/Comfy/ - Nov 4th Happening - Game Thread 12

What snacks, drinks, food etc.. do you have for today?

>Nov 4 Antifa Riots - protests occurring, antifa have arrived
>Solar Flare Drill - Nov 4 - 6
>Potential Martial Law Shenanigans see "Calm Before the Storm" Larp Threads

Antifa Website (Protest Times / Locations)

>Riot Watch - youtube.com/watch?v=0v522Xoxeqc
>InfoWars (Alex Jones Incoming) - youtube.com/watch?v=FHfvYv13tIU
>Police Scanner - youtu.be/Ll5odmIFOxg
>BP Network - youtu.be/q1IItPMciRQ
>Ruptly - youtube.com/watch?v=6pMZE29TxKc
>Gloomtube - youtube.com/watch?v=en9KT8IfIPY
>QT stream - youtube.com/watch?v=ABK79-bX88g



Long Wave Radio

Who comfy here?

Many Protests now in many cities (no riots yet.)
Darkness looms then the real shenanigans will begin (probably not.)
The shills HAVE LEFT they got bored.

Rumours and news
>Nov 4th is the 100 year anniversary of the Bolsheviks Revolution (well november 7th but who cares.)
>President trump is out of the country this weekend.
>Rumoured 2600 black block German antifa have made their way over to the USA for the protests.
>Rumoured antifa in germany in consultation with ISIS refugees have now trained with ISIS in the middle-east.
>Rumoured antifa are gunning for a South Korea style impeachment of trump.
>Was the nambla antifa banner a false flag?
>Rand Paul attacked by antifa in his home?


I stopped watching...because antifa are pussies

Other urls found in this thread:


How do we deal with Portland? And the West coast?


Smoking Marijuana and drinking coffee. Going to have a rotisserie chicken with some vegetables for dinner.

Listening to youtube.com/watch?v=FsKom00Xk-U

Did anything happen or did Antifa overhype itself again?

AIDS will take care of them for us.

First for the mutants coming out when the sun goes down, and Chuck Heston becoming a one-man wreaking crew

Seems like a bust so far.
Waiting for night.

Unicorn memes on Infowars

...so what the fuck happened? the anarchism forum on leddit is like "haha they thought we were gonna have a revolution, those paranoid nazis hahaha we weren't actually planning to do anything!!"
...like, wut? is their plan to pretend they didn't have ads in newspapers and websites set up and youtube vids of people shouting about Nov 4 and traffic blockades saying it begins Nov 4 etc?

the only 2 options I can think of that make them not complete retards are either:

1) they're planning to pretend there was no left plans for Nov 4 and are going to bring in a bunch of false flag MAGA Soros people when it gets dark out and start causing trouble now that they have everyone focused on them and their low turnout (like only the right showed up and look how violent its getting theyre crazy conspiracy lunatics)

or 2) they just believed their own hype about what crazed rage-filled psychos the right is that they thought if they got us all to show up with no antifa around we would just start shooting at minorities and homos because we're so angry and filled with hate that we'll just self-destruct lol

wtf antifa? i legitimately feel embarrassed for them right now, this is pathetic lol all that's gonna happen is free speech ppl and the right throwing a fun pro-USA party all night...?

It seems to me Antifa have a supply and demand problem. There is a high demand for fascists to fight but not much supply, so they need to inflate the resources by watering down the definition.

So any of these faggots even know what fascism is? They live in the most free country in the world.

Some fat tranny got slammed, other than that nothing really.

any Chicago streams?


What vidya are you playing right now?

I'm playing an Antifa-killing simulator with Dying Light

Guys, my trash can isn't answering his phone
Do you think antifa got him?

Honestly this was a bigger happening than I thought it would be.

He done been kicked over, friend.

rolling even though it was delet

Ok lads i will monitor the thread but i'm watching UFC so you will have to make new threads from now on unless i get bored of ufc.

The thread autosages at 300 posts so have one in the oven before that so you can link it.

Thanks for posting in these threads.

Total warhammer 2 as the lizard lads.

