Prove me wrong
Russia is the brazil of europe
Other urls found in this thread:
>russian modesty
wtf Bulgaria?
Well Russia isn't part of Europe, first of all
>russia is the last hope for the white race
they still beat your fuckin ass in the war lol faggot
>Russia is in Europe
I don't know where they got this shit but I've never heard that owning pornographic material is illegal here
Russians win wars due to their numbers and disregard of human life. However, Russians are actually pretty bad at fighting. They got BTFO by Japan, Finland, and Germany until their winter rolled in. I’m not a natsoc larper either
As awful as Slavs can be, they're still recovering from the communist hangover.
Give 'em a few generations to get their shit together and allow Orthodoxy to flourish.
>american education
Europe ends at the Urals and west of that is the most populos and releveant part of Russia.Plus in medieval times their people started where todays Kiev stands.
>allow Orthodoxy to flourish
This is sadly just a meme, burger since most young people are even more materialistic and godless than the old commies
HIV is fucked up especially combined with IV drug epidemics
do what we did.
>Being this butthurt over WW2
suffice to say you're cherry-picking
at least they can get out in the streets peacefully
So, Russia belongs to Ukraine.
This is from like 1995 tho, right?
Is there a paganism presence there at least?
Something to deter against atheism and Islam?
>child porn is legal in russia
Russia lost the war - 1/4 male population dead, repressions, cultural decay, drinking surge, and today jewish, armenian, georgian, central asian, chinese and ukranian subhumans are EVERYWHERE
You're wrong.
Because Brazil is the Russia of the Americas.
Please come to russia
How this guy looks under normal angle
It's official, then.
Russia is Ukrainian clay.
Russia is South Africa of Europe - Northern European former apartheid state subverted and destroyed. 50-65% ethnic Russian and decreasing
>all Slavs are orthodox
KYS dumb fuck
Allowing Orthodoxy to flourish implies they aren't all Orthodox, you goofus.
How so?
Are we going to ignore that the UK has double the number of cases to every other country except russia?
Also this is the result of communism followed by crony capitalism
It's much worse
We have to dump our shitskins there and import their QT's
so did i??
That map is entirely fuck, it's legal in Sao Tome but shown as illegal on the map, same for other countries. Places where CP is shown as legal is about possession. Distribution and production are illegal in most of those countries.
Also this is the result of internationalist communism followed by multiracial capitalism*
Portugal = Clean
Not even a color on the map. Because if your daughter is a whore in Portugal, the Father will literally slap you fucking silly daily and nobody will say a word.
Would date desu.
Every time.
>Plus in medieval times their people started where todays Kiev stands.
No Rus' was founded in in area around Novgorod.
What? CP is illegal here, stop posting bullshit, kraut
Russia is the coolest country of Europe.
Russia's not even in Europe.
It's an Asian country, heir to the Golden Horde.
Why does he need a watch on both arms?
Dirty Ukrop.
many such cases!
^ This. Stop mixing us with Europe, we are not part of it and never will be. Fuck them all.
sure allow scumfuck jew religion that denies science to flourish, that will totally help cure hiv lol