There's a common misconception that the women that end up destroying men have obvious tells; that they're visibly broken in some way that with sufficient diligence you can catch before they cause harm.
The reality is quite different. All women have the capacity to do this. Time causes circumstances to change.
Never get married.
Michael Lee
You sure convinced me. Good job OP. You figured it out and let everyone know. So smart.
David Carter
Just slap her once in a while.
Jayden Howard
Is this why the divorce rate in Romania is only 25%?
Caleb Carter
Is it? Seems like they nees more slapping.
Matthew Williams
what's your story?
Henry Hill
The Christian family is the foundation of Western Civilization and as it goes so will our future.
Ethan Adams
MGTOW saves lives
Josiah Bell
Be more specific.
True. The constant circlejerk is weak, though.
Christian Carter
Avoid the sluts who have BDP,m lads. They will fuck your life up, you've been warned.
Aiden Roberts
>Dont get married and start a family you fucking goy, wouldn't you rather play video games?
Joshua Flores
BPD** Fucking typo.
Ethan Jackson
what chain of events made you bitter about women?
Ayden Richardson
Buman Papilloma Dirus?
Easton Lewis
Not an argument.
Had a ringside seat to the marriage and divorce of my parents. Saw the marriages and relationships of my relatives and friends. Fucked so many taken women that I lost count. Started reading stuff about biology, psychology, philosophy etc. Came across all the statistics about women, STDs, cheating, divorces... It was a long process.
Parker Mitchell
Fuck you, kike. Get out of here with this subversive crap.
Brandon Howard
Dunno, but my ma is getting ready to divorce my dad after ~23 years for no apparent reason. Moved out of house 7 months ago or so, and still hasn't stated why other than she wanted to be try being alone. Never thought I'd hate my own mother, but there it is.
Jack Barnes
you prob just need to change your social circle >Fucked so many taken women that I lost count and yourself
Landon Reyes
Sure, that pic is 100% right. But so is this:
>"These societies lived in different geographical environments; they belonged to different racial stocks; but the history of their marriage customs is the same. In the beginning each society had the same ideas in regard to sexual regulations. Then the same struggles took place; the same sentiments were expressed; the same changes were made; the same results ensued. Each society reduced its sexual opportunity to a minimum and displaying great social energy, flourished greatly. Then it extended its sexual opportunity; its energy decreased, and faded away. The one outstanding feature of the whole story is its unrelieved monotony." - J.D. Unwin / Sex and Culture
Not one culture has reversed the cycle before a collapse.
Cameron Wilson
perhaps there is some fucked up secret behind. you should not hate her just because. 23 years is a good run anyways. your are probably an adult so your parents jobs are done.
Jonathan Sanders
And now you've outed yourself as a basement-dwelling LARPer. Human biology/psychology and statistics extend beyond my social circle. Open your eyes.
Cooper Thompson
you sound dumb
Hunter Martinez
Holy shit never change Romania.
Alexander Powell
If you are so much smarter than me, you can surely expand on that. Why do you think I sound dumb? Because I don't agree with your tradcuck unicorn blue pill fantasies? Tell me.
Parker Adams
Globalist shill detected. Fuck off.
Brandon Sanchez
This... but feminists have ruined everything. Look at the divorce rates in your country. Marriages today are just men's imprisonment.
Connor Davis
If helping men preserve themselves is shilling for globalism, then sure
Joseph Ortiz
>Is this why the divorce rate in Romania is only 25%?
Gypsies have five wives?
Carter Russell
Boy I'd have her sitting on my face for hours on end.
Andrew Rodriguez
For 25 grand you can make that happen
Kayden Ward
I want to stick my ass in her ass
Jordan Morris
Dead thread. I'm going to bed.
Xavier Edwards
That woke me up real good
Easton Diaz
Avoid all cluster B personalities. Find yourself a nice girl with dependent personality trait.
Liam Russell
MGTOW is the second most gay thing besides from actually being gay.
Nolan Cruz
wait what? not getting married makes you a fucking mgtow?