This thread is for information sharing and discussion regarding the Purple Revolution planned by Soros, Deepstate, leftists, terrorists, and similar ilk.
Days after the election, the Clintons met with Soros to discuss new their new plans going forward in a Trump Presidency. As we all know, Soros' goal is to create instability in the Unites States. He's known to finance color revolutions across the globe, such as the recent revolutions of the Arab Spring and Ukraine. This will happen next in the USA. It's the plan. THE PURPLE REVOLUTION. The PR friendly Clinton explanation is that it symbolizes red America uniting with blue America. But we should be aware it's just another color banner operation for Soros.
>Clintons are pictured at her concession speech wearing purple, a color-coded message that this revolution was just beginning.
Enter the #MeToo & Hollywood sexual harassment scandals. Elite pedophilia rings and other trafficking networks related to Hollywood could have been more exposed, but the story was unfortunately hijacked by other groups. Instead, women's rights groups took control of the narrative when they created #MeToo, taking the intense focus off of Hollywood and placing a broad focus on everyone.
>What the fuck does this have to do with the Purple Revolution?
We should know by now that many women's groups are fronts for Soros style infiltration. Now that they have control of the narrative, Soros is injecting his Purple Revolution into the idea of preventing sexual assault.
Trending on Twitter, there is #SpiritDay and #PurpleThursday. A harmless hash tag, or is it? If you look further you can see a lot of women's organizations suddenly with purple t-shirts, all coordinated with one another for "Purple Thursday." It's to stand in solidarity with domestic violence survivors, and of course they throw in LGBTQ support for good measure. This can easily sweep the normie-sphere and quickly become an EVERY Thursday is Purple Thursday kind of event. Think about all of those pink "Pussy" hats from the Women's Marches, which was a test run for this sort of thing. Purple and pink go hand in hand. These are signs of a growing color revolution movement.
Ryder Bailey
Using purple and pink for vague "pro-women" and "anti-harassment" causes is to sucker in the vast majority of the population. Of COURSE no one WANTS people sexually assaulted, it's hard to say you're against that, which is why it's being used. It's a stage for more Soros-funded networks to weave their way through the country and psyches of normal Americans. Keep your eye out for any celebrities donning purple, advertisements for marches that are in purple, and movements that are attributed to attaching a philosophy to color. In Europe and America, purple is the color most associated with vanity, extravagance, and individualism. Among the seven major sins, it represents vanity. It is a color which is used to attract attention.
Oliver Mitchell
Mourners at Heather Heyer's funeral were asked to wear purple, "her favourite colour".
Recently, George Soros gave 18 billion dollars to the Open Society (pro-open borders, pro-globalism, etc.) which is NGO of his creation. This will not end well for us if we let the infiltration continue. Be weary of all NGO groups and activist groups popping up. >
If anyone wants a time frame of when the left was radicalized, here's a look at the 1968 Democratic convention. Truly a classic leftist chimp out. It'll be good to analyze events like this for what might be coming. Not to fear monger but it's good to be prepared.
An event similar to these two revolutions is also planned to take place in the United States. This is already happening in fact if you look hard enough. Make sure to read up on this as well as color revolutions.
Chase Jenkins
Refuse Fascism Rundown
>Receives funding through Alliance for Global Justice >Alliance for Global Justice is in part funded by the Tides Foundation >Tides Foundation is a nonprofit funded by George Soros >Refuse Fascism will relate themselves to the Nicaragua network, which is a Sandinista front, which is effectively terrorists anyways who violated human rights with mass rapes/murders etc. anyways >Alliance for Global Justice frequently supports Al-Qaeda and Hamas >The three originators of Refuse Fascism are Andy Zee, Carl Dix and Sunsara Taylor of the Revolutionary Communist Party
There is a lot of shared membership between Antifa and Refuse Fascism. Many of them are also allied with RAM (Revolutionary Abolisment Movement) which is a communist group that believes in the expropriation of goods/land/tools - and funnily enough holds anti-cop training sessions
Bill Ayers >founded and lead the Weather Underground >participated in the bombing of NYCPD headquarters >participated in the bombing of the United States Capitol Building >participated in the bombing of the Pentagon
Weather Underground did the following besides the above: >planned to arm the Black Panthers and try to get them to fight the cops/government >planned to rob a bank >robbed a national guard armory and killed a responding police officer >bombed the Haymarket police statue twice >planned and carried out a multi day riot called the "Days of Rage" >sniper attack on Cambridge police station >bombed police cars in Chicago >bombed an ROTC building >bombed the San Francisco police department killing one, injuring several >molotov'd the house of a judge >bombed the national guard building in Washington DC >bombed the San Francisco hall of justice (bomb failed to explode) >bombed the Bank of America in New York >bombed the US Army base in San Francisco >bombed the Bank of America HQ >broke Timothy Leary out of jail >bombed Marin county courthouse >bombed queens traffic court >bombed a long island courthouse >bombed the Harvard Center for International Affairs >attempted to bomb the First National City Bank in NY >threw a firebomb at the Royal National Bank in NYC >bombed the office of california prisons >bombed the NY department of corrections >bombed Bundy's office at MIT >bombed the 103rd police precinct in NY >bombed the ITT headquarters in NY >bombed the US Department of health, education and welfare >bombed the california attorney general's office >bombed Gulf Oil's pittsburgh hq >bombed the Anaconda Corporation >bombed the state department >bombed department of defense in Oakland >bombed a puerto rican bank in NY >bombed the Kennecott corporation
Functionally the organization disbands in 1977 but after 1977 several members end up getting arrested for things like robbing a Brinks armored car and killing 2 cops.