Cuphead, gave up because I'm retarded and suck

1000 deaths didnt even manage to beat King Dice. I should just kill myself

So wasn't there a guy that was going to fly a banner over Berkeley with the words it's okay to be white? Did he do it?

For research purposes:

I think the problem is huge numbers of moderate democrats planned to have a standard protest, and they did show up, but Antifa were just one tiny fringe which was overblown and they didn't bother to show up.

Bad news user reports of trash cans being executed by firing squad I'm so sorry :(

How is it? First one was...meh.

>...like, wut? is their plan to pretend they didn't have ads in newspapers and websites set up and youtube vids of people shouting about Nov 4 and traffic blockades saying it begins Nov 4 etc?

I suspect an attempt at a fake-out. The 7th is the real anniversary, and this is an awful lot of nothing to justify a $300,000 full-page ad in a major newspaper.

Where are all the Soros goons?

>"He hit her!"

what did they mean by this?

>tempting kek
Better be writing that goodbye note.

its really wait and see we didn't take the bait and we have to wait until proper night time to see if they want to start shit which i think wont happen because they will just get labelled as terrorists and tried accordingly

to me its a huge failure on their part

to me today was supposed to be a show of force from the left:

>look at how many of us their are
>look at what we can do in all these cities and theirs nothing the authorities can do

none of that happened instead we got a limp wristed protest from normies

>Antifa think that they have the Majority
>Mostly all in cities
>Think everyone is with them
>Doesn't realize that out of the cities are all Trump RED Republican states
>Mfw they will be surprised

I got vodka and nachos for this non-happening.

Does anyone remember the time (primaries I think), where leftists were marching down a street with state flags and saw one with the confederacy? They sat down while chanting "take it down" and some white guy suggested they get a ladder to do it and the nogs yelled at him for trying to control them?

Does anyone have that? It Was glorious.

just some shit written by another degenerate stoner

>labelled as terrorists and tried accordingly

meant to say "and would be tried accordingly"

>even getting to King Dice
>meaning you had to have played on Normal Mode
You're better than everyone in gaming journalism, at least.

happening cancelled. Go to sleep

Whos bridge?

what is it about comfy cross-sections of cabins in the snow that gets Sup Forums hard?

Flood with drugs from China and wait.


what a non happening

>tfw militia groups in MI alone could take out the entirety of North American antifa

I guess my thing is this whole "we were just pretending to be retarded" thing seems like an actual coordinated plan
like check out all the posts on reddit.com/r/Anarchism/ pretending that nothing was ever going to happen, there's tons, it's way more active than it normally is, like they were already prepared to try to spin this as some right-wing conspiracy theory, they have all their excuses etc prepared and are pushing a narrative

what a fucking weird psyop...it doesn't even make sense lol
like what was even the goal? what was worth spending $18 billion on and taking out ads and stuff, to have a little "haha gotcha!!" moment that nobody is going to know about or care about?

i'm expecting maybe some false flag shit going down at night tonight but, I just don't get it lol this seems coordinated, they're making fun of "Alex Jones covering the CIVIL WAR HAHA WHAT A DUMMY" like uhhh, you can't delete all the images of newspaper ads and websites archived and forum posts archived and shit that show you guys were planning something...?
wtf is this lol

Harr skridge

Can't the people funding this get prosecuted? If it turns ugly I mean?

wtf is going on over here

Portland protesters going to try and block the bridge.



Once the sun goes down, feel free to play the home game.

Already starting to see masks in Portland, I'm guessing that's going to be ground zero for the hooligans.

(inb4 you mention it... ya, I know /pol is wrong. Anymore I just leave it in to give people something to complain about)

what game is that?

So is something at all happening or not..?

This is pretty much exactly what I expected. Still keeping my fingers crossed things get a little crazier after dark.
They'll be lucky to get 50% of this turnout tomorrow, and by Monday this revolution will be dead.

aw shit

popcorn, beer, a honeybun and a honeybunny

there will be no happening today


How's lefty/pol/ right now?

