I'm an atheist and although I disagree with Christians I can't stand it when faggots attack Christians and force them to bake cakes for their gay weddings. I will always side with Christians over LGBT shitheads. Am I alone in this belief?
Atheist who hates LGBT
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No. I was atheist who couldn't stand leftists. Now I am ignostic that hates Jews, the sole driving force of degeneracy.
I don't give a shit about gays but I don't see how any sane person could side with them in the bakery situation, and I fucking hate pride.
Nope, same as well.
fuck off back to your pagan raisin cakes and banishment and sauron wedding rings
larping jew pedo bastards. nice thread. muh divide and conquer about nothing. this one wont be deleted like smelly vagina threads do though. youre womany ungodly sacks of shit and liars
Go be a faggot somewhere else meme flag.
go get cancer and bow to Eve in eden. oops. sign of covenant to destroy YOUR nephilim. like bisexual david. is worth more than your babylonian zionism flag
and aids too. gone. fuck this. i keep repeating. op too. a faggot. and it's a waste. truvada. doesnt work on you. bye. couldnt care less that the scum of the earth pretends it doesnt like me. you dont have the balls. end of thread
As a Christian I appreciate any atheist that appreciates my right to believe what I want and not be an asshole about it.
As for FORCING Christians or anyone to work for you, whether they want to or not, well that shit is just called slavery. Whether they get paid or not. Work against your will.
Can't believe this shit is entertained in this country.
>literal insanity:thepost
You sound like you may have AIDS related dementia. Might wanna get that checked out.
The guy is a well-known LGBT flag shitposter, don't respond to his posts. I don't even think he reads anything
your periods and nonsense are delicious. make up shit about me. i dont. you throw nothing but tantrums. then you bait me to try and keep me around. not only do YOU never read anything. you never say anything. unlike me. you know this. ive told you many times. your larps never end. no need for me to larp. just keep repeating like you do. youre organised. you project and defend women and jews and those are the only degenerates there are. you cant handle it. be a man. side with Christians and men. not atheists and kikes and pedos and pedo dolan and women
I like your position, but i have to pretend i don't like it irl, because it leads to disrespect in our contemporary society(
We all know who is responsible for such a thing.
>I'm an atheist
No one cares
same shit
Why? Christians would burn you at the stake for being a "degenerate". You should be happy that they're dying out
Exactly, it started with degenerates having anal sex with other men which then became a movement in the 70s and 80s and successfully subverted the media using it to normalize homosexuality so they would be "tolerated" as public homos. Then came "marriage" and now "transgender" idiocy with people openly lapping as something they are not expecting that straight people would date them. Next is pedosexuality
Hey I'm looking for that post in response to an op from awhile back that started off with "so you want a non-secular reason to be against homosexuality? Okay." Then went in depth about the various scientific and sociological reasons to dislike homosexuality.
no you're not
This is the shit I'm talking about here. These people actually revel in the destruction of society it's fucked up, they want people GONE just for not appreciating their love of buttsex.
I specifically think it's funny to force people to bake gay cakes and I would like to see this exact thing happen to businesses that don't even make cakes.
And then I want to meet people from these businesses on their off-hours at social settings and ask them where they work so I can be like "I heard you make fagcakes" and then pretend to not believe their excuses.
I'm an atheist and really appreciate Christianity. It's following the values what's important.
I'm okay with fags and lesbos doing their shit, but it shouldn't be promoted. Trannies are mentally ill.
Same here. What I do in my church and my faith is my business not anyone else's. And when you impose your way of life on me by say baking a cake for your wedding and demanding service to support your life style you are going to far.
They are actually doing that.
Why would I side with religious people against gay people?
Why would I care what two people do in the privacy of their own bed if they are both consenting adults?
The spread of LGBTQ+ rights speeds up the destruction of religion, which is a good thing, in my opinion!
OP you are good with that. We got to help the lesser brothers against hidden LGBT Jew
Would you become a Christian if you were convinced the Christianity was true?
Would you worship the Christian God?
I personally don't hate the gays, but I wish they would stop trying to normalize it. Talk about it like it's a mental illness or the symptom of a disease, not like it's something as as simple as being left handed.
Not really, there were atheists in the past that we didn’t burn,
I hate the sin, not the sinner.
Whoa there traitor, you may be okay with the idea of faggots and LGBTQ in the motherland, but most intelligent people aren't. If you hate islam so much take the trip to cuck countries yourself. Say what you want about islam but I love the fact that marriage and finding a partner is basically handed to me, and best of all she will be a virgin no niggers or chads have touched her. Destruction of our religion will mean the end of fair and equal marriage. Enjoy tasting Tyrone's cum, your probably a dark fucker yourself.
Atheist who disagrees with sodomy reporting in. Your dick was not meant to go into assholes! Thanks for the aids virus faggots.
