How is this legal?
How is this legal?
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Its not good unless you buy extra oreos or reeses cups or m&ms
The only thing you have to do is not buy it.
Its got all that protein, so i can add it to my weightlifting diet
tfw one medium sized shake gibs you all the calories you need to survive
263g of sugar is nuts
I break the 1 gram threshold on sugar daily and I'm a competitive athlete with low body fat
Nutrition is a scam
If you don't like it, don't buy it. It will eventually stop being made. Wow, so difficult
>medium sized
It's 36 ounces. Definitely not "medium."
THIS is the real american answer!
Ima spoopy skeleton at 155lbs so I can probably down that with a bigmac and still not gain anything
get on my level
dat bulk fuel
what did they put in this shit?
36 ounces is more than any normal person can consume.
I'd be willing to bet plenty of deserts contain that many calories in extremely large portions.
where can I get one?
How is this legal?
the shit you take after one of these is so worth it, though. i downed one of these in like 5 minutes and it just went straight through me. most unreal shit of my life.
Niggas keeping it real
fuck you leslie knope
Honestly there needs to be a sugar tax. The taxes on tobacco are what lead to people actually quitting. If this shit cost $20 no one would buy it and kill themselves by drinking it.
You want death by chocolate, they'll give you death by chocolate.
Or as a commie do you prefer the helicopter ride?
>13 grams of fiber
>38 grams of protein
Screw (((SQUATSNOATS))) this is truly the thinking man's lifting drink
>263 grams of sugar
What in the flying fuck
ABBA kill Sweden.
It's 2600 calories because it's literally a packet of Oreos ground up into a shake. You're eating an entire bag of cookies advertised as a shake. That's how stupid you are.
>dude if you don't like CP just don't watch it
Burger morality
no. fucking. way.
it's for fat men or pregnant women or teen boys or girls who don't care.
2600 calories is a whole day's food intake, LOL
Do you know the concept of a desert is?
Are you honestly saying that taxing something causes less of that something? So, do you advocate eliminating the income tax? Which, for you slow witted leftists, means that income tax is a tax on economic output, and resulting therefore, in less economic output.
perfect for bulking
You're probably better off dumping a whole pound of sugar in your ass but it should be legal. Anyone who would buy this regularly deserves the consequences.
about the same amount of calories as a large cheese pizza pie. the carvalanche at carvel is good bulking food as well. on my carb refeed days i could easily kill two of the OP’s.
Got to eat big to get big C'mon!
A can of tuna has the same amount of protein.
Checked their website and couldn't find this anywhere on the nutritional facts page. Also (((Baskin)))-(((Robbins)))
>ancap fags will defend this
WTF is this?
I've never had one of these but if I did I'd get it then drink it over the course of a week as a laxative.
Shirtless pics please.
a days calorie intake is like 2000 max
>An Oreo was exploited and abused to make that milkshake you capitalist pig
A tall latte and two Chocolate Oreo Shake - Large for my murican friend.
Sounds logical to me....
Going to DQ to get a blizzard. BRB
and you give you the right to say what they can and cannot consume of their own freewill
>I'm a competitive athlete
Who cares? Have one of these as a special treat, and then just work it off.
Besides, that many calories in a single sitting will result in you shitting out most of them.
it's just milkshakes in general. they have absurd amounts of fat, so they have absurd amounts of calories. cookies have a higher ratio of sugar:fat than milkshakes, so they have less calories.
Centuries of medical research
/fit/ just came pure protein.
Yeah that is a Murican small
>a days calorie intake is like 2000 max
auschwitz survivor detected
Get your priorities straight.
First we ban alcohol.
Then we go for sugar above a certain % intake.
Fucking diabetes in a cup. Don't know why it shouldn't be legal though.
We are truly living the end of times. Jesus.
>Rich Piana
Proof or larp
which is available to every individual. It is their right to make the decision to eat it or not not yours .
i dont see the problem, prime bulking meal. not everyone is a skeletal manlet like you sven. some people need to build fat so they can turn it into muscle. i drink one of these each day and i'm fucking jacked.
are you going to reply to or be a huge pussy?
Why would it not be? You don't have to eat everything you buy. And you don't have to buy everything you can buy.
Atlas was getting tired, he needed to leave
Aren't you in a huge debate over if you have to pay health care for the obese sacks of shit that make up 40%+ of your country? How would that have no effect on society? Nigger
If you are 5ft3 and sit on your couch jerking off all day maybe.
Nobody is forcing you to eat that retard.
This has to be fake. 2600 calories in a fucking drink? That's literally over the recommend daily amount.
My diet is fucking garbage and I'm not overweight. Why is it so difficult for people to be active these days? That's really all it takes.
I don't see the problem, it creates more fat people to laugh at.
Lick my nuts
Schnauze, Bernd
All those yummy carbs, gonna add it to my bulking diet.
266g of fucking suger!
it will blow your brain up
>263 grams of sugar
i was the same way in my 20's, 6'1 155 pounds. could eat as much as i wanted as often as i wanted and never gained anything. now i'm about to turn 40, i can still eat fairly wrecklessly but i'm up to 190 pounds and gaining.
Fucking idiot living in a bubble. Some people actually work for a living doing real stuff that burns real calories. When I was young building a construction company I'd come home from work, eat dinner, then down a half gallon of ice cream, and follow that up with a pound or two of veggies and a pint of sour cream dip. 6000 calories a day and I still lost weight. 6' 150 lbs then. Could not keep the weight on no matter what I ate. Now I'm an old fuck and put on weight if I consume 2400 calories a day. BTW now 5'11" and 160 lbs. Don't assume that everyone else's dietary needs are the same as yours. Still pissed at that supid movie "Supersize Me."
You can't just work it off by burning calories because that insulin response from the boatload of sugar and carbs will make you gain fat no matter what haha
Because it's a slippery-slope of bullshit when you give your government carte blanche to make things illegal because they aren't healthy for you.
Haven't you ever watched Demolition Man?
I'll tell you when you've had enough to eat, fatty.
thanks mr. skeltal
COME ON!!!!!!
LOL even a tenth of those nutrition facts is a lot for a day! Diabetes will kill more people than anything if we go on like this...
lol I eat these things like once a month and it's fine. I'm skinny and exercise daily
That flag gets me every time
it already is. heart disease is mostly a result of insulin resistance.
Have fun with your diabetes and heart disease by the time you reach 30. Don't be a lardass, bin that oreo-shack
>be German
>can't understand the ethics of liberalism and agency
Imagine my shock.
You coward. I'm banishing you to live in Germany forever.
36 fl oz....
If you can eat that, you deserve to
Having to look at your disgusting lardy body and smell your putrid odors is a violation of the non-aggression principle and you will be physically removed from Ancapistan.
It's for people who want to put on mass, when you exercise you need to eat these things, just ask /fit/
Fake or edited numbers, it's not real
True, so many problems could be cured if people became redpilled about fasting.
Nigga I ain't letting the pansexuals steal those colors. Those are cyan, yellow and magenta - the 3 colors most printers use + black.
dude kikes lmao
How so, senpai? Genuinely curious.
Im 5'11'' and 135lbs......I just like to indulge myself occasionally.