ABIGAIL SHAPIRO has Big Khazar Milkers

Do you think Abby will like my video?
Will Ben be mad? I'm legit in love with this girl.
I just want her to feed my babies with her Big Khazar Milkers.


tit men are beta fags.

K Tyrone

Tits built civilization

>reddit and memey

I'm trying to brainwash the reddit bug men. I need your help.

jews are in trouble? show tits. it never fucking changes.

This is fucking hilarious.

You're retarded. Kill yourself.

Thanks senpai


Bumping for khazar milkers

Khazar milkers are the white man's kryptonite. You're playing with fire.

French revolution was a mistake


This site is mentally ill.

Tell me something I don't