Oh and fuck communism! Was trolling Communist the other day
I'm an atheist, so I don't believe in sin, but I do believe in illness, genetic defects and psychological trauma. I can't be mad at a cripple for being born a cripple.
No, I'm an atheist and I agree. I really can't think of any logical argument against faggotry. But fuck em anyway, all faggots must hang.
my nigga
Would you become a Christian if you were convinced that it was true?
is that sheo on head
Convinced what was true?
If you were convinced the Christian God exists, as in without a doubt. Absolute certainty.
I'm the same.
Would you read a couple of books if I recommended them to you?
Fuck off faggot.
Probably not.
same, gf too
I will be very happy when religion is destroyed.
Go find a wife yourself.
And yes; I am gay.
Nah. I'm an atheist and I think Christians are pretty okay in general.
I'm sorry to hear, I understand you have no control over it, but that doesn't mean you should go out on the streets in your thong and dildos on your forehead. Again come to America or Europe if you want a mouth full of HIV, its not against our religion to be gay (as your born that way), rather it is once you preform the act of sex with another man. Basically live life as a virgin, die of aids in the west, or be hung out in the streets by your own family. I'm sorry but these are your only choices.
Well that is quite unfortunate.
Here are the books I will recommend anyways
Summa Theologica by St Thomas Aquinas ( goes into detail about Christian theology, what we believe and why)
Mere Christianity by CS Lewis ( explains his conversion to Christianity from atheism, and gives other explanations and reasons on other things)
Cold case Christianity, goes into the evidence for Christianity through the lenses of a homicide detective
Recognizing mental illness and the ills of society does not require religion. The Christians happen to be correct about some things...and wrong about others. Gays are shit.
My family are Christians, not Muslims, so they won't be hanging me any time soon.
As for going to the west; well, it's not that easy to move, you know.
>its not against our religion to be gay (as your born that way), rather it is once you preform the act of sex with another man.
I don't know if you realize how dumb what you just said sounds.
>god created you that way but he doesn't want you to behave in the natural way that he created you to behave in.
Why is your god so cruel? Why do you believe in such a being?
Reminder that normal people don't have faggots because they have same-sex sex. They hate them because they are faggots. Only a faggot would do shit like that to force someone to bake a cake for them and violate their beliefs
>Am I alone in this belief?
much of Sup Forums is atheist, we just know it doesnt matter
the shills who bring up religion are mostly just leftists trying to distract us, i think
Those really seems to be books by christians for christians reinforcing their own beliefs. At most, it's a vague guide to help you figure out how to convert athiests to christianity, not something intended to convert them itself.
You might as well have suggested a book called "So You Want To Be A Christian" to me. I don't WANT to be christian. I really don't care enough to, because I'm perfectly happy being an athiest.
I got involved in the altright in January 2016 as an atheist.
I became a Christian again five months later. I don’t see how Christianity is a distraction, the idea that I don’t want my brothers in arms to go to hell is a bad thing?
no i mean arguing about religion is a distraction and is irrelevant since you could say god created everyone equal and all that bullshit and desu its hard to imagine a god who makes niggers
I'm pretty sure I made the point clear, about being born gay isn't your fault. As to why god is cruel? Your guess is as good as mine, might as well stick with a religion that makes the most sense to me and hope everything else works out, Christianity is literally cuckery in my eyes with the concept of free sex for women and all the different sects that come with it. Judaism is the embodiment of what the work hates and wishes to remove. Islam is only experiencing the hell and retardation the media shows us thanks to 1900s european and kike colonization. Indonesia and Malaysia are super chill places with a majority Muslim population.
die. fake. duped. pussified jew rat cunts. youre terrorists in a fertility cult who suck dick and then cut yourselves. have little statues for freud in a temple with your frogs because youre reprobates. zero arguments ever in these. not one. all projection and synagogue of satan stuff
Honestly I don’t believe I can convert anyone. A Christian can baptize someone, but the gift of faith is a grace that only God can give. The only reason I am a Christian today is because of a grace that compelled me to be a Christian.
I'm guessing you were probably unhappy with some aspect of your life and felt a religious community or the promise of an afterlife was a solution to your problems, right?
Your religious beliefs have nothing to do with your sexual preferances or tolerance towards queers of all kinds. It is a Western thing, to think those two correlate.
No, more Like I was trolling on pol as a Calvinist Christian, using bible verses to troll accurately. I felt a force that compelled me to pray and beg God to let me serve him and for him to take me back. I wasn’t at some altercall nor at some Christian rock concert.
No, the media hasn't even touched the tip of the iceberg with the religious retardation that I see on a day to day basis.
You can fool yourself and pretend that the media is painting a bad picture of your religion, but it's actually quite the opposite.
You just have a victim complex.
