I need help guys! My son wants to date a nigger! And fuck her
I need help guys! My son wants to date a nigger! And fuck her
Honor killings are a thing now in Germany so have at it.
get him checked for aids. Its not even a racist response at this point.
Kill him asap
shame him, ridicule him.
either he'll make the right choice, or he'll run away or something
win win
its really effective
make it really weird for him. send him all the BLEACHED propaganda so he can only think of his creepy WN dad every time he sees her thicc caramel booty
hope he likes hep c
Don't do anything just be skeptical. If you raised him the right way he will take your skepticism and act according to it or atleast value it. If she truly is a nigger he will come to his senses soon or later. If not , well just blame the multicultural structure of your society since there is little you can do without villifiying yourself against yours son.
>my son
>spongebob picture
go back to school. also if real: Just tell him the facts about mixed race children. Thats the only thing that matters in race mixing idiot
I grew up around blacks in a majority black city, and it never occurred to me that blacks were different than me in any meaningful sense. That is, their differences were purely aesthetic.
When I interact with black people, they never strike me as different than me. They seem to show that same variety of thought and emotion that anybody else does from individual to individual. I'm not sure what Sup Forums expects of them.
Thanks that was appreciated
did you ever:
-attend a black school
-actually live within the city
because otherwise you are lying. Obviously, black people are cool, individually. The individual is not the community
At first,
Act like it’s all okay
Wait until they go so long, start to get acquainted, start to develop feelings “they’ve never had with someone outside their own race before”
Then when he takes her home for dinner, the first time you meet her. Be respectful. Be nice. In front of the family.
But pull her aside sometime through out the night. Tell her in no uncertain terms that the future of your bloodline is as clean as the driven snow. That if she had half an average american’s intellect, she’d break up with your son AND MAKE IT HER FAULT
Literally scar your son
Make him dumbfounded
At loss for why this girl he loved, flipped on him so quick
The real meme magic is under the hood. He associates those feelings of misery with her smell, her nose, the way she talked.
Everywhere he goes, he’ll see a nigger and start to hate, he’ll see a biracial couple and his blood will BOIL. Even the mention of African culture will cause a click behind his eyes; his ears will suddenly perk up.
Because then he’ll know
So what?
As long he uses a condom there is nothing wrong.
White slave owners used to fuck petite negro chicks all the time. Only white girls must not do that, but we are men, we are piviliged.
>user, I don't know how to tell you this
>While we were at dinner your dad pulled me aside
>He grabbed my arm and said some weird ass shit about snow
>I think your dad wants to fuck me
>>-attend a black school
I wasn't going to attend public school. I would have been eaten alive, white or black... Or maybe not. People seem to leave me alone. I think I give off a weird vibe unintentionally.
You probably raised him to be a low self esteem racist. Low self esteem racists always go for minorities because they see their race as the only thing they have going for them and they don't think they can get a white girl.
Tell him to flip a coin. Whatever comes up, tell him he now has AIDS.
That's fine, as long as he doesn't marry her.
Fuck her first
Send him to military school ASAP. He's useless except as bullet fodder. Don't do it if American because he's useful to ZOG. Push him down the stairs
I attended a black schhool, a mexican school, and then finally transferred to a white school.
The black and mexican schools were literal prisons. fights everyday at all hours. kids huffing air duster in the classroom and the entire school surviing because of the chinese minority raising the sscore average
The white school was like a paradise dream. None of my fellow classmates had the expierice I did, they never saw the damage
Don't worry about it, if he's a teenager he's not going to end up marrying her in the end,
I never have had this experience around blacks where they want to tear me apart. I've hung out with poor, down-and-out blacks plenty of times.
All the blacks I've been around have been perfectly understandable on an emotional level and otherwise.
So? As long as he doesn't reproduce with it
Be nice. Ask him to bring her over. Make a nice dinner.
And then recite some quotes from Mein Kampf like a prayer before the meal. Show her your WWII gun and uniform collection and your oiginal 1933 picture of Hitler that hangs above your bed.
I thought it said masturbation rate for a second.
I dont think you are understanding me. You group of black friends are not the black race. The individual is not the community like I said. I had plenty of black friends, the individual is irrelevant