Sex is just the result of the lottery.
Men and women are equally important.
Women's first mission is taking care of her family and children.
Men's is to provide a good environment for women's first mission.
Men support his family and strengthen the nation of theirs (such as inventing and serving in the army)
Kids need their moms to be mentally healthy and intelligent. But a worrying mom cannot raise good kids, so dad needs to make money and provide a safe environment.
As technology progressed, women might need less time on homemaking and can do something they like(work, business, science, etc), but kids and family are always the most important part.
Sex is just the result of the lottery
op best post
come home white man
it's ok to be white
This is calld dvision of labour; you can't let each worker do everything to get the best efficiency in a factory
Women are just broodmares, they add nothing else to society other then that, on average.
most men are nothing more than cannon fodder for (((wars)))
And all women are just factories that produce men.
Too bad that the majority of women have abandoned their one duty to overdose on birth control pills while riding Chad's cock.
Tell me, user, why should I sacrifice anything for that?
As a father of 3 white children with above average intelligence and physical ability. All I have to say is...1488
you can lose at the lottery :^)
My twins are 2 going on 3. Question is, have I started their red pill regiment to soon? I try to drop red pills multiple times a day. I have already effected their minds in many ways. When they see commercials on tv they scream “the electric Jew! Turn it off!”
thank you and your lovely wife for the role you've played in furthering our people through these difficult times.
Blessings and success to your family
What's your point bro?
use nature as the "redpill" show them things in the natural world. It's filled with value life lessons, struggle, loss, overcoming and purity
Godspeed, my good sir. One can only hope the red pills stick. Teenage rebellion may undo your good work.
This is what we're fighting for guys.
And you wonder why we have modern feminism.
White women are trash and will continue to be until a generation or two after (((they))) are eliminated.
shut your filthy lying mouth, jew
white-haters very much like to use a small group of coalburners(and other whatever burners) to represent all white women, just to make white men hate white women, just like how they use feminism to make white women hate white men. Be aware.
Find one who doesn't. Don't ask me how. I don't know. You gotta figure it out on your own.
fuck off, faggot
>find one who doesn't.
It is too late for me. I'm turning 30 this year, unless I am somehow able to attract one church girl who wants to wait until she is 18 for us to marry there is no way to find a non cock rider girl. It would be unnatural and disgusting for one as old as myself to rob the cradle as it were.
I don't think intense education is necessary. Basically, I would respect my children's feeling on everything, and let them know what I think occasionally. When they grow up, they spontaneously know what's right or wrong. You gotta believe your children.
>Men and women are equally important.
Sure, keep dreaming.
You know nothing about children.
All I need to know is that artificial wombs are going to phase the ovarian jew out of existence simply due to its efficiency. You can't even argue that fact, because that's a simple number game.
Maybe you can find someone who's not that young? Life can't be perfect. We can only try our best :)
But then we are back to me sacrificing for a hoe who has taken 28 dicks in 1 year.
I refuse to be captain save a hoe.
Roughly half of women have 3 or less premarital partner. I'm not asking you to sacrifice, but most women are not like that.
Those stats are no comfort for me. 3 or less premarital partners is probably some "self reported" bullshit.
No shit, women will lie to make their gender look better. A woman would report only long term boyfriends while quietly forgetting to report all her one night stands, because those "weren't real partners"
"I've only had three boyfriends, user. Really. but I won't tell you about all the times I hooked up. They weren't boyfriends at all."
Yes, people may lie. Just do what you want.
This. Women are an inefficiency that will in time be corrected by male technologies.