try as they might. IMO, there is no way for them to spin this as any sort of victory.
this was failure, plain and simple. pic related is the face of failure
try as they might. IMO, there is no way for them to spin this as any sort of victory.
this was failure, plain and simple. pic related is the face of failure
Other urls found in this thread:
did anything even happen?
>Antifa: "We will begin the revolution on Nov. 4th!"
>The Right: "Fucking do it. Please. Do. It."
>Antifa: "Uh....lololololol we troll u!"
Nothing of significance. pretty sad considering this could've been full of lulz.
Obviously, you won't have a civil war unless the public is deeply unsatisfied by their every day life but the commies deal in utopic ideas and pseudo-truths so its nothing to be suprised.
Any Reddit butthurt yet?
didnt you check frumps approval ((ratings))??
we are dying,living a facist nightmare
they're trying to say it was a "hoax" now despite the fact that they were clamoring about it happening for months now
pathetic protest in nyc
Should've known these lazy commies couldn't be assed to give us a decent happening.
the problem with your theory is that "le drumpf"s approval ratings are actually higher than any other political figure in our country including both hillary clinton and bernie sanders. they're also WAY higher than any other current serving political figure, including both democrats and republicans in congress, whose approval ratings usually hover in the teens.
so the "historically low approval ratings" the media keeps clamoring about are due to the growing cynicism against politicians, not really a hatred for "drumpf" IMHO.
unfortunately for you, that doesn't mean these people want "revolution". it just means that information availability in recent years has made them more aware of the fakeness of MSM narratives.
None of them wanted to bash the fash enough to tolerate chilly weather.
Nah guys check here
We got BTFO so bad that we must now counter riot in order to save face
its fucked up cuz their rhetoric was SO harsh and SO violent. and it went on for SO long and then their big day came, they had their opportunity and its like en masse they just decided to stay home.
it's like were you really just LARPers all along?
>spend over $100,000 on a single ad to spur people to "refuse fascism"
>no one cares
>like three people bother to even show up
>h-haha, we, uh, tricked you into laughing at us!
>who's the fag now, drumpflets?
The funniest thing I've seen all week.
What a retard
this is the end of antifa.
Oh crap, what a beautiful weekend this is.
maximum damage control
Life is absolute suffering.
I even bought snacks.
Now I'm getting sleeeeepy.
This is a real life version of
>I was only pretending to be retarded
Shouldn't have expected anything from antifa but massive fail and aids
What saving face? They are the ones who claimed they wanted to start shit and so we were waiting for them to do it. We dont have to do shit, this is all on them to own up to it.
oh except that they weren't ACTUALLY pretending
No it is not.
Soros dumped $18,000,000,000 into his foundations last month.
This is just a grassroots failure and absolute cowardice upon them seeing how much people on the right wanted them to chimp out.
This. As much as the commies bitch and moan about 'oppression', they know deep down how comfortable their lives are, they don't want to lose that.
antifag trolls are just saying "hurr durr, da alt-rite just memed this whole thing as psy-op." they fuckin failed big time.
they'd be way more excited to show off their fancy new toys if 18-fuckin-BILLION dollars went to fund these retards. they dont have shit
soros' foundation doesn't just fund antifa. they've got their hands in everything. some of that money will make it to far left groups like antifa and BLM but not even close to the majority of it, and after this massive failure it's likely that they'll pull their funding to the group IMO, just from watching their moves on plays like this in the past. if a group demonstrates an inability to sow fundamental social dissent and civil strife in the united states, then soros doesn't waste his cash on them. he's only interested in dismantling our society to replace our constituion and bill of rights
that's really the thing about it. these are overprivileged college children. they've lived their whole lives in safe, plush environments. mostly everything they know they learned through books and school rather than actual experience. they've also absorbed a lot of popculture and media, and a lot of "hero" and "revolution" narratives that apparently appealed to the special snowflake in them.
