Politically speaking, were they the only completely innocent part of WWII?
Nazi Germany
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Yes. The allies, specifically Russia and Britain, did more war crimes than Germany, but were covered up because they were the victors.
While not completely innocent, they definitely did less than the US and their allies.
Making a deal with Russia to divide Poland so you can deploy your Troops there without alarming Russians and then betraying Russians was smart but also speaks about how trustworthy Nazi's were.
the Romanians were the real Nazis and thus the only innocent ones
They backstabbed the Russians because they got wind that they were going to backstab them. Hitler's only mistake was trusting commies.
Comfy Hitler thread now
tfw you will never be such a bro to Adi that even he has to smile when you laugh
bashful Adi
the red army was not mobilized for war in 1941, infact they had just finished purging their best generals after being trolled by heydrich
compassionate Adi
They killed my great grandma's in-laws, German Christians, for being old. What kind of morality is that, to kill off the elders of your community?
cute Adi
No lies here pls
Adi was so romantic
he loved his dog
Her husband lived with her in the US, and he supported the Nazis openly during the war, until later on when he learned that his parents has been euthanized.
pls no lies.
false, he was modernizing his army after he made the agreement with hitler. stalin was a smart fella, he let hitler start the war while remaining somewhat neutral then switched sides knowing he'd be on the winning side
To Argentina? Okay cool
>he knew then what would be suppressed for future generations
>he garners support because we know about more than just the Coudenhove~Kalergi plans
>never wonder why is revered as a Saint, a hero, a savior unless you know/study history
Goddamn, what a wonderful man.
nah we backstabbed them because the nazis gave our territory to the hungarians :)
Could only imagine having such an amazing leader. Don't think we would ever see that again.
stupid monkey
You have been lied to then. Also, kys for believing such bullshit.
fuck off gay ass brazilian
Adi with his bro JP
Hitler did nothing wrong
Innocent? No
Fighting for a good cause? Hells yes!
so hard to find a full video of this?
d,,.der furor. watch your hand!
wish we knew more about this guy
Fuck off carioca monkey
Adi with his WWI bros and his dog Foxl
Someone would steal this dog from him and break his heart.
Anyone else think Taylor was killed and cloned?
tfw you will never wait patiently outside of your villa for Adi and the crew to pick you up
Hitler would have seemed like a saint compared to a Hillary Clinton-style chancellor who came into the race knowing exactly how to exploit the loophole and whatever. Hitler was justified. His only faults were making decisions that lead to unnecessary deaths on any side. You can't be a dictator without labour camps, but he could probably have lowered the death toll by a lot if he had made a few different decisions. I rate him 9/10 on the dictator scale(Higher is better)
He was just like us
Hitler made a deal to take back the Eastern part of Germany that was lost as War Booty after WW 1 - and was prompted to do so because the Polish were being genocidal shits and killing all the Germans who fell under their thumb.
Yes, he took more than what was Germany before because of the British food blockade lead to mass starvation of Germans during and AFTER WW 1.
As for Stalin, Stalin said he was going to take Romania, A German ally. Stalin started it.
Both a ladies man and a gentleman
Who would be a 10/10 in your opinion?
not quite
prove it cunt-faggot!
>post ITT
the soviets had been modernizing since the early 30s
heinz guderian visited a soviet arms factory in the mid 30s and concluded that they had a vastly superior arms industry to the germans
Erwin Rommel is literally the only guy who did nothing wrong.
Wrong. He lost.
I do acknowledge that America caused a lot of the deaths in the camps, but the reason they decided to bomb his supply lines is really what i'm getting at.