing so had cited both Seth Rich and Shawn Lucas’ deaths, as well as that of Beranton Whisenant Jr. and others.
In their report, America First Media Group shows that the first payments made were preemptive measures on May 5th, 2016. They add that the next payment to Crowdstrike, totaling $98,849.84, took place on July 11th.
Their report specifically stated that:
“The relationship to this date happens to be the day after DNC Data Director of New Voter Registration Seth Rich was murdered.”
The reportindicates: “The final payment to date is August 3rd, 2016. This coincides with another murder in the District of Columbia. Shawn Lucas, who died on August 2nd of last year, was the DNC Process Server and close friend of Seth Rich.”
That Lucas and Rich were friends is an extremely important and noteworthy detail, and may provide some connection between their deaths which has not previously been considered. If true it is an extremely new detail in the context of their deaths and the political furor surrounding both men.
fuck you Shareblue faggot
Hillary is going down, and not just faceplanting on the street like on 9/11
She used the DNC to funnel money into her campaign illegally evading the limits on contributions to presidential candidates
Uranium One bribery
Money laundering
as long as you dont humiliate anyone in congress you dont have to worry about getting raped to death at 1 am by a cia agent
>It's not retarded if it sells books.
-- Sup Forums, 2017
>Here, the Clinton campaign and the DNC retained the law firm of Perkins Coie; in turn, one of its partners, Marc E. Elias, retained Fusion GPS. We don’t know how much Fusion GPS was paid, but the Clinton campaign and the DNC paid $9.1 million to Perkins Coie during the 2016 campaign (i.e., between mid-2015 and late 2016).
>A friend draws my attention to an intriguing coincidence.
>In its capacity as attorney for the DNC, Perkins Coie – through another of its partners, Michael Sussman – is also the law firm that retained CrowdStrike, the cyber security outfit, upon learning in April 2016 that the DNC’s servers had been hacked.
That's all well and nice but the DoJ needs to DO SOMETHING. I don't like Hillary but that doesn't mean I forgive other evil just because of it
It doesn't to people that live in DC. It doesn't make sense in that area. Very rare. Huge coincidence. Coincidences with murders are never coincidences.
Did it physically hurt you when you selected the republican image for your flag? It lasts forever too, so you know it will always be there.
that sounds pretty autistic
you know how
Here is DWS editing the Crowdstrike statement of the older DCCC hack
>From: Debbie Wasserman Schultz [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 5:46 PM
To: Miranda, Luis; Dacey, Amy
Cc: Paustenbach, Mark
Subject: Re: Draft Quote
Here it is with my changes. “The forensic analysis conducted by the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike confirmed that the DNC’s initial findings, which were the basis of the temporary shutdown in December, were accurate. The audit confirmed that one campaign gained unauthorized access to the data of another, and the audit further confirmed that the results of those searches were saved within the system and that data was exported. Following the conclusion of the audit that confirmed the DNC's original findings, the Sanders campaign withdrew its lawsuit.” - DNC Communications Director Luis Miranda
Crowdstrike has refused to testify regarding their report on the DNC hack which was paid for by the DNC:
>domain created 1 year ago
real credible source you got there ivan
wtf I am now a civic nationalist!!
Can we make Brazile flip on the seth rich situation? Let's tell her to go to trump with information on hillary/DNCs involvement with Seth rich's murder in exchange for Protection.