Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact

If Hitler had not attacked the USSR in '41, until how long would the peace have lasted between thesee superpowers?

Some people say Stalin wanted to attack in '44, but i don't really think he would've done it...

... just think about it. He had everything: the eastern half of Poland, all the Baltic states, large chunks of Finland etc.

Hitler attacked because Stalin called him and said he was going to take Romania where the oil fields were, and Stalin laughed that there was nothing Hitler could do about it.

Hitler didn't realize how many tanks Stalin had and said if he had known he'd never have attacked.

So, no. It was going to end anyway very shortly.

forgot Bessarabia

Most of "the Eastern Half of Poland" had a name before WW 1 - Germany.

I highly doubt Papa actually fucking called Hitler. Come on nigger stop memeing.

Well i guess ill post random images until thread gets deleted.





You are moron. Look at the map.


are you really that dumb

? there's nothing wrong with this picture

Why did you even recognize the JewSSR? It was illegitimate terrorist state. All Western nations should have invaded

What is your problem? Germany never owned what Stalin took in 1939.

remember that the soviets were considered a third rate army, nobody thought they were a superpower

I said that the western part of Poland that Germany took in WW 2 was largely (but not all) part of Germany before WW 1.

>If Hitler had not attacked the USSR in '41, until how long would the peace have lasted between thesee superpowers?
The commies would have used the invasion they had prepared since before '38 force to invade "Prussia and further" aka Germany.

Commies planned to invade Germany because they thought Germany would be occupied with France and understimated German logistics to prepare a force that wasnt even there before commies had already amassed approx 4/5 of their invasion forces on the borders already. Germany simply cockblocked the commies going back on the treaty. It was the commies who blew it.

The exact excuse to launch the first strike is irrelevant politics. . It was the inevitable outcome after Russias buildup. The U.S. didnt go to Iraq because of some babies in incubators or to Afghanistan because of Osama.

Its part of the reason why they got fucked up so much. They didnt prepare for defense, their forces where set up to invade Germany.

>Some people say Stalin wanted to attack in '44, but i don't really think he would've done it...
You opinions are irrelevant. He didnt just want it. They literally planned it all along. Kikes simply lie about it and still try to sell you the deliberately false translations of Russian documents even when we have access to the originals now laying out word for word how they would and had already long past halfway assembled their forces to strike Germany BEFORE it could even prepare a force.

*the invasion force

This war really, really should have been a 3 way. USSR vs United Kingdom vs Nazi Germany.

For the UK to side with the commies was a huge mistake, it wasn't worth it. Just look at Europe now... Sad!

What you have to keep in mind is that the longer hitler waited, the more weapons the soviets could build and accumulate, and the more they could fortify in peace while germany was in an all out war.