>B-but immigrants took our jerbs
>B-but immigrants took our jerbs
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If you burgers just ate normal size portions you'd be able to fit a load of smaller machines in place of that one
holy shit dude is that an autocheckout machine? like it'll scan anything on the belt no matter where the barcode is?
That is SO fucking cool dude
At least our dental care isn't horrible, Nigel.
You need to stop drinking the poo particled water from the Thames.
These things are fucking terrible though
>unexpected item in bagging area
we have those here too bud.
automation could make society a utopia
but jews will turn us into brazil before that
I honestly don't care about automated basic shit like that, less annoying checkout people to deal with is a plus in my book
Except immigrants do take tons of jobs that would otherwise be filled by qualified Americans, who could then force wages higher.
You do want wages to go up, don't you user? Then why would you want immigrants coming here to steal jobs from Americans, keeping wages low and the threat of replacement high? All you have to do is walk into any large tech company and count the Chinese and Indians sitting around there. They're a direct attack on rising wages, and they have to put up with it because their employment dictates how their work visa is accepted.
Or look at Mexicans doing all the restaurant work. Those are jobs that 18-25 year old white kids used to do. Now they don't get any opportunities at all, and they're forced to stay at home with mom and dad because 39 year old spics crossed the border and promised to work for decades in the kitchen without complaint because losing this job means going back to Mexico.
These will never be useful around nigs, you'd always need a guy checking if people aren't stealing.
This might speed up the process, however.
We have those ones at my local stores.
I worked at UPS and we used these for unloading trucks into the sort area. The barcode has to be facing up for forward. Of course, companies could start putting bar codes on all sides of the product.
up or forward*
>going to store once every 4 weeks
>going to store every day
That's what they look like here Britbong, this asshat must be in Texas or some other faghole full of fat shits.
what about things that are "by weight"?
They look like that here in Texas too
Haven't gone to an actual cashier since these were introduced.
I live in the retarded South and we have many of these.
kek, same
My Wal-Mart had to take them out because of niggers scanning and leaving without paying. Now they are starting to bring them back as the area is being gentrified.
Thank Fucking God
Why would be be making 1.5 million people with low skill citizens every year if we were going to have everything automated anyway sounds like a bad idea.
Wouldn't automation make a great argument to limit migrants? Ya know, since robots are going to make jobs irrelevant?
it's funny how many faggots get at gentrification.
>tfw had to work my ass off during all saints including the weekend and tomorrow
when i was i kid i wanted to live a life full of adventures and mystery. i remember the days when discovering even just a new kind of music was a life changing experience, when new stuff gave me excitement and thrills, when life felt so huge and endless i could never imagine to get bored. when days passed slowly because every moment was filled with expectations and naivete.
now weeks pass quickly, a trite series of the same pre-packaged schedule, pre-packaged entertainment, plastic wrapped people with plastic wrapped emotions. they all feel the same, and i feel empty inside. and i see my parents getting grayer and older each day, calling them less and less and feeling guilty about it, wondering at the same time how alone i will feel when they will be no more.
gotta keep those shoulders strong senpaitachi, but goddamn that cross feels heavy sometimes. i for one welcome anonbot stealing my job so i can just go full batshit hobo.
>the only attendee is helping someone else
>people are behind me
try scanning apples with that
americans have those in every ship you go to walmart theres 3 aisles open and 12 of self checkout. fuck off dumbass bong
I think those transparent parts on the arch house a bunch of cameras used for AI computer vision.
>Hi, I don't have a wife or child.
lol. Try buying $300 worth of food on those stupid things.
God bless bro
we have these too but most don't take cash anymore
We have those too at every chain store my man.
word, it's pretty crazy how they're rewriting the ancient religions to create the Brazilification, this docu is pretty long but you can see it immediately, the Jews are sneaky as fuck
I don't use automated checkouts. I prefer interacting with human beings. I know it's all cool and nihilistic to proclaim that you prefer avoiding people, but it's generally required for sanity to have some basic human contact and most of you need more not less of that.
also it used to be a good job for young people. got them interacting with other people in a quick and efficient manner, they learned customer serivce and hard work and how to manage a small paycheque and move out of their parents home. and then later in life get a better job somehow.. with what money? i don't understand how its supposed to work. debt i suppose? i dont bother.
anyways not everyone is qualified for better work. either get people qualified and find a place for them or hold off on replacing everyones jobs until you do. or the middle class will collapse and no one will be buying any products and services anyways.
>millisecond after finishing
>remove all purchased items
Why is this bad? Automation will usher in the paradise of UBI. I cant wait to be paid for being a NEET. I think me and some other NEETs will pool together our UBI and live in the countryside growing turnips, that sounds so fulfilling. I just want to grow fucking turnips you goddamned capitalist asshole!
>going to store once every 4 weeks
Do you only eat canned food holy shit?
read a book called "one on me"
So what happens when all trucker and factory jobs are replaced by machines in 10 yrs?