Your tactics may work on people from the west who are oblivious to the shit that followers of your religion do here, but they won't work on me.
Compare your life now to how it was when you were an atheist. Aside from now believing in god, what has changed?
Quite a lot has happened
Major changes in my life and outlook. I was already alt right before, but a completely different world view, and switched from Calvinism to Roman Catholicism,
Just die of AIDS fag
>Quite a lot has happened
Try being specific. Tell me why you're happier now than you were before.
tell yourself whatever you want goy
Soon are a a full blown Christian.
I do have a sense of joy now that I am in Christ, is there something specific you are looking for?
I would compare it to being the man who has been freed from Socrates’s cave. Like absolute truth has been revealed to me.
LGBTQueers are doing more than good to their own cause by allying with the Cultural Marxists. Once Cultural Marxism goes out of trend none of you will be taken seriously and that is bad for your cause.
Trolling had to have felt good, hadn't it? Made you feel powerful? Gave you confidence? Made you feel like you were part of something bigger? Looking-down on others because your beliefs are truer than theirs? Isn't it addictive, like a drug?
Do you feel euphoric?
No you're not alone.
>Am I alone.
Never ever, friend. I'm an atheist and a conservative in most things. I don't give a fuck if anyone is gay, but a private business has the right to refuse service for any reason.
A behavioral change in my life may be a good example. I was addicted to porn and masturbation, that got beyond decency. It stopped completely after returning to the faith for almost a year, I stumble every now and then now, but I have had a complete change in that area
>Retributive under "vice"
>"I hate jews"
Get outta here
No it’s not like that
How can you be so sure?
It has been revealed to me in a way that I can be certain.
What way. Detailed descriptions please.
You're being too vague. Was this 'revelation' just a feeling or a thought you can logically express?
I've known drug-users who told me they've felt like they've had some sort of great epiphany, like they've figured out something very important. I've tried asking them what it was they've learned, but they draw a total blank.
You weren't addicted to porn and masturbation, but you're addicted right now.
I don’t know how God did it. I just know that he did,
If you want the same thing I have I would recommend you ask God to make himself known to you.
As for logic itself
Logic is conceptual or of the mind
Logic is universal ie the law of non contradiction is a universal law of logic
Therefore logic must come from a universal mind
I don’t understand what you are saying?
So you don't know, you're just lying to yourself like everyone else with an imaginary friend. got it.
>I don’t know how God did it. I just know that he did,
Do you KNOW or do you FEEL?
>As for logic itself
>Logic is conceptual or of the mind
>Logic is universal ie the law of non contradiction is a universal law of logic
>Therefore logic must come from a universal mind
This is all meaningless gibberish that doesn't make any sense.
Oh for fuck's sake. I'm saying your trolling got you high on activating your brain’s reward circuits, your smug sense of superiority over the atheists you were trolling eventually you got addicted.
That isn’t what I said, but if you need to lie to yourself to forget about your impending judgement, I understand, I just hope God gives you the same grace he gave me so that you might escape your impending wrath that is coming to you
I do not like christianity
I do not like also this acceptance of homosexuality that is happening- it feels reactional and it's ideological fundamentals are not convincing enough.
1) Who cares it's genetic- that does not mean it should be a societal standard. Moreover an exposure to certain ideas/enviormental factors could make the gay genes active which i believe could be prevented. I do not see any good in this, considering the fact that the higher the standard of living the lower the birth rates.
2) It's natural/animals do it- it does not matter. For the outcome of a society of well prospering individuals it's not usefull to promote it.
3) And even if you are LGBTXWSYZ or whatever, who cares? Why bother being proud of it? It's like with the kid who gets bullied but never stops being provocative. You cannot force me to respect you. DESU some time ago i used to not give a shit about other people being gay or something (and i do not still really if they cannot help it, but why celebrate this like it;s something special), but I came to this position after actually giving a damn and thinking a little.
You're coming-down, so you need another hit of that smug sense of superiority.
Look at the shit people who take psychedellics say about drug trips. It's all meaningless gibberish that only makes sense to them and other drug addicts. It's vague meaningless crap about beauty and love and reality being an illusion and a bunch of other stuff that "feels" right, but they can never use logic to recreate the experience in other people. Because there is no logic to it, only drug-fueled feelings.
>I don’t know how
>I just know that he did,
That is exactly what you said.
If God’s grace is freely given unconditionally, meaning I did nothing to deserve it God gave it to me according to his will,
I don’t think I am superior to you, had it not been for that grace, I would still be an atheist awaiting the wrath of God the same as you are now. I’m not better than you, that is the truth, the only reason I am doing this is in the hope that God will do for you what he did for me.
>God gave it to me according to his will
Well aren't you fucking special!
>I don’t think I am superior to you
>I’m not better than you
You're talking down to people. And you're too addicted to realize it.
them word filters
based Christbro