Austin Price
Important names involved with the left and the Purple Revolution:
Bob Avakian of the Revolutionary Communist Party (and SDS background)
Sunsara Taylor of the Revolutionary Communist Party, World Can't Wait, and Stop Patriarchy
Cornel West the radical socialist, who has argued that Antifa is necessary and protects the average citizen
Carl Dix of the Revolutionary Communist Party
Debra Sweet of World Can't Wait, another revolutionary communist
Andy Zee of Revolution Books
Henry Giroux. a scholar who is responsible for critical pedagogy and loves him some marxism/critical theory
Robin D.G. Kelley, another Marxist professor from a uni
Fran Luck of the Joy Resistance, a commie feminist podcast etc.
Ed Asner of the Screen Actors Guild
Students for a Democratic Society, in general should be looked at. They have a long history of activism and were the birthplace of the Weathermen. Plus, when the weathermen etc. were getting shit going, the SDS destroyed their roster so that it would obscure the members who chose to get involved in.
>He was formerly a member of the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (DSOC) and is a member of DSOC's successor, the Democratic Socialists of America. >In 2012, Asner came under fire from conservatives for narrating an animation promotional video for the California Federation of Teachers, Tax the Rich: An Animated Fairy Tale. >He serves as an advisor to the Rosenberg Fund for Children, an organization founded by the children of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, which provides benefits for the children of political activists.
Something that relates to this are trafficking networks actually. Trafficking networks are used to transport paid protesters and of course any false flags and such are going to require illegal weapons trafficking.
Here's some info on the shill groups that operate on Sup Forums for anyone who's curious. Actually ties into the Purple Revolution as well since they want to shut this place down.
A list of research on kill teams and extremist recruiting orgs that anons have been working on in these threads. Any information or names you can add to this list is very much appreciated!
It was mentioned before that people might just chicken out, which seems to be the case. The day still isn't over yet. I hope that nothing does happen though.
Back to /leftypol/ faggot.
Andrew Gutierrez
Ring! Ring!
Thomas Ross
Ring! Ring!
Pick up the phone pleese
Ian Evans
You rang?
David Morales
The Process has began
War is declared
Anticipate Treachery
Kevin Sullivan
Any more context you can give?
Daniel Young
not sure what city it was in but there was one guy who was arrested covered in purple, screaming about being 'the purple middle man', 'radical purple party' fuck knows if thats related at all, he wasnt trying to false flag anyone or get killed himself it seemed
Angel Barnes
Any signs of purple today would definitely be worth noting. Still watching all of it now.
Matthew Wilson
The Right has not backed down from threats
The left will now make good on they're promise
The Occupy movement has started
Our options are now now limited, the ball is in they're court. The left will decide how far the purge goes (While telling the right that "They chose this path")
in the coming weeks it will become clear whose side certain politicians and bureaucrats are on. (They will have no choice but to declare open support of the occupy movement or be lumped in with the opposition)
We will have clear discernment within the Government.
If leadership is not strong, then they will surrender and hand us over to the left (This is what the occupy movement is designed to intimidate)
Logan Morris
Hmm, sounds reasonable enough. When will we visibly see the Deep State's new course of action?
Caleb Taylor
Just one big massive larpfest about NOTHING. These soy goys won't be doing fuck all tonight either, GO TO BED LARPERS!
