Tfw sweden owes you 941,535,480 euro in war damages from the 16th century
Will you take 941,535,480 non-whites instead?
>FTW there only exist about 800,000,000 white people in Europe
how about you lazy ass bitches do something productive and make money instead of bitching about the whole world "owning" you money
Poles can only complain about their fucking reparations
I despise the fact that Silesia belongs to Poland.
I may have Polish flag but I am Silesian -- thus German ( at least by soul )
Die Polen sind doof und armselig.
youre just a slav in denial
Sweden stole cultural artifacts from us. They need to return those.
It's not about money.
I swear to god, if you say this one more time then I will bomb your little suicidal shithole
We are germanic.
Bismark knew that
Prussians knew that
Hitler knew that.
>tfw Polen owes us pomerania
say what? that you are a slav rape-baby?
Return all the german cars you have stolen
Then we will talk
Pommern is German clay fuck off
That's rich coming from Swedish/Polish/Russian rapebaby
Now you are twice the mongrel
I will support any autistic map as long as Silesia returns to Germany
I believe you, mate. Don't let the haters get you down; be proud of your strong polish blood.
At least you aren't a filthy Russian.
you forgot german
Funny. Because im probably more german then you or your line will ever be.
Fake map, fag.
Germany was united under prussia in 1871. How the fuck would sweden have any Germanic territory in 1896?
he doesnt consider himself being polish
>be proud of your strong polish blood.
I am Silesian
Not polish
Yeah yeah
That's why in 80s and 90s Germany was inviting Silesians to live in Germany?
That's why the gave Silesians privileges and funding?
That's why Germans are still financing pro-German groups among Silesians in Oppeln?
We are Germans
or at least honorary Germans
The world belongs to America.
>prussia has never existed in my lifetime
what horrible feels
I would like breslau and danzig back but the biggest travesty is that Königsberg is fucking Russian
Proof that god has left us
I beg you
Annex us
We want to finally come home
did you ever do a DNA test or are you just larping because you saw a couple of swastikas on Sup Forums
I would honestly be fine with being controlled by poland if it meant germany and prussia were one again
>t. Slav in denial
Rich coming from a Balt.
Silesia has been the home of my family since 18th or 17th century at least.
I base all of my knowledge on my genealogical tree and the knowledge of my grandparents
From what I learnt from my grand mother, my family almost faced some kind of oppression after WW2, but we were not deported by communists because my family decided that our 'german' side has to hide.
You see, we did not want to return to Germany because we used to own estate in Breslau.
And now.. well, it no longer belongs to my family so there's no reason for me to stay here any longer
so slav or a balt?
How is joining EU and NATO going on, Bohdan, eh?
I'm sorry to tell you this. But the goddam commies ethnically cleansed silesia at the close of WW2. Odds are you are more Polish than German.
Don't feel bad; at least you're still white.
I myself am 25 to 50% irish (we irish are the niggers of western europe), but I'm still white so it could be worse.
i didnt want these feels late at night
Every night I go to sleep and dream about Prussia being part of Germany again. I dream of walking slowly down the street of Königsberg or attending the Preußische Kriegsakademie for the glory of the Prussian state. Of living honorably and, at the very least, dying venerable for a cause that I believe in.
Then I wake up. I go to class and see that Muslims are the only ones with strollers and children. I see white women wearing burqas with Arabic men close behind. I see Ethiopians hollering at Germans at tram stops. I see Kebab and Asian Bistros at every corner. I realize that I am living a nightmare.
I wish that I had the opportunity to fight for my state even if it meant certain death. The fact that I am not at least granted that is proof that god has abandoned me
Poles will destroy Germany much like the Alans did the Western Roman Empire. There's not enough masculinity left in Germany to resist a sincere push for revenge.
TFW you can't wait for little Poland to invade Germany "in an effort to restore sanity and order" in 20 years.
Not really
Countless Germans living in Silesia went into hiding after 1945.
But they resurfaced after Germans officially regained the status of minority
>pic rel Ethnic minorities in Poland / Niemcy - Germans
Look at the southern part of Poland
There are still a lot, a lot of germans in Silesia
easy man, show us your face and we will see if you're slav or not!
>TFW you can't wait for little Poland to invade Germany "in an effort to restore sanity and order" in 20 years.
Get a grip
It's never going to happen
Germany is the economical powerhouse and German economy is directly tied to Polish economy.
Looks like the Soros plan to take over Sup Forums is working...
What is happening today on Sup Forums is pretty much cyberwarfare against Poland...
Recent expansions of your military already make it not unreasonable.
Multiculturalism destroyed the once invincible Romans. Germany is not immune.
What do you mean?
Today I only saw like.. 2 threads about Poland
Sweden ? I don't know this country
well i saw at least 4-5 of them + at least 4 threads related to Poland that were obvious bait for Sup Forums to shit on Poland.
2-3 "hate on this shithole" threads were taken over by cucks from karachan and they literaly shit so much on us that whole Sup Forums didn't shit on us this much during whole month.
Westerners don't give a f about russia, they don't even know what is going on there. The truth is they have so huge army that without USA help and Nukes in Europe, Russia alone could probably btfo us all (if they had money for fuel).
