I've heard a lot of Europeans say they were shocked to see flags on every building when visiting America. Is it really that strange to you?
I've heard a lot of Europeans say they were shocked to see flags on every building when visiting America...
Europeans are scolded about nationalism from cradle to grave
who gives a shit what some yuropoor thinks
Yes. In my country people are mocked by our politicians for having an England flag outside of their house. It is seen as generally lower class due to its association with football hooliganism and white working men with Transit vans. It's even worse on the continent because at least here we don't fly European Union flags alongside our national flag like spineless cuckolds.
it's because europe had 2 destructive wars with like 100 million kills caused by nationalism... so you can understand why nationalism is considered bad.
Lol yeah pretty much. Every time I see a UK flag outside a house i just think 'obnoxious faggot'.
thats why your country is being taken over, you have no pride and you mock people who love their country.
you deserve the fate you ahve chosen.
weird, every house in my neighborhood's got a flag. a bunch of flag poles actually fell over in a storm a couple days ago
>Transit vans
is expensive as fuck...is it that common? here in my back beat little town, most the van i see are ford e series.
in UK everyone has them as they are all construction workers who do jobs on the side outside normal working hours.
Lol, where I'm in isn't being taken over remotely, and i have a lot of pride in my country. I just find flag flying obnoxious. I only see like a dozen niggers in my town.
and second had they are really cheap... 2/3000 bucks..
> caused by nationalism
the most euro post I've ever read
hmm yes, two wars that America saved your dumb asses in.
>The cheapest sort of pride is national pride; for if a man is proud of his own nation, it argues that he has no qualities of his own of which he can be proud; otherwise he would not have recourse to those which he shares with so many millions of his fellowmen. The man who is endowed with important personal qualities will be only too ready to see clearly in what respects his own nation falls short, since their failings will be constantly before his eyes. But every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud adopts, as a last resource, pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and glad to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority.
Arthur Schopenhauer
its good be to vastly superior to eurostan
in every way possible
you know you are doing something right when the eurostanis complain
Why would anyone want to display a european flag? Wow, three horizontal or vertical bars. How inspiring!
you are part of the problem
Im envious of it. I wish we had that.
People are still very proud of the country, it's just flag waving is considered a form of pathetic virtue signalling. Americans have flags outside of their houses not because most of those give a fuck about the U.S and worship the flag, it's because it's "the thing that you do".
t. spent 3 months living in an American suburb filled with houses with flags outside.
The one's in the US are expensive because there's no market for them. Maybe because they are rebadged Mercedes. But, there's just not a lot of them. So the margins are low to produce them here and the used market is low. They might even be imported I'm not sure.
The transit van is like the F150 of the UK though.
Plus nationalism was instilled early when the Americas were basically a free for all for European powers as a means of revolution and protection. Nationalism is just more recent in the history for the US, Mexico, etc.
It's already dying out though.
>tfw too smart to be a patriot
Almost as if you weren't in the middle of it and had no offensive pressure.
Dont know anybody who owns the EU flag desu.
Americans are actually free and proud of their country
What state is that
German exchange student that came here asked me this same thing, "why do all these houses have American flags? Why are American flags at all the car dealerships? What's the point" I honestly told him it's because we're patriotic and love our country and he looked at me like confusingly like he never heard of the idea before.
That concept is so alien to me. I can’t comprehend why people are scolded for pride in their nation.
I bet in the UK, and other Euro nations, people will be scolded less having a rainbow flag flying rather than their nations flag. Am I wrong?
There are two flags in my room, there's one in the kitchen and one in the living room, and there are several flags on lampposts along the street on both sides. I love seeing them all around me wherever I go.
Ok obnoxious faggot.
You were literally on the defensive the majority of the war in all theaters until we came
We could have let Russia take you all over.
>It's even worse on the continent because at least here we don't fly European Union flags alongside our national flag like spineless cuckolds.
Nothing is worse on the continent than in Britain, you are the most cucked country on this side of the Atlantic.
damn! you people have a caged spirit, I feel bad for you ;(
>neighbour puts up a canadian flag
>think to myself that it's nice that someone in the neighborhood is showing pride on the country
>turns out they only put the flag up because the other neighbor is batshit crazy and has cameras all over the place to make sure the guys kids don't step on his drevieway
>the flag blocks the cameras
What do you even mean?
I am hungarian btw forgot to say
Oy vey
You fuckers have your flag colour wrong.
If superiority is measured by the number of non-whites, I guess that's what you are then, superior.
Most public buildings i've seen in the majority of European countries i've been to (which is like 15 of them) have an EU flag outside of them, and i've seen many normal people hanging them outside along with their normal flags. Bizarrely it seemed common in Greece despite how they have treated them.
Sorry. That's incorrect. When British wave their flags they don't wave the flags of a foreign power alongside it like many continentals do.
People are still very proud of their country, they just don't really like the idea of flag flying. Honestly, like most, i like to think mine is the best country a la world.
each star on your flag represents how many wars you fought for the jew
It is.
But not in a bad way.
>When British wave their flags they don't wave the flags of a foreign power alongside it like many continentals do.
No one does that.
orange dye was too expensive.
You are like caricatures user.
Fat mongel caricatures.
