Women can't pass Turing Test

This is something i been thinking today, if you ever talk to woman you can see patterns of behavior and how they respond like programed robots for certain stimulus.

My theory is that woman aren't human, theyre like dogs with high IQ.
I can teach a dog how do sit, bring me things,
take care of shep.if a dog have more IQ they would act like women probabily (except for no loyality)

Women cant think or create things, see patters, engage real conversation - anyone who know many womans know that. But they can be trained to read, perform some jobs.
A program computer can do same things woman do, and this dont make a program computer human.

Woman are like a interface, a operational system from primal instincts of female animal in human form, they animal above hability come from men becoming more smarter and breeding with females.

Women are like A.I in a biologic level.

I think in 10 ~20 years, research in A.I will make a bot programam to talk to people and if you put a woman and that bot. WOMAN WILL NOT PASS THE TURING TEST.

Seriosly, talking to a woman today. You think they pass turing test? Or something like human turing test?
In future we can publicate research proving woman arent human?

women are human.
they just give in to temptation.
man gives in to the temptation of women.

adam & eve tells you everything you need to know about men and women.

the woman falls for deception.
the man listens to the woman and sins.

to break the cycle you stop caring about what women think.

Wait. So when god took a rib from adam to make eve, he gave her a robo ai gf? Then mankind kept sinning and pissed off god?

God has reason to be mad.

fuck off kike

How can you proof that a human female have conscious?
If you pick up a female monkey, female dog, female bird, a female ant, you can see a progressive improvement in taks they can perform.
But this dont make a female dog high intelectual, conscious compared with a female ant.

Probabily god pick up Adam DNA to make a monkey female with his phenotype

Holy shit, you don’t go out much, or interact with the opposite sex much, do you?

>How can you proof that a human female have conscious?
How can you prove that anyone other than you has consciousness?

Actually i do. Thats why i can say those things, but you sound a little pissed, are you afraid im right?

Knowing that Sup Forums have multiple people and arent all me posting.
All conscious people are males, but not all males have conscious. Some males born slaves.

They are called female humanoid organisms for a reason. All memeing aside women lack that special spark of humanity that makes males unique.

Do you think women would be able to pass the voight kampff test? Females can be unusually cruel and non-emphatic anyway.

>engage real conversation
can't do that either, what does it mean

Probably not.
You insert gave me a insight about blade runner, maybe Rachel isnt a replicant, but because she is a woman, they have no difference.

Phillip K. Dick seems redpilled as fuck, maybe he try to warn us in a subtley way

>women are non-artificial artificial intelligence

It is a well known but little published fact that women have less neurons than men.

They have lower number of connections per neuron, and instead of being structured they are all over the place.

>take care of shep.if a dog have more IQ they would act like women probabily (except for no loyality)
Except dogs are actually loyal and women are not. A dog won't leave you for another man or when you lose your job.

harrison ford was a replicant

That is a complete mis-characterization of my tone, but what can you do. So I guess a quick question then, and afterwards I may stop posting here depending on the answer.
How would a woman be able to prove her sentience to you? Or better yet, COULD she in some way prove to you that there are at least exceptions to this idea that you hold now?

this is all people user, but yea they are worse

This is a good question,
There arent tests to determine those things in that way yet. We cant observe dogs and horses and say that. We use patterns based in others animals and indexed with humans metric.

Is more even complex because the gender bias and not species bias.

My point is that with some variance of turing test we can proof that.
But we dont have A.I bot so powerfull yet.

Like i said, females monkeys can perform more complex tasks than a female dog, a human female can perform even more.
Even in humans females we can see some differences, maybe that human female/females you think that have conscious are just better programmed/condicioned by enviroment and mens.

Are brazillians human?

Scott, stay out of the writers' room.

So there is no way for me to convince you that Human Females are sentient. Well, if that is the case, then I shall bid you a good evening, and wish you the best of luck in trying to continue on as a normal member of society.
It's a shame, really, because even if you hadn't believed me I would have tried to prove through this anonymous image board my own sentience. But what do I know? I am merely a lowly human female who apparently can't even recognize herself in a mirror due to lack of sentience.
The trippy part is, how do any of us know who's real and who's not? We could all be living in an elaborate simulation, in which I am the only sentient being, and everyone else is part of an advanced AI to try and trick me into thinking that this singular existence is reality. If we go too far down the rabbit hole, will it even matter any more what is reality and what isn't?
Things to think about I guess.


dont be sad, even without conscious being a human female is the most high place a bio-bot will ever be