>mfw I just heard someone call cigarettes "Jew Sticks"
reminder that the tobacco industry is THE _LARGEST_ 100% goy controlled industry in the US, which is why you see so much liberal media push against them, which is why they have such a bad look.
REMINDER that "smoking responsibly", which means 1 to 3 cigarettes A DAY, is completely fine and will never hurt you; you get lung cancer from going full retard and smoking a whole fucking pack (20-30 cigs) a day for 40 years. The "pack-a-day" number is a fucking meme that WILL KILL YOU. One pack a week and you'll be fine.
Mfw I just heard someone call cigarettes "Jew Sticks"
Other urls found in this thread:
I am the only person I know who ever smoked 1-3 a day.
>hearing this again
Its not hard to not smoke, what kind of faggot actually gets brainwashed by their ads
who cares vaping is better anyway
remember to put sage in the Options field
You have nice taste I have camels as well
yes that's because (((they))) set the standard much higher so that it would start hurting people so that they would have ammo against it
>Its not hard to not smoke
Yep! but it feels nice and is about as harmful as having a cup of coffee. Similarly, if you're having more than 5 cups of coffee a day, you have a VERY serious problem. 1-3 is completely fine.
shitty fad, got old, pg hurts my lungs and low pg blends taste lame. Fun to do smoke rings with a vape tho
hey Rabbi
turkish royals are my go-to
>teleports behind you
>blows wicked cloud
psh, vaping is the future, and the future is now
sam ive already bought all your shit knock it off
was anyone else here taught in school that tobacco was worse than Hitler and even trying it once would get you hooked?
Turkish Royals, nice taste user
yes, literally everyone in (((modern countries))) was taught this.
tyvm friend
new red pack sucks tho
>Yep! but it feels nice
It relieves you momentarily from the withdrawal symptoms
it feels nice for everyone the first time, discrediting this theory immediately :^)
I remember when smoking sections were still a thing. Then anti smoking laws were passed, and people smoking in public are often ridiculed for their habit. Now, smoking in public is virtually nonexistent. The anti smoking inadvertently proved the effectiveness of authoritarianism
Fuck off, shill. Go sell ypur garbage somewhere else. Nobody wants that shit here.
>hurting yourself feels nice
Fuck off, shill. You tobacco company goons should be strung up.
I hated smoking the first time.
But I'm sure you'll cover that with some ad hominem and pretend nothing happened.
That doesn't mean shit you moron
Are you one of the "tobacco is actually healthy" retard?
cigarillos are redpilled
Quit smoking cold turkey 7 years ago now i just microdose lsd. Would recomend
I prefer chewing tobacco desu
No stop. The only people I ever see smoking are niggers and white trash. Stay clean brethren.
>linking a video of a bunch of fags to support your faggotry
Good job
>I remember when smoking sections were still a thing
Fuck, that time was horrible. I hated it.
>people smoking in public are often ridiculed for their habit.
As filthy vermin should be.
>Now, smoking in public is virtually nonexistent
As it should be. Do you think people should just openly do bad things without consequence?
>1-3 a day
Agreed OP. Any true white man smokes. Look at the 50s when America was whitest. Literally everybody smoked.
Not to mention all the scientists at the time who smoked because of nicotines proven cognitive boosting effects.
How often/what do you feel? Lowest I've taken was 1/2 tab but I've read a bit here and there
>Are you one of the "tobacco is actually healthy" retard?
Of course he is, he has to promote the "benefits" of the product he's selling.
>not smoking additive-free cigarettes with carbon filters to absorb cancer-causing organic compounds like toluene
If you're not at least suspicious that the only "degenerate" behavior in our day and age that is constantly and desperately shilled against happens to be cigarette smoking you're a hopeless brainlet.
I did the same thing (one with morning coffee, one with evening scotch) until the supply of good imported cigs dried up. Thanks Obama!
Feel fully alert, quicker to understand, and somehow more human. Takes away the social akwardness of autism while boosting the super powers
>As it should be. Do you think people should just openly do bad things without consequence?
not arguing against it. As a nonsmoker I prefer not having to be around it publicly. But this is a rather recent development. In less than 20 years this country has gone from smoke friendly to downright hostile towards it, all due to strict laws and shaming smokers. Tobacco is also taxed like crazy now. Cigarettes used to be dirt cheap
reminder that the dildo industry is THE _LARGEST_ 100% goy controlled industry in the US, which is why you see so much conservative media push against them, which is why they have such a bad look.
