What's Sup Forums's opinion on Buddhism?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on Buddhism?
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They're willing to call out a spade for what it is. That makes them okay in my book.
Nam myoho renge kuo
I walk through the three worlds in flames but my pure land is never touched.
Pretty based. The only major religion that says that you can achieve peace, happiness and enlightenment no matter what path you choose.
Good people.
It's a religion with a lot of rules and rituals that has become a haven for religion hating westerners who just ignore most of the rules and rituals.
actually Buddhism teaches that you basically can't get this. it's all about the desire thing. when you want to stop desiring you still desire. it teaches that it's okay to have flaws because without you wouldn't be human
all in all it's pretty down to earth
buddism is one of the hardest but also the most simplest things to get
not exactly buddism, but...
Alan Watts changed my view on a lot of things.
Shingon is pretty based.
As a Christian,I got to say that Buddhism is a very easy religion to co-exist with.You don't have to worry about Buddhists coming to your country and trying to supplant your culture or laws with their own and there's a high probability that they're not going to blow you up. Furthermore,it seems to be a religion with the least amount of atrocity committed in its name and it doesn't appear to really ideologically conflict with other religions.
They are fighting the Muslims, so they deserve applause.
Don’t care.
I don't hate them because they usually keep to their own and don't go around claiming shit as their own or oppressing other religions by forcing their teachings
Islam has the middle east, the monks are in the right when they want their religion to be the main religion of their territories as it has been for centuries
Fuck buddhism. Apart from those fuckers wiping out the mudshits in Myanmar, they know whats up.
How are we going to secure our existence and a future for our children if we're all just sitting up a mountain somewhere meditating?
Better than islam
Most peaceful and most based religion there is.
People are peaceful, but aren't pacifist lapdogs either.
These niggers drove away the refugees with deadly precision.
awesome philosophy and tools, the shadowside is that it can lead to passivity
Pol isn't intelligent enough to commend or condemn Buddhism. I include myself.