Will Michael Moore ever be relevant again Sup Forums?
Will Michael Moore ever be relevant again Sup Forums?
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dont paper towels clog ur toilet
was he ever relevant?
i'm sure michael moore's brisket fueled logs were clogging his pipes on the regular anyway so might as well use a more robust paper product to get all the bits out
I'm betting that michael moore already needs a super space age toilet to get his shits down. Dudes dueces probably look like that south park episode shit.
He's cutting them for the audience. There is no doubt he leaves it whole for himself.
It speaks for how low-quality his toilet paper is that he believes this.
Either that or his fat ass has no feeling.
Yep. He's about to figure that out too.
How can someone who has held some toilet paper and some paper towels believe this. The change in coarseness is not subtle.
>that bloated ham hock hand
yeah, but Moore needs that extra absorption for the massive amount of shit that is coming out of him
>brisket fueled logs
My sides
Actually toilet paper is softer and designed to break up easier when wet as compared to paper towels which are designed to absorb water and stay intact for the purpose of absorbing said liquid.
God this guy is fucking retarded.
>Wallstreet makes things
Fucking retard. I bet he goes to the bank to buy his groceries as well.
>2017... still using the paper jew
Bidets are the true white way of wiping your ass. You know those spouts that spray warm water at high velocity up into your asshole? No need to cut down trees, it's environmentally friendly, and feels nice to have a warm bath in your ass. No more dingle berries left behind.
There's no toilet big enough for Michael Moore.
try wiping your dick after you cum with a paper towel compared to fucking toilet paper.
Not Michael Moore's toilet.
Can't you literally be sued for tweeting something like this? So many bleeding assholes.
my sides
Still not big enough.
sry, but... the irony of drowning in your own shit?
Don't do this, you'll fuck up your buildings plumbing.
in my country, kitchen rolls are more expensive than toiletpaper, even when splitting it up like this.
my anus agrees.
he doesn't even unroll it, he just shoves a fresh roll into hiss ass like a plug whenever he's not actively shitting. sometimes he leaves the plastic wrapping on too.
>Moore using what he wipes his mouth with to wipe his ass with
>mfw not seeing the difference
>When your bathroom has a barge horn to warn people you're backing into it
His ass probably has a poopcrust half an inch thick that has hardened into a permanent shell
Trump literally made him relevant again
My dad had to talk me out of buying a toilet that could flush a bucket of golf balls when I was remodeling my bathroom. It was 5 times the price of a regular toilet but goddamn, a bucket of golf balls.
Yeah I bet you like things going up your ass
> leftist
> accurately observing reality
Don’t WEW me or my wife’s lad ever again.
>Wiping your asshole with scratchy paper
Enjoy your uncomfortable shits, I'll just be here washing it off like a human being.
Who are you people why are these reply’s so funny
What do you mean, "again"?
>Implying he was ever relevant.
>same thing
what a dumb, fat, retard. his pipes are going to explode from the mix of paper towels and toxic fat fuck turds stuffed with cum and fried chicken skins
He just has a hole in the ground for his monster shits
This dulls the blade.
do wypipo really wipe they ass with paper towel?
>Bidet master race
>implying he wipes his ass
But toilet paper is way cheaper than paper towel...
He is becoming senile...
Your dad sounds like he doesn't know shit
>not having the superior clean of a Washlet with heated air dry
Oh, and fuck you for making me think about Sloppy Michael Moore's enormous dumps.
It's CALLED an Üte Howse and rural Americans classically enjoyed its green benefits!
That will not only clog your toilet, but also your main line. Toilet paper is made to totally dissolve when in water long enough. That way if it gets caught on something down the line, it will not take very long for it to dissolve into nothing and flow down the line. But I say as many of us tell him this is the most amazing idea he's ever had, and get him and other idiots to do it. I can't wait for the huge upturn in basements filling with shit, and people being forced to run 75' of snake down their lines.