Jonathan Ramirez
So many happenings today amirite? Can't decide what thread is the bigger failure, /htg/ or this one :^)
Isaac Hill
very soon Declarations of allegiance will be made on national media or elevated from social media. (Occupy movements rely on public support of conspiring leadership and role models, this is also a virtue signal that will be recognized by the opposing command)
Aiden Torres
I've been saying that it's going to be periodic thing. The fourth is just the date they officially stated.
Grayson Harris
Well that would definitely be something to see. Are they actually going to call it the purple revolution?
Bentley Kelly
maybe foreign media
An elevated social media virtue signal may take the form of a politician or business executive following or sharing the live-stream/account of an occupy movement foot soldier
Xavier Robinson
What do you think of Trump's twitter being taken down for a short while? Was there anything behind that?
Nolan Harris
Caleb Gonzalez
>grins in australian
Charles Collins
Do you think these protests today were a diversion for something else?
Anthony Foster
no, This is the start of the main event Options are limited
Thomas Jackson
What caused all of it to be such a letdown so far? Makes them look bad.
Connor Bell
dude im sick of being a useless cunt, i wanna get in on the action im soooo bored any spill over effects in the rest of the world? world vs islam when?
Lincoln Williams
There is no letdown, this is the opening curtain. Next will come the buildup.
occupy movements take time. they will be following the exact same strategy as Ukraine/ Arab Spring.
Ayden Cooper
spill over effects are entirely determined by the outcome of the Occupy movement
Angel Torres
so Trumps gotta give his military their santa's lists then or it kicks off?
Logan Perry
what if we use 4gen tactics effectively to undermine public support for their occupy movements?
Alexander Rogers
Let me tell you the real story of the man who got trump elected.
Let me tell you the real story about the man who made the right wing nationalism a thing again in Europe.
Let me tell you about the man behind the curtains, the man who will be hated by the same people he is trying to save.
For finance people it’s easy to understand him, because we learn that not everything is as it seems to be and if one is doing (a + b) he might want the result to be (xy) and not (c) as everyone assumes it. What would give us the best possible way knowing if he wants (xy) or ( c)?
The results.
The results of his decade long endeavor, he has spend 13billion what has he really accomplished? OPEN SOCIETY? Or are we more reclusive then ever? Search your feelings and you will see has SOROS HAS DONE FOR OUR CAUSE THEN TRUMP
And things are about to get wild in the next years. We are working on giving more ridicules groups funding so they can redpill the masses them self’s like BLM redpilled the silent majority about how fucking dumb niggers are, they have gotten terrible quiet since the election? You know why? Because they have fulfilled their reason. Energized the right base beautifully.
During your time here on this magical place you should have learned that not all is as it seems,what have the BBC posters accomplished? Thousands of you have redpills and ego destroying evidence against the inferiority of the negros at hand just to dump it on them once some BBC anti white stuff is posted.
What has the africentricism created? What has the Mary-sue normie advertising? Or even how males are portrait NEVERY where, dumb weak submissive, I promise you because if this you will rather die then to be associated with this image so you will be the strongest generation in a long time.
History works on reactionary basis and not on a Linear A equals B basis
Brayden Powell
Neva been done be4
Jacob Ward
also who else watching this stuff in saudi? related to las vegas, theres hillary getting thrown under the bus its all out about the DNC rigging the election this is it boys
Oliver Hernandez
Trump is a key player, but not the deciding factor. Congress/Gop will decide the outcome.
Ethan Murphy
Hunter Jones
sounds gay, im sure he can do what ever he wants in an emergency or even use PMC's just go into a bunker and make the call
Carson Reed
Do you know any of the kill teams they plan on using?
Samuel Wood
I never read the text the cute girls holds, just see that she smiles in an approving and loving way.
And i know that she knows that we both know
It’s all okey.
Christian Baker
Why do you do this Hans? Just why?
Angel Gutierrez
It will look like and be reported as normal street violence. (Robberies gone bad/Caught in the cross fire of a gang related drive-by shooting/Fatal home invasion/etc...)
The narrative will only be broken when propaganda videos depicting brutal executions are released on the internet.
Thomas Perry
Will we see any special forces trying to stop this? From anyone?
Ryder Nguyen
Carson Howard
Josiah Brown
oi whats the go with him going overseas? so hes going to be on warships surrounded by military the whole time, much safer?
Joshua Sanchez
Chase Gray
this is starting to annoy me your take on the gop and congress getting in his way was gay af
Daniel Russell
What will be the media's main spin on the situation you think?
Carson Murphy
Having different opinions about the same matter is healthy.