I go to the store like.. every other day. It gets me out of the house, and im too god damn poor to have any food go bad on me.
This is why we have to stop it
>please swipe card or begin scanning
>please remove item from bagging area
>*remove item*
>please scan item and place it in the bagging area
>please remove item from the bagging area
>too many items in bagging area
>please remove all purchased items from the bagging area
>help is on the way
every time
That looks clunky as fuck... you have to actually get to the exit before you can scan your stuff? And you have to take everything out to scan it one by one?
We've had pic related for like 10 years here, you pick them up when you enter the store, scan items as you pick them up and place them in your bag, swipe your card at the exit and just walk out.
I work with illegals all the time. Parents own a farm. They are lazy and often get fired after one day when they can't keep up with my 65 year old stepmom. They've tried to scam us and always want cash upfront. After we fire them we report them to the local police because they have to leave some form of ID to receive money. One old lady tried to pretend like she was a falling risk but I saw her come out of the bathroom and she was magically walking upright.
Pic related, my little farm cat.
Putting barcode stickers on all sides would multiply the sender's costs for no benefit to anyone except the dock worker and scanner. Having the workers maintain packages in an upright position encourages a more organized work flow especially for packages that are designated fragile or "this side up." This kind of system makes even more sense thinking about it now.
I believe that is an example of the minimum wage taking jobs
Immigrants taking jobs is also an example of the minimum wage taking jobs(you don't have to pay illegals the minimum wage, just threaten to have them deported)
They have those and the self checkout lines in stores here, but people go to the grocery store and buy whole cartfulls, 300 dollars plus worth of stuff instead of just going on more trips like a normal person. Also black people try to steal stuff because they don't scan everything.
>prove pic related wrong
protip: you cant
i am also aflicted with this shit i call ver a fuking worker to use it i fell so beta when i use these cos i always manage to fuck it up .when i call someone over before iv even scanned there like are you ok im like give it a minite just fuking stand there and watch me fail
Niggers and spics BTFO
You also don't have niggers, spics and jews.
These are the only ones I've seen.
I don't know what that nonsense is that looks like it belongs at an airport.
You need Jesus m8
Well I also do mass shopping with those scanners, you just place items into your bags in the cart as you go and unload them in the car. Don't see why it'd be more problematic if you shop for $300.
True we don't have niggers or spics, but we have muds. Don't see why that'd make any difference either, what are they gonn do with the scanner that they couldn't do before?
Do you put on the fucking apron too, goy? You've literally paid to work at the grocery store if you do this shit.
being a cashier sucks anyway and if more lower level jobs get replaced by robots the less incentive illegals have to come over here
>please place item back on scanner
>I'm cool cause I have children and post on Sup Forums
You dont deserve $15 an hour to scan fucking packaging all day.
This is why these machines exist. It's YOUR fault.
what happened with that whole revolution thing? yeah nothing, get the fuck off this board faggot
If you'd leave your little Euorpean caliphate once in awhile, Ahmed, you'd know we have those exact same checkouts here in the states as well.
I kinda wonder how they'll automate things like inventory coordinating (the fucks who have to take overstock to the back room so they can spend the next several weeks autistically checking to see if any of that product has gone out).
You'd think the whole store could be replaced with a giant vending machine, but most of the time the overstock is completely intentional. You'd have to just arrange for a month's supply of things like holiday goods (charcoal for labor day, turkey gear for thanksgiving) to sit in the machine like that, or else have people running it. Then you have the price tags, which will have to be digitized unless you want to hire someone to set and check ads.
The only way I could see something like that working out is in a hyper-developed metropolitan area with a high population density. AI probably hasn't ever been what was needed to automate retail. Just the gargantuan expense of all the machinery you would need.
I actively avoid stores that force you to do any part of the checkout yourself
I drive an extra 10 minutes to go to a grocery store that has a girl bag your groceries for you. I like the idea of eliminating cashiers completely, but if I have to bag everything I buy by hand, fuck that I'm going to a store where employees do that for me.
I don't pay out the ass for groceries to have to do extra work. Also, it creates jobs.
didn't you guys have that during the potato scare?
>So what happens when all trucker and factory jobs are replaced by machines in 10 yrs?
Social credit. Everyone can go about enjoying life. People that want more money can work, people that don't or can't enjoy the dividends of a civilization's progress.
>paying to do work
fuck that, i don't go anywhere that I have to bag my own groceries
At least machines don't commit crimes
>So what happens when all trucker and factory jobs are replaced by machines in 10 yrs?
We'll be hiring more engineers to optimize the robots
The economy will always have job openings for relevant skills... if you're banking on being a driver for the next 50 years, you're fucking retarded and deserve to be unemployed
Keep importing africans to do the unwanted low paying jobs
In Sweden the cashier only does the obvious thing, scan your wares. You have to unload your bags and pack them once they're scanned your items.
