Would you give up your right wing beliefs for a girl like this?
Would you give up your right wing beliefs for a girl like this?
No need, she gives up her left wing views for some dick.
Literally and unequivocally this statement.
>giving up your beliefs for some pussy
>implying that pussy will be given up for a man who will sell his beliefs out for said pussy
Despite how she hides it in recent vids compared to her old ones, She is 2fat4me.
Changing who you are because of a woman is the definition of beta. When a woman finds out she can change you she loses all attraction for you in that moment.
I wouldn't give a shit-covered loonie for that disgusting pig, you Leaf faggot.
Shes one of us now.
Does make you think though. Chris Ray Gun must have a massive cock and/or be fantastic in bed. Don't know how I feel about at least one of these being an objective truth.
Id become a little cuckold just for her satisfaction
How the fuck do you give up beliefs? You change beliefs. If you can just stop believing in something you never actually believed.
It's her maternal instincts going haywire, but at least it's more healthy than 28 cats.
riley reid got fat?
Are you serious? Look at her fucking face. Who would ever subject themselves to that?
This. Fuck the stupid out of them.
Disgusting jew nose. Hell no.
It's physically impossible for me to give up my beliefs. I could hide my power level, but I would never genuinely believe in liberalism.
she's a self-proclaimed sex goddess
ya know, like all mormon girls when they hit 13
No. I'm not into traps.
That's kind of like saying
>would you chop off your dick for a girl like this?
Women don't know what they want. One of the things they think they want is a leftist male, or a right leaning male who changes their believes. They don't.
literal horse face
you must be non white to think that girl is worth giving anything up for
what the actual fuck is this thing jesus fucking christ.
disgusting kike face
goddamn I need to get laid
I don't understand. Other than her tits, whats there to like? She has a butter face and shes pudgy. so no.
Not very many years until she looks like Chelsea Clinton.
who's this ham?
No. Cross eyed snaggle tooth Chelsea Clinton clone??
Fuck outta here
I want to motorboat her tits so god damn badly, she can even keep her bra on I don't care I would shove staples in my dick hole for that
apparently you dont have to because she willingly became fuckmeat for some alt-right e-bitch like the rest of you disaffected crybaby cucks
good, good, you've been betrayed by a woman, let the seed of anger plant into and bloom into a redpill tree.
>giving up even the tiniest of shits for a jew broad
Immolate yourself, leaf.
No. She's already tainted. Although she's walked back many of her past beliefs and opinions, she's still got the whiff of something on her. If she hadn't wallowed in SJW causes (until they turned on her) and caught herpes from whoring around then she'd be a great catch.
It's a shame how so many women go through this phase of what seems to me like insanity only to dial it back after 25 or so when they get serious about finding a long term relationship. They say things like, "That was me then. This is me now. I've changed." Of course it's nonsense. They're still that "insane" girl. They're simply putting on a more conservative charade now that their former lifestyle has become socially harmful.
I think it would be really fun to punch this girl in the head.
>Chris Ray Gun
he made fun of sjws so he's at least a nazi if not worse.
No. She reminds me of some girl that I almost got in a relationship with. She ended up fucking annoying me.
I want to fuck Laci's fat mouth
How do you "give up" beliefs?
Anybody have any pictures of her exposed feet? Thanks.
Shes at least like a 7/8 but no
No she's a shitskin.
Giving up beliefs for a literal piece of brain dead meat. A man doesn't give up anything, unless he is a feminized beta cuck. The woman must either stfu or adopt the mans beliefs. Remember it is a privilege for a woman to be part of a mans life, not the other way around. We hold all the cards, wake up faggots. Stop letting jews cucks and women telling what it means to be a man. Only men know what it is or how to be a man. I Find it hilarious when a women tries to define what being a man is.
there are four lights!
shes a 4 at best
Without the slightest hint of a doubt.
Only thing that looks decent in that pic is her tits.
A joke well made, Ensign.
she's fucking gross, so no.
Stop trying to date thots
Look at that fucking face. Bash her with a fucking brick. Stupid bitch.
I'd throw her into the breeding pit for the soldiers entertainment
she looks like an inbred hick
>implying you should be honest with women
wew lad
If you would give up your beliefs for her, no woman would keep you for long.
Literally zero value, I wouldn't give up 10 bucks. Picrelated, on the other hand...
feral alcohol syndrome? nah...