REMINDER that "sodomizing yourself responsibly", which means 1 to 3 times A DAY, is completely fine and will never hurt you; you get ass cancer from going full retard and pounding your ass the whole fucking day (20-30 hours) a day for 40 years. The "assfuck-a-day" number is a fucking meme that WILL KILL YOU. One assfuck a week and you'll be fine.
See Philip Morris board - wogs, gooks and niggers
Couple of times a week for a few months, now just occasionally as the positive effect is quite persistent
well i could be doing heroin so i guess theirs worse things. our those pills they say everyone is taking whatever they are.
no dude I'm a smoker and second hand smoke just kinda sucks. I don't wanna be around that shit while I'm eating a fucking steak dude it's gross.
Smoke outdoors, keep your buildings clean.
ooo u sure got me fuk
>anecdotal evidence means that smoking is bad in general, not just for me!
of course tobacco isn't healthy, it's just nice and not unhealthy enough to produce symptoms of any kind with 1-2 smokes a day for a lifetime
I mean I guess whatever just don't ever inhale that shit, not even a little
>misinterprets a joke as "supporting" my claims
>reddit spacing
also this
>i-i-if I compare something to being gay, that'll surely appeal to the right-wing nazi death squad known as Sup Forums!
hey spook
I you don't smoke, you were bullied as a teenager.
Former two pack a day retard here
schlomos please leave
how/why would you do that
shit gets deep, you be happy you only smoke.
Well yeah, with those things, their smoke is cleaner than the air in some cities.
This is such a fat load of shit. I have maybe a smoke a day, often less. Tell me about my "withdrawals."
Jesus fucking hell this tobacco cigarette shill again. Kys faggot. Saged mother fucker. Get a fucking real job stupid arts degree degenerate.
I've never posted about tobacco here. Upset that multiple people can have the same conflicting opinion against you, rabbi?
No I’m upset that you’re wasting oxygen kys or get a real job and quit manipulating people for your shackles money prostitute
jesus FUCK m8
I use dip instead to not fuck up my cardio whuddya think about that? Is that not as "goy controlled" as cancer sticks
eh I mean I wouldn't know? Haven't really looked into it.
Look it up now. Stop what you are doing and research it or else.
Hand roll my own, clean tobacco - no additives whatsoever, usually only smoking a few at work or out on the town.
I also run 10ks and hike, camp, and a generally physically demanding job.
The "you'll die if you do even 1" propoganda is horseshit.
I don't really care to, troll.
use filters
ok, i'm getting tired of ranting about pipes. but you will seriously hack up a lung every morning with cigarettes. pipe = slight mucus.
>t. gum merchant
Never needed them.
>not smoking NAS Blacks
1 don't know anybody who claims they smoke 1-3 cigs a week who actually does
Example time
Cousin sneaking cigs with a newborn baby in the house (chances she actually totally quit while pregnant...?) [Obviously she didn't quit before she got pregnant, that would just be asking way too much]
Couple weekends ago my "3 cigs a day" sister in law left me alone with her 4 year old and my 6mo old baby in a wading pool to "charge my phone" which magically turned into "just ran out to get a cig". We'll be leaving to go somewhere in the car together and she "takes the long way" to grab some puffs.
Smokers are addicts. Why else would they be shilling their shitty lifestyle? Literally only addicts do that shit
You asked for it Ill be at your trailer park in 45 minutes to open a can of copenhagen wintergreen and use your throat as my mud jug
My fucking man.
Nice try schlomo
smoking raises testosterone
Jews are doing 5d Jewing with you.
I might have a couple tonight at work. I probably won't. It's never been an addictive hobby to me.
people smoke and have babies, get over it.
> smoking
> finding excuses why is not generate and pushed by (((then)))
truly american edukashun
I like smoking out of a tobacco pipe once or twice a week. I don't see many people that do pipe tobacco these days.
>sister in law left me alone with her 4 year old and my 6mo old baby
>Cousin sneaking cigs with a newborn baby in the house
Why are people so horrible?
>child abuse doesn't matter
>get over it
You're a real piece of shit.
>I'm only gay on the weekends
Move along.
