I wanted to see if I could find some images of a black man walking a Golden Retriever, and apparently just finding blacks with Golden Retrievers period is some of the rarest shit on the internet. Virtually all of the images are just weird stock photos. Do blacks not have pets or what? Like I'm pretty sure this kid is just an actor and the dog doesn't belong to him.
Daniel Ortiz
there's a race that domesticated dogs and one who struggles to build mud huts to this day
Nathan Phillips
>they're poor. they can't afford them. >the ones that are rich enough buy guard dogs oly to keep other bl;acks from stealing their stuff, thats the only reason any black would own a dog. thats why blacks have specific mean breeds. pit bulls, dobermans, german shepherds, etc.
Juan Lewis
Blacks won't even take care of their own kids, why do you think they'd take care of a dog?
Aaron Morris
Africans at least don't torture dogs before they eat them. qed.
Jace Ortiz
Golden retrievers are way too smart to keep niggers as pets.
Brayden Davis
Leo Phillips
Humans and niggers are a separate species. Dogs co-evolved with humans and have, in a sense, literally been 'made' for each other. They're the natural enemy of our natural enemy - niggers.
Elijah Cook
Some black folk own dogs, but a retriever is generally out of their price range. You don't just get a Golden after seeing a cardboard sign on the street corner announcing their dog had puppies and they need to go ASAP. That's the typical black dog owner's adoption process.
Carter Mitchell
You will rarely find a black person with a purebred dog especially good breeds like Golden Retriever. They either have mutts, savage breeds like pits, or tiny toy breeds. All of which are cheap or free to obtain and need very little food or care.
Jordan Johnson
>they're poor. they can't afford them.
When I see I homeless guy with dogs, he usually has several of them, and I have never seen that they would be in bad condition or malnutritioned. It is not about being poor.
Dylan Young
It takes the ability to understand abstract thought in order to train a dog. Many African root languages lack the concept of a past or future and that is just scratching the surface on the inherent language differences dictating their behavior.
Adrian Myers
Those dogs are his life and death protection. Of course he keeps them fed probably not with the best food but still with food. Homeless live in a different world as well. The are homeless guys who know how to keep their stomachs full and do what most fuckers won't to obtain food. Chances are that guy knows all the best dumpsters to get good food on a regular basis and feeds himself and his pooches. Some nigger wagecuck who only knows how to spend money on shit they don't need wouldn't be able to understand that guys way of thinking.
Oliver Johnson
Dogs hate niggers and vice versa because they both occupy a similar space on the social ladder. Niggers get scared because doggos cause them cognitive dissonanace and doggos hate niggers because they're subhuman
Eli Clark
Also this
Gavin Howard
Pit bulls bud
Jason Ward
Matthew Miller
Niggers don't even take care of their own kids, why the fuck would they want a dog.
Asher Long
Weird isn't it? A guy who doesn't have anything and has most likely a dry shit in his pants is better at surviving than someone who is literally completely dependent on the handouts from the system that supposedly oppress them.
That also remids me of that dumbass western journalist who wanted to try homeless life and froze to death the second day.
Ryan Cooper
I too have seen homeless guys with multiple dogs, that looked to be well fed. But they were mutts, not Golden Retrievers, not Huskies, not GSDs. Not anything with a pedigree. It's about being poor.
It's not the cost of the feeding and grooming of the dog, it's the cost of the dog.
Samuel Hill
"Blacks are scared of dogs" is as old and classic as watermelon, can't swim, and fried chicken. The quintessential stereotypes of aeons past.
Aiden Torres
I cant talk for African Americans but I'm going to assume they are like the primitive people here who get pets.
They love them as puppies, then as they get older the dogs are neglected and chained up in the back yard. 9/10 of the viscous dog attacks come from these neglected anti social dogs.
So literally the browns turn the peaceful doggos into them.
Joshua Barnes
Daniel Hill
>walking my dog yesterday >nigger lady also walking dog >Both our small barky dogs start barking towards each other >I tell my dog to calm down, keep her close to me >Negress yanks the leash, dragging the tiny dog back like its a piece of garbage.
Pissed me off so much. Why the fuck would you treat a doggo that way? Niggers like that shouldnt be allowed to have pets or children.