That's why so many people use self scanners, see , if I'm already going to pack the bags, I might as well do it while I'm walking inside the store AND scan them at the same time. Saves so much time and it's actually done properly.
Digital economy
We'll all be paid to shitpost and complain about other people's shitposts and fight each other in cyber realities for upvotes to pay for the ability to shitpost on neo-commy messageboards with Sup Forums gold accounts. It will be the only way to access porn and satanic 666 music videos with Miley Cyrus's gestation machine birthed daughter who rediscovers orthodox masculinity which is the hottest trend of 2033 and God Emperor Trump is busy building the greatest nation on Mars to retake Earth in another 20 years with the help of post human cyber Bannon and the 5th Reich.
Currently living in eastern Idaho, been to both coasts. This part of Idaho didn't get the memo on "progressivism". I'm not likely to leave here any time soon
he is tho
>Also, it creates jobs.
Break glass to stimulate the economy right? Pic related just look at all the jobs solar makes!
t. person who jacks off into his hand to anime
Why pay 1 person with a jackhammer to dig up a road, when you can pay 100 people with pickaxes to do the same job?
That's basic job creation 101
>be in commiefornia shit Angeles
>Fresh and Easy buys out the local Mom&Pop's lease
>new lolnoemployee checkout
>niggers started stealin shiet
>no security guards because lol that's racist
>a month later
>due to theif prices needs to go up for honest shoppers
>niggers continue to steal shit
>prices go up again
>at this point even the most diehard libtard ended up shopping at Food for Less
>3 months later went out of business
Liberals running companies into the ground 101.
You can print them on the boxes and I'm pretty fucking sure with all the day got designs on boxes now days having multiple upc isn't going to cost them very much
You don't have baggers? I'm sorry
If you can just scan items while you shop thought, I guess that's easy enough
>not having to bag groceries myself if breaking the glass
Are waitresses a "break the glass" solution? I mean I could just walk to the kitchen and grab the food myself and bring it to my table...
> He can't compete with low skill immigrants who can't even speak the language
If you find yourself in this situation just stop complaining. There's no point anymore.
> He can't compete with high skilled immigrants
Then stop complaining like a bitch and improve yourself. Learn a valuable skill and compete. Stop watiting for a politician to personally drop one in your lap because it will never happen. Employers will laugh you out of the interview room each and every single time because you're fucking stupid.
You need to fuck off christcuck. His problem is the modern world which Christian shitheads helped create.
>No slow nigger ringing up my groceries
>All checkout lanes open instead of just a single fucking one
Sounds horrible, where do I sign up?
There's also self-scanning devices you can carry and scan the barcode yourself. Very practical. Saves tons of time.
>Scan item, put in bag
>Slap the fucking bag to make sure the shitty weight detection works
>Shake the whole fucking thing if it questions you
Never fails, you gotta treat um' like women.
>Are waitresses a "break the glass" solution? I mean I could just walk to the kitchen and grab the food myself and bring it to my table...
A place that did that would have lower operating costs and a higher overall productivity.
If you look at something and say well this is a waste, BUT it employees someone so it's justified. Then you are breaking glass.
>use self check out
>bullshit glitches out and requires a person to come over and waste time doing shit with it anyway
Lets make semi-skilled labour expensive with minimum wage laws.
Lets also make unskilled labour really cheap with unlimited immigration.
OP is trolling but the assertion is still dumb.
I like these things. They work well. I think much better than the smaller stations. People who are used to using them, actually know how to use them, so that's nice. Some people are still trying to wrap their heads around it. Like, the bar you can deploy to separate different customer's groceries, so the first customer can continue bagging without feeling rushed, while the second can start scanning their items.
>dude we should have unchecked open borders so illegals can work for less money than is even legal for citizens to work for, as technology drastically shrinks the pool of available labor jobs for the widest base of the economic pyramid
spotted the southernfag
Over here there's a locked gate at the exit, so when you've scanned you items and swiped your card, you get a receipt you hold up to the gate to get out, making it hard to steal anything larger than what can fit in a pocket.
I don't mind not having baggers, from what I hear they do a shitty job and it seems like a meaningless task that only raises the costs for companies. And as you say, when you're scanning while picking up items it saves you so much time not having to bag it all at the exit.
>>Are waitresses a "break the glass" solution? I mean I could just walk to the kitchen and grab the food myself and bring it to my table...
You could also make the food yourself.
But still people pay for food prepared by others, and they also pay for food prepared by others and carried out and served by others.
Choices reveal preferences.
still living at home lmao.
ok buddy.
because it's cheaper and all around more efficient to use less workers with jackhammers vs more workers with pickaxes
Yeah, and? It's you faggots who choose to move down here and fuck our cities up with the same politics that ruined yours.
I wonder how those systems know when someone tries to leave with items they didn't scan.
yes, christians created a world of wanton materialism with race mixing and fag and tranny rights and jewish hegemony
european christians hundreds of years ago were notorious for doing nothing but throwing away old traditions
youre retarded