so they found it fun to sit around and LARP about revolution, it made them feel special and unique and heroic rather than just mediocre upper middle class average children, but at the end of the day they don't really want to destroy the comfortable, plus system that seems to benefit almost everyone who lives under it. they don't really want to accept a life of social and economic strife, where they face pain and death and starvation for no reason. so when the time came to actually take action the LARP ended rather fast. im sure they'll pick it up again eventually when they aren't being faced with the need for immediate action
I truly agree with you. Keep hearing hearing this record low approval shit in the media and see no proof of it. Fuck even RT who doesn't endorse Trump but normally speaks accurately has been dropping the low approval shit. I think the winning is so great everyone who didn't suppott him feel like fools and this is their last defense. He will go down as one of the greatest president's and I am not even an American saying that. Wish we had someone with his fortitude up here in Canuckistan.
Imagine the level of terror these commie shits must be feeling at the prospect that the Right wants them to start shit.
>>Be commie shit
>>Threaten revolution
>>Hahah fuck you nazis Drumpf supporters
>>Make a date and advertise it
>>Grab AKM you've named "The Kulak killer"
>>Walk outside
>>See MAGA hats already waiting
>>Thousands of Trump and right wing individuals literally salivating at the lips
>>Revolution is cancelled guys, my foot is sore.
i'm ashamed i thought this was happening
For how "hateful" and evil they think the right is, the right shows a remarkable amount of restraint. I don't think they realize that.
Thank God our enemies are so incompetent
Refuse fascism is NOT Antifa, Antifa never planned on going to this.
If any of you guys bothered lurking at any of their hangouts like plebbit anarchism you'd know this
fake news. there are obviously at least five people there.
Exactly. I really wished they could come near our power level so we have a reason to purge them. It just shows how weak they are, honestly, they're a snail across the street, not even worth our time to stomp it. What we do need to do is realize how strong we are, they day is ours.
Yeah keep spinning clownshoes. I'm sure you'll maybe fool a couple teenybopper newfaggots
Ok but what about the antifa guy tweeting about beheaded white parents on the 4th? He is a fairly well-known figure in that movement right? There was more than enough reason to believe antifa was involved in this whole thing, a couple of scared redditors doesn't prove anything.
If there were an actual threat the National Guard would have been all over the place.
>that picture
>that comment
Sounds British.
But the Brits are too pussy to do anything about their government.
>I want that other person's money!
>Guns should be illegal!
>The government needs to do more for the people!
>Hey, let's start a revolution and make it happen!
>Wish I could show up, mom is mad so no Uber money, let's just meet at Starbucks and we'll post about it on our Macbooks, besides, I don't want to do that much work, fuck that.
Their protests appear to have been poorly managed.What a waste of time and effort, not to mention money spent on those silly newspaper advertisements.
just face it, you're pussies. your faggot balls went back up inside and all that online courage was gone. just a bunch of empty talk. spin it all you want, you're just faggots
Its safe to say that communism is a meme whose time has passed. The hippies believed their own hype more than the beta liberal children of today.
I don't know if its technology or comfort but the days of communist revolution have joined history like dumping poop in the street and sacrificing animals to sun gods.
Can any Berkeley-anons give us a sitrep?
He's a fucking lefty "Twitter comedian"
>antifa supersoldiers
Who the fuck would take that seriously?
maybe they spent all of their soros bux on the nyt ad and had nothing left to actually pay people to show up.
>$100,000 diversion
>$17,999,900,000 to go!
Be ungovernable.
Antifa didnt get that much money
Antifa didn't organize this.
Yeah, but it would have taken them a few days to mobilize and deploy if antifa actually did chimp out LA riots style, we can take out a good chunk of commies during that time while we are defending ourselves.
I fucking hate Antifa and wanted to see them get their heads cracked too but after looking at their boards it became evident they never planned on going ever.
You guys really need to learn to lurk on your enemies if you want to see what they're planning and stop labelling every lefty as "Antifa"
Do some research
>Antifa didn't organize this.