Every use of a blade that isn't sharpening the blade dulls it.
holy fuck now i'm redpilled on paper towels
when does it end, they can't just keep redpilling me my life is a mess
I've been regretting it ever since.
that image makes me shiver
This is full retard.
If this is real, this motherfucker should have his account deleted.
Sup Forums is Doug Stanhope
Oh god my kid did this once, spent hours dumping acid down the drain.
see, many, discrete particles are not the problem.
if I could shit chunks every time, I'd be set with any old toilet.
I need a toilet that can flush an entire tenderloin, intact.
Oh come on now, user. You know Sloppy MM hasn't been able to reach his own butthole in decades.
Uhhh no?
You owe me a coke.
I love how you all assume that Michael Moore can even reach his own ass to begin with
I once didn't realize I had no paper towels and tried to use toilet paper while eat pizza (to wipe off my hands).
Long story short(?), they're not the same.
Using paper towels for TP would end up being more expensive (you'd think anyways).
You're not even Polish, why would you pretend to be an expert on plumbing?
>the absolute state of humanity
>I love how you all assume that Michael Moore can even reach his own ass to begin with
I kinda imagine he uses a paint roller and includes the paper towel roll on it somehow.
You guys are mistaken, that's not for his anus, it's for his mouth.
Not a real post. You all are so oblivious sometimes
Fuck Michael Moore tho
t. poorfag
>Michael Moore
apparently Michael Moore has never tried to clean up puke using only toilet paper.
>Not having a freedom wand
When was he ever relevant and not an annoying fat ass that everyone hated
i can buy 4 rolls of toilet paper for a dollar. it's cheaper than paper towels you fucking numnuts
>use dry sheet for chunks
>turn on faucet
>damped 2 sheets of tp
>wet run
>2 more sheets dry
>dry run
Boom clean asshole in 6 sheets
71% of american homes have the new kind of toilet where the hole is almost as big as a bucket. The seat itself is almost as large as a two seat sofa.
fat piece of shit figured out what poor people been doing for ages when they run outta tp, he just posted it online and thinks he's brilliant. what a retarded fucking joke. Someone should shop him slitting his cholesterol clogged wrists.
>carry bag
what if humans were literally evolving into hippos?
That's from the 90s. They're even bigger now.
You will never know the rush man. Go shit in one of those if you haven't.
If you do this you will plug your toilet
Toilet paper is made to degrade in water, towels are made to absorb.
>Making his followers flood their homes with their own shit.
for some shits that's just not enough.
I like to go full ass-spreading goatse-style under the showerhead to get 100% clean.
Reminds me of that user who moved to America and then his ass was too sensitive for TP so he'd fucking wash his ass in peoples sinks.
>toilet paper is the same as paper towels.
NO ITS FUCKING NOT. Paper Towels are like sand paper on your asshole.
thank (You) plumbing expert
>I like to go full ass-spreading goatse-style
Just do that before you shit, that way nothing gets smeared and you can always clean up in a few wipes.
Problems is this gives me hemorrhoids, which suck.
Micheal moore spotted at wallmart
This was his peak lmao.
Did he ever got butthurt about these videos?
Rebranding himself as the tranny Martha Stewart
richfag here
i think i bought the same toilet you're talking about
when i flush, you can hear it from across the backyard, it sounds like a 747 jet engine is blasting off from the bathroom. I also had to get a plumber to redo all the piping from my bathroom to the main sewage line to handle the insane water pressure.
but still worth it, when our first kid was learning to potty train we made him use the other bathroom because we were afraid he might fall in and get flushed... thats how you know you have a good toilet
>Paper Towels are like sand paper on your asshole.
>thank (You) plumbing expert
I can confirm that papertowels will clog shit up
T: plumber
God fucking dammit burgers, bidets are not a TP replacement.
They're more like a very low sink than a toilet.
Fucking hell lads, why does some technology take so long to catch on over there?
>michael moore has needed paper towel to wipe his gigantic ass for so long he thinks there's no difference
Those fuckers drink. The more you know.
but when i flush, doesn't the paper towel go down the drain and into the sewer? once its out there, its the city's problem not mine.