Poland attacking Germany - thats never ever going to happen.
what about Mosuria?- really Baltic clay?
and (west and east) Prussia?
I was once talking to some of my kurwa colleagues about separatist movements like Scotland and Catalonia. I brought up Silesia, but one of them even realised you guys considered yourselves different to Poles, let alone realise that some of you want to separate. When I showed them your separatist websites, they pretty much thought it was a joke movement, like Cornish Independence.
Someone needs to hit the gym. Those blubbery gluteus maximuses
Kek at all these eastern europoors larping as Germans whenever Eastern threads pop up. Anyone know what causes this phenomenon?
We will see, but I believe you're vastly underestimating the deleterious effect of post-modernist leftism, multiculturalism, and millions of 80 IQ mudslimes.
Only Lower Silesia, Upper Silesia was spared since most of the people were bilingual anyway. Secondly they weren't cleansed, sure a lot got killed with initial Soviet offensive but later they got expulsed but it was nothing big in comparison what would world allow them to do ( like Czechs smashing civilians by tanks in Sudets and Czech had suffered almost nothing). Anyways without Silesian there would be nothing in Southern Germany since South Germans are similar to South Italians, they care only about food, alcohol and some poor animal to fuck (these old people from Bavaria are really disgusting and guys like Fritzl - birds of feather).
>they pretty much thought it was a joke movement, like Cornish Independence.
Because, sadly, our numbers in Poland are dwindling.. same goes for language.
Less and less people use the "Ślůnsko godka"
However, our borderline Czech/German accent is still alive and well
are pols the niggers of europe?
why are they demanding gibs?
Sweden owes us reparations from 1000 years ago
There's a reason Trump chose your country to give his "Save the West speech."
Pic related
we the mexico of Europe
At least they deserve them unlike your border jumper cousins.
>why are they demanding gibs?
for shits and giggles
i have never heard of spics demanding reparations
>Anyone know what causes this phenomenon?
Maybe because they are living on our clay? And the baltics were our slaves for hundreds of years
Do you have any idea what was happening to us -- Silesians during ww2?
Silesians signed the Volksliste and had the classification 3, which meant that we were allowed to get German citizenship easily, serve in wehrmacht, get official wehrmacht awards etc. etc.
im silesian as well and trust me, this guy is just one of this basement self hating cucks. There are few reasons for that:
1) most germans/99% of them were removed by soviets, they were moved to Germany, only mixed Polish-Germans stayed (part of them).
2) Silesia was industrial heart of Poland, it was flooded with Poles from all around Poles, so demographics here changed a lot
3) The real silesians are meaby like 3% of population, and most of them don't think about separaions
4) There is a conflict of intrest tho, present day Silesians feel like the area was drained by Warsaw, and the towns in silesia has been neglected. The conflict that from time to time shows up is just about money, telling warsaw to fuck off and let us do what we want. In fact if you ask silesians what would they prefer:
>Remove Warsaw from Poland
>Become independent/separate state
99% of them will pick removing warsaw, because they feel Polish.
*what's more, there were 3 silesian uprising in the past, to fight off the germans so that might give you some idea about their Polish identity.
Damn all those Ukrainians in lower silesia
I like how one of your former colonies is an African Lake.
we had pro-Soros, anti-government leaflets thrown into our mailboxes this week in Warsaw.
>thinking they are German
Just because you guys speak a retarded version of Polish with some German words peppered throughout doesn't make you German.
Jak one wygladaja?
It includes clay from multiple centuries, we have not owned exactly all of that at the same time but almost
Everyone knows posting your face on pol is the worst idea ever.
Fuck off.
The uprisings only happened in Upper Silesia, that had polish majority. Lower Silesia, who's far bigger had a massive german majority.
You are fucking pathetic
>Wahhh I'm a German wahhh
>All poles do is complain
>I hate my country!!!
You are worse than a German, you're a self hating faggot wanna be
i never knew why Sup Forums was so hyped on them. sure they're white but they're literally everything else that Sup Forums hates about niggers, etc
kartka A4 zadrukowana z obu stron, złożona na 3 części.
z jednej strony krótko pozytywnie o "filantropiście Sorosu dobrym panie dla uchodźców", oraz coś negatywnie o Macierewiczu, z drugiej strony blok tekstu o totalitaryzmie z jakiegoś bloga z onetu z podanym linkiem.
we are no niggers, but we have 5-10% white trailer trash underclass, just like you. The bell curve applies to every population.
My guess would be that some westerners opened their eyes one day and realized how brainwashed by their state propaganda they are. And than they meet Poles on Sup Forums showing that what they thaught about Poland is very different from the reality?
True, Poles are not into hating jews etc etc. But we are about preserving national identity because thats what matters the most.
Szkoda, że nie wspomniał jak szlachetny Soros zrujnował gospodarki krajów post komunistycznych, jak dzięki jego złotym radom z dnia na dzień Polski majątek został wyprzedany np niemcom za ułamek realnej wartosci
Then it really shouldn't have a specific year on it. 1896 is misleading.
ciekawostka, na początku tej ulotki napisano o tych 18 mld dolarów, które przekazał teraz na aktywność nierządową.
widocznie jakaś początkowa transza tej kasy poszła na robienie tych ulotek, lol.
Satanic poles speaking in tongues