How wasteful!
We should start a petition to have antifa donate the materials to build homes for homeless vets or something.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Antifa. Thier political views are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Marx and Engels most of the slogans will go over a typical person’s head. There’s also Antifa’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into thier personalties- thier personal philosophy draws heavily from Leninist literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these slogans, to realise that they’re not just slogans - they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Antifa truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the dilectic in Antifa's existential catchphrase “Bash the Fash,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Trotsky’s political epic "The Permanent Revolution and Results and Prospects". I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Antifa's genius Revolution unfolds itself on their street corners. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have an Antifa tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for a transexual's eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 privlige points of my own beforehand. Nothin personnel comrade.
No, it was commies.
>Refuse Fascism is associated with the Revolutionary Communist Party USA
I made some cops laugh with my novelty chants and made friends with a qt libertarian boy with a nice beard who got interviewed a bunch so I'd call today a success
No for the left-wingers though, they got fukken embarrassed.
As bad as the australian chanology protest.
That was NZ. The Australian ones were pretty big iirc.
Haha, this good, well done, enjoy the you.
Antifa are communists.
Well I mean yeah its communists.
They're Stalinist. Antifa is Trotsky. Dunno if that matters though.
>it's not a real thing!
Didn't they stand in the middle of highways advertising how real a thing it was going to be?
>Modern day Communist revolutionaries
Like fucking potery.
If it's all a joke then why are there Antifa retards blocking traffic right now?
Refuse fascism did, yes. Point?
No one believes your pathetic damage control. Go back.
The Verge is doing antifa's damage control for them?
they will never win, if they say they won its because they lost
They are just waking up in portland. I still have hope
It matters a lot. RevCom and Antifa have nothing but contempt for each other because of it. RevCom has the more dangerous ideals, but Antifa is more dangerous in practice.
RevCom is a domestic organization, homegrown in America. Antifa is international. originally founded in Hamburg.
communists maybe, spoiled brainwashed cucks most def
oh shit, you might be right. Sorry Aussiebro.
Thank you. You are the best humorist on Sup Forums. And that is saying something.
I don't get why they aren't teaming up though. They want the same shit, unless Antifa is in complete denial that Stalinism/Maoism is the result of communism.
>Refuse fascism != Anti fascist
Wow, having a spat with your allies and infighting.. Is this over a girl perhaps? Or is there a deep ideological difference between being against something and refusing it you could further elaborate on?
>organize communist takeover of USA
>event cancelled due to lack of interest
Antifags burnt themselves out.
I believe the marketing term is "managing expectations"
antifa literally refer to themselves as super soldiers and warlocks or some othashit all the time. Faggots think they are Harry Potter or some shit.
Here's the army that's going to take down Adolf Drumpfler.
>I am sexually attracted to indictments
Absolutely typical half-assed "can't someone else do it" in-their-wildest-dreams revolutionaries.
They all need to be lined up against the wall.
And why do they all wear fucking parachutes?
>They all need to be lined up against the wall
both of them?
Refuse fascism has a event scheduled tomorrow at 4 pm
Stalinists/Maoists are nationalist communists. They support cult of personality leaders, tariffs, protectionism, collectivization of labor to raise GDP, and state totalitarianism. Communism is an ends in itself for them.
Trotskyists are globalist communists. They support the end of borders, free trade (but not for profit), decentralized (cell) leadership, establishment of self-reliant communes, and social totalitarianism.
It's kind of like asking why don't Fascists and Communists don't team up. They have each other because they see politics as a horseshoe. The people closest to them are heretics, people similar to them are schismatics who may be converted some day, and the rest of the world is just a formless resource to be exploited.
Surely there are people who were able to snoop on their facebook groups and find out what they were planning. They mobilised thousands for that rallies at charlestown and the one after so why are they so inept now? Sounds supspicious. Where are screenshots of their plans and discussions?
Here is your problem. You seem to think soybois are ever going to have something in common with real men.
what anime