> Eagle beak
>Hebrew Udders great for milking
>Curly hair
Deplorable if you even are attracted to that fucking kike
>one-line writing prompt one-post
So OP is a shill, posting spam.
>give up values in exchange for material gain.
So OP is a Democrat.
>women are a commodity to be traded for tribal loyalty.
So OP is a Yid.
i live my life by a code and i will no break it for any reason.
A reminder that Laci Green has HPV and refuses to treat it.
Don't dick that diseased puss.
Laci Green, the poster child for SJWs and white feminists on Youtube. She made a name for herself as the quintessential SJW, discussing a variety of topics ranging from gender identity and sexuality to racism and white supremacy.
Laci has over 1 million subscribers.
In a recent video titled "Taking The Red Pill?", Laci extended a mayo branch to anti-SJWs and the Alt-Reich (a group known for threatening Laci.) Laci sympathized with far-right conservatives, painting them as an oppressed group with suppressed voices.
She's also dating Chris Ray Gun, another anti-SJW who sent white supremacists to hurl racial and transmisogynistic slurs at Kat Blaque.
Ironically enough, even though she built a fanbase around social justice, her video has garnered widespread support from white supremacists. White supremacists, who once sent her death threats, are now singing her name.
I want to bring this to your attention because at the end of the day, Laci is a white woman. White women will always have a seat at a white supremacist's table. They ride the SJW train for 10, 40 years, but the minute they go rogue and raise their hand to sieg heil, they'll be welcomed with open arms to the family of whitehood.
White women are beneficiaries of white privilege. Even if white supremacists shit on white feminists like Laci, at the end of the day, white supremacists see white women like Laci as instrumental to white supremacy. Racist white men will ALWAYS need white women because part of their objective is racial preservation, and they can't "preserve" the white race without white babies.
1.5 MILLION subscribers, and she can walk away from ALL THAT and still be loved and have her needs met because she's white.
Laci is the most known SJW on Youtube. If she can turn her back on people of color and fuck a white supremacist, how the FUCK do you think people of color should feel about the entirety of white allyship? How can ANYONE trust white women, let alone whypipo as a collective?
only if she likes giving head and is good at it
Not her. Way too hot and thin to be hambeast Laci Greene.
Fake and gay.
Is this pasta?
Holy fuck shes ugly
I don't know where syrup/bro/ pasted this from, or if it's satire, but regardless it's spot on the problem with everything. Of course the problem with SJW's is that satire and reality are completely indistinguishable.
For what?
2 tits and an "experienced" vagina?
Just no.
>giving up anything for a degenerate
I'd give up my right wing beliefs to avoid a girl like that.
Is this real? WTF?
uh, no. She has hairy pits, user.
A face like a bag of spanners.
Should i take a chance on a qt 18 y/o who is a child of divorce, but seems otherwise wholesome?
Have you seen these, user?
No. Especially not for Laci, who looks like the living embodiment of a fart.
nope. two chicks at the same time
>Would you give up your right wing beliefs for a girl like this?
Those are the kind of girls that exclusive fuck right wing Chads.
>I want to bring this to your attention because at the end of the day, Laci is a white woman. White women will always have a seat at a white supremacist's table.
stoped reading there
NO it doesn't matter your skin color if you go against your race you're done fore and you secured your rope already
that degenret cunt needs to die as soon as possible and i hope she'll kill her self, fuck that cunt
she's cute in her own way, but her brain is a bit fried
No, I detect a hint fetal alcohol syndrome
>guys that fuck heaps of sluts are honourable good men worthy of marriage and maintaining civilisation
this is retarded, a slutty guy isn't as bad as a slutty girl, but they're both contributing to the complete ruination of the family and of our entire society.
she's just a useless cunt
she belives what ever the dick wants that gets inside of her
Give her the D. till she started acting right!
No, bitch isn't even close to my Chad standards.
i don't like either and i wouldn't fuck girls just because i want to fuck
if you value your self high enough you don't just fuck anyone you want to be with the right one
you maybe don't wanna have kids together but it's not just to bust a nut either
>Shes one of us now.
No she isn't, you idiot. Your youtube channel was drying up so she jumped on the alt-right bandwagon like a load of other harlots, to milk you of your shekels.
a future I don't want to live in
No, because despite having large milkies, I prefer my girls to have a face that doesn't look like a literal cartoon character.
That's a strange mutation right there.
I don't know wtf.
Also, I'd never have to give up beliefs for any girl. They change for you. They're traitorous like that.
Uhhh no?
I'm not in to puffy faced horses.