>its really wait and see we didn't take the bait
what did they think we were going to do? show up and when there's no antifa just be like "but we got all worked up and we got our guns with us, let's start shootin' some o' dem minorities 'n faggots!! we cant just go home without shootin some'thin!!"??

chocolate rambo




on suicide watch

Yep. Even the Soviet Union knew to not invade Michigan when hunting season was approaching.

They're probably celebrating the downfall of the west.

Any cities have a happening? I heard Austin was out numbered by our guys.

Also in LA now:


>tfw the qt blonde girl in San Francisco ended her stream

Lmfao just turned around when they saw the armed police.

they're going for cultural appropriation of "member member fif november"

Riot cops out on the streets in Portland, nothing happening though.

you named some shit after pepe guaranteed

There are no Antifa Trump protests. It was all right-wing fake news. You people are stupid.

xhe got xher ass handed to xherself

>this is the best lefty/pol/ has to offer
I'm not even joking, their discord shows they could go far lower than spitting grandmothers

>...like, wut? is their plan to pretend they didn't have ads in newspapers and websites set up and youtube vids of people shouting about Nov 4 and traffic blockades saying it begins Nov 4 etc?

All fake/shooped. All made up by right-wing conspiracy theorists like the hundreds of other conspiracies. And you dum dums fall for it EVERY TIME.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Ok creampuff

>"I am genuinely retarded" -

Ashtonbirdie is a right wing stream in SF right now.
she's cute and autistic

It is going on right now. However, it is the most pathetic showing yet.

>I guess my thing is this whole "we were just pretending to be retarded" thing seems like an actual coordinated plan

My guess the major reason for that is they wanted to hide the fact that todays protests and any further protests in november to seem like they were just grass roots protesters not soros funded well organised events.

This is why they are being coy along with the MSM about today pretending nothing would happen.

I think they hoped some hard right wing protesters charlottsville style would come up against them and injure/kill some innocent lefty protester to give them the higher ground.

Fortunately everyone caught wind of their shit and just held off and decided if they wanted to start shit they would let the police deal with it and give them bad optics.

That's why it turned into a big nothing burger.

It was the old double bluff.

Checked, Portland could get crazy if any city


user, nothing they do makes sense nor is it effective. They definitely don’t send their best. Sad!

appropriating British Catholic history? What are they going to do next? Fawkes-Up? RACIST.

Are they all grounded?

The resistance is dead. The man in the high tower rules UNOPPOSED

kek you cant be serious about this shit

Another Antifa blowout. These guys are seriously laughably retarded but we already knew that. I wasn't expecting anything and was surprised that events actually happened. Of course it was lackluster, I expect nothing from the Left these days except crying.

literally not a happening


What did they mean by this

they are pretending that is was all a right wing conspiracy while also somehow the work of some other commie named bob who doesn't practice their specific brand of communism so it doesn't count. if you mention anything about it they'll permaban you. super fucking salty.

First slann was named "BIG slappy", second was named "Grinch in a mask".
I named a saurus scar veteran "scary monster" and my skink priest "Super creep".
So yeah, one pepe.
If you didn't like the first one you probably won't like this one.

they've been happening all day, you blind brainlet.

Like most revolutionaries, they are deluded about their support.

They think that if they light the fire, the "real" america will join them in the fight.

They don't understand that the "real" america is the reason Trump won

random collection of the TONS of posts on leddit anarchism (which rarely ever has any activity on it and is suddenly full of posts today):

>PFFFTHAHAHAHA! THE FASH TOOK THE BAIT! They'll be wanting around in the dark looking for us all night.

>lol get out of here. everybody's been clowning on you dorks for this for weeks.

>We're saying it's fake because it was called for by one of the most hated people within the left that litterally no one listens to except for his own personal little cult. It was a self-fellating attempt at exposure with absolutely no external or material support. What's hilarious about it is that the right took this and ran with it making mountains of molehills and what not. What's funnier is you think we're only just now ripping on it when November 4th has been one of the left's favorite injokes for at least a month.

>These goofs are actually armed in the streets of Austin, TX. Looking for Antifa super soldiers

and shit like this seems pre-planned:

what IS this??

xer will now known be as Grandmatifa