Jaxon Cox
Report left wing violence with a pragmatic indifference
Focus on right-wing violence and incite the maximum amount of outrage
Leo Sanders
It is the most accurate assessment The clearly stated goals of the occupy movement give them a way out (Safety) via impeachment.
Brody Baker
Will they try to shut down alternate media at all?
Evan Scott
Wyatt Brooks
Left wing violence: >A bin is set on fire, a window smashed
Right wing violence >People die
William Ross
well, its PMC's then, or he goes full Caesar, it couldnt be that hard to to do it covert and target ring leaders it would have to be swift and done quick, with all these billionaire funders, im sure they keep tabs on them all the time couldn't be that hard to strike them all at once the ones with the dead man switches aswell hes got a well equipped military plus alot of this stuff they would have to prove it was him and if they just have craters or dead bodies showing up then it could be anyone or anything
Jace Thompson
Very good, this is exactly the kind of narrative setting talent the mainstream media needs
Jayden Wright
people have underestimated the left so much its why the west is in a death spiral, it will be isis and ms13 and then there is the black crime gangs sympathetic to muh blm and fuck whitey shooting up the streets too
Benjamin Robinson
Fox news w/ judge J Purple flag waves behind
Juan Rogers
Is there a pic anywhere? A flag is a lot less subtle.
Luke Smith
South Africa is gaining momentum for good reason, already more ground then I had planned for it to by now. Anyways, virtue signal hard about South African whites using SA as right of overton and rhodesia as left side of it. This exploits the temporal and frontal lobe damage thats present in most leftists. >boom Youve just normalized/restored a foundation of white identity. Next, tie nelson mandela and mlk jr together, the jfk files released recently especially help with this. >civnat is now revealed for what it is, bolshevik communism >nation of islam tie ins via mlk jr&malcolmX&mohammad ali >white guilt voodoo idols from school education dismantled >antifa nd other leftist fem groups are now openly antiwhite and islamist incursion Theyd now look like assholes in the publics eye enough that theyd be seen as the bad guys as well as many of their main meatshield units demoralized. >clean up the strike teams Pmc or nat guard whatever >boom nice and tidy purp rev put to rest quick nd quiet like as well as a major culture milestone restored
If that works, gibs govt medal or job or something I mean I care about winning more than anything because Im competitive but Im running out of resources slowly but surely and theres bitches to spite.
Colton Cruz
few interesting tweets
i think twitter has always been reading dm's same with facebook probably even discord
also rand paul almost got bumped off
Caleb Rogers
Its not my fault a second amendment enthusiast shot up a cultural event from his gambling establishment window. It’s not my fault a socially conservative religious nutter drove his polluting, rented truck over environmentally responsibly New York cyclists.
Right wingers kill people.
Mason Bailey
Joseph Long
>Twitter having some server issues >Paranoid college dropout thinks it’s a leftist conspiracy.
Sebastian Green
want to know how i know your not Australian?
Connor Morris
Because you are the in group out group gatekeeper.
Also lol at the Rand Paul storey. He got into an argument with his next door neighbour. Amazing how far Antifa have reached, they’re even living for years in rich parts of Kentucky.
Nathaniel Gonzalez
Unironically this
Matthew Morgan
Maybe he's just speechless?
Landon Martinez
Lucas Lewis
Eli Cruz
Bump its another i sit in a purple thread in a spare tab day
Isaiah Morris
Jeremiah Sanchez
Today was pretty unexciting overall.
Henry Sullivan
yeh i havent really been pumped for a happening desu, god this is boring, so quite...... ive lost count of larpers and bait insider posts
Dominic Lee
Checked and one's gotta happen sooner or later. Just not today it seems.
Adam Reed
Ryan Ramirez
Wake me up when something happens
William Smith
well theres plenty of things lining up for a real happening plus theres the usual full on globalist propaganda
Brayden Walker
do you guys think they will take credit for the million mask march tomorrow?
they might say the movement is growing based on the turnout between saturday and sunday
Carter Kelly
I totally didn't realize you were even here.
That's a good array of news you have there. The Saudi stuff is actually pretty interesting I think.
What is that all about again? I heard a little about it.
Asher Peterson
>Wikileaks is CIA
yeh i saw something about the hotel room or floors at las vegas above the shooter had something to do with saudis, it was in another thread or tweeted somewhere, its connected with them i think aswell
cheers for that i forgot about the guy fawkes mask thing, i dont consume media much
Grayson Reed
nov 5th is the day Anonymous takes to the streets to march