>advocating spending money to have an addiction
I can hear hands wringing from here
a cigarette oh my god let's hang her.
That was me
I got a stressful job and picked it up
Started feeling like shit after a year of like 3/4 Marb red 100s a day and said fuck it and got a vape and now feel lots better
Even goys can Jew you
>i-i-if I compare something to being gay, that'll surely appeal to the right-wing nazi death squad known as Sup Forums!
hey spook
I regularly go weeks without one without feeling bad.
This. Much better indoors and doesn't fuck with your respiratory or circulatory systems at all. Makes your benis a tad bigger as well.
Is two pots of coffee bad
>defending child abuse
You should be killed just like these "people" who do it. You aren't fucking human.
Smoking is gay as shit.
more than 3 12-oz cups a day is bad.
don't you have some goddesses to collude with or something, worst chink?
>smelling like shit
>expensive as fuck
>creates physical addiction
Literally no upside, and that's even if you manage to not become an addicted degenerate, blowing all your money away on something which will give you health problems even if it doesn't kill you. It's definitely a Jew Stick.
Now go post a thread about how great sugar and fast food actually is, you contrarian idiot.
>my personal experience can be applied to everyone
Goldstein just stop, please.
child abuse = a cigarette, yeah right nigga.
To remove one of the things keeping testosterone high enough to counteract the chemical jew they pour in the water to make people grow vaginas?
The stupidity on this board is becoming too much to bear.
You should smoke good cigarettes, like Nat Sherman's if you're going to smoke. So tasty and smooth. They have to be better for you and not much more per pack.
That is the most that I will smoke whenever I buy the odd pack. It is still too expensive to waste money on, even at 3 a day, all the time. That being said every now and then it is nice to buy a pack and have a cigarette or two after dinner, with my beer, while I enjoy the cool evening air.
>smelling like shit
only poor reburners smell bad
>expensive as fuck
I have a job, I spend more on art
>creates physical addiction
yes if you're a retard who doesn't know the concept of self control; soda is a bigger health and monetary concern for anyone dull enough to get addicted to tobacco.
ignorant or jewish?
>that old image
also beware of REEFER MADNESS!!!1
nat shermans are nice af not gonna lie
also what the fuck is with everyone saying it's expensive, it's like $10 a pack, or $20 a month for me. Don't you guys have jobs or something? I mean I guess if fucking cigarettes are considered "expensive" to your wallet, it's one of the last things you should be concerned about and you definitely shouldn't be buying them.
If the führer said it's decadent it usually means it's fucking decadent.
>>smelling like shit
I've been told I smell nice by random persons after having smoked mine.
>>expensive as fuck
Nah, $10-12/mo or sometimes 2 months. I can find that in random floor change from work ffs.
>>creates physical addiction
Nope, wrong again. have gone weeks to months w/o a puff, whenever I'm asked I usualy answer "Idunno, just don't feel like it".
Of course, idiots will still say "but you DO eventually smoke again! Your an addict!" - and this is why I insist this is a recreation or hobby, not a habit, and their tiny brains seize.
Yes, smoking around children is child abuse. Stop defendong child abuse. You need to be put down like the vermin you are.
>good cigarettes
Don't exist. It's all the same shit.
>that edit
I want to kill you so much. "People" like you don't deserve to live.
I come to think that the pro-smoking shills are the same people as Hitler shills, MGTOW shills and so on. A swarm of trolls.
Nobody every talks about the positive effects tobacco has on your cognitive ability or that it combats the effects of fluoride
Since when have any of you ever believed what (((they))) tell you?
this pipe shit is golden, i can literally smoke all month and never spend a dime.
i started smoking pipe tobacco too, it was before vaping existed and cigarettes were just too fucking expensive.
>I've been told I smell nice by random persons after having smoked mine.
nobody fucking comments on how people smell unless there's something "off".
has anyone ever been so indoctrinated as this guy
it's the reddit audience that flooded here recently.
Is cigarette addiction a meme?
I've smoked off and on since middle school with months of not smoking and never felt like it was addictive at all?
>Is not of burning man sticks
Are you schooltreated badly, mentally retarded or both?
>b-but it lowers life years
So? Was life a contest to see who could enjoy the years long?
>It's a hooking you!
It's not so long as you are not a minor and can burn reasonably
Who makes you burn a pack a day, fucking gravel-cudgel?