Yeah, true shame.
nazis used to do that, so if you are flying the national flagg in your garden you are basically signaling that you are nazi, which is borderline criminal.
Europoor in Cuckland here.
Yes it was a bit strange at first. At home, I'd rarely see a national flag and more than not see a European flag. The only place you'd see them are hotels.
Because it's illegal to fly your national flag in countries like Sweden and Germany.
It's a stock photo. Judging by the brick, the rocking chairs, the pine needle mulch, and the asphalt I'd guess south eastern first. Maybe Georgia or midland North Carolina
Was he a West German or an East German.
East Germany seemed to be more patriotic.
Ok you filthy commie.
Meanwhile the ressitance proudl fought for our country even though they didnt know how it would end. Still retarded nationalism is deemed bad here since they fought for the country they loved. Now were just another American colony for the most part.
We do, Its fucking retarded but because our old retarded queen said it has to be red like colonial French times we got cucked into it. Idd take orange anytime, Its our national color anyway and atleast we wont look like Luxemburg or any other red white blue tier meme country.
Less opioids, nigger felon league, cousin fucking, and general last-mannery; more of addressing the demographic eclipse, Buck McVaughn
Whenever I see a flag outside someone's house or on someone's car here, I know it has to do with feetsball. And everyone has a flag out during feetsball games.
You are aware there are civil flags?
>calling others commies
>Masonic compass right in the middle
Aren't you a rapebaby? You must be at least 40% slav
Maybe kids who forgot the cold war.
The American media just spent like 70 years pushing that shit on them.
My guess would probably be Virginia, maybe even somewhere like Maryland, or Pennsylvania. Unfortunately old Victorian houses like that are kinda spread through most of the East Coast, so it’s a bit hard to pin down.
Not sure if you ever been here but ive never seen it here. People are very ignorant and honestly dont really notice the EU. Perhaps on goverment buildings you'd find it but otherwise people wouldnt be bothered to hang up an EU flag. People are simple here and simply dont think about the EU
who the fuck cares. Your continent is being flooded by the enemy. Now is not the time to pearl clutch over national symbols and equate them with Nazis
I'm lucky if I see 5 on a block. I live in a wealthy area of lawn goyland.
So why do you only care about your contry over a childish game that has no real meaning?
Yes. Sadly, we are a lot farther ahead on the brainwashing road towards globalism.
Intellectual draftsmans compass.
Here in finland we also hang flags, but only when there is a reason like a national holiday.
>Assumes everyone's political opinions
Europeans have no sense of nationalism or testosterone. That's the problem with the west, letting women run rampant, and literally letting alphas fuck all the women they want.
yeah, but schoppenhauer said that in an environment where rampant nationalism was the norm
and now we know, that without that "cheapest sort of pride" a nation just simply dies.
Sure, bubba, tell us about minorities.
I always dream of seeing my country covered in Dutch flags and country related decorative ornaments like America does. Its sad almost no one wants this.
I guess if I lived in Europe, I wouldn't have anything to be proud of either. No wonder they've been so easy to invade and rape to death.
Is there any penalty for covering up the EU flag on your car plates?
>wanting the best for your kin, children and countrymen is bad, especially when it simply means halting immigration from third world shitholes
How do they fool so many people into believing this?
I can confirm this. I don't find it strange that you have flags on every building in the US, but in Norway you get scolded for even using Norwegian flags on our constitution day, because it's "racist".
East Germany is a shithole desu. Very poor but its as you said quite patriotic and racist. But when it comes to living quality it isnt so great.
In the US the local Govts. usually fly them throught the summer on light and electrical poles from Memorial Day to Labor Day.
Some might extend it to COlumbus Day.
I think this would fall under the penalty of covering up your plate in general.
Nigger, you literally voluntarily demoted yourselves to a minority position in your own country
We have the same here.
Weird how we managed to dodge that bullet. Guess we're just smarter than you folks.
tell that to my fellow countrymen. they are batshit insane white guilt cucks.
Finland has never been white.
>I guess if I lived in Europe, I wouldn't have anything to be proud of either.
Good thing you don't so you can be proud of affirmative action, cardiovascular diseases and being a 52% white country.
here french flag is deemed as racist
That's because "reunification" is just a meme.
Wessies don't give a shit about Ossies.
Berlin is just a show for the tourists.
>Judging millions of people from diffrent countries with diffrent cultures and diffrent ethnicities. Were not one giant melting pot like America. Even though you always like to believe this.
Don’t you americans also fly often a bunch of other flags like sometimes the confederate and sometimes the rainbow?
I moved here in the 2000s from Russia, how the fuck can a single person be responsible for 300+ million 52%ers?
>moved here in the 2000s from Russia
oh I bet you're a popular guy there right now
Its true but its rather them literally looking down on east Germans. Also culturally there has just started to appear a diffrence. But German ofc always had the high and low German cultural split aswell. Its a complicated country. And then not even starting about Bavarians.
Fucking every goddamn war ever almost is bc of nationalism you retard. Almost like jamming a bunch of different nations under the same state is a bad idea?
Well Canada isn't anything to be proud of you know.
Duhhh, yeah but yew Eurocucks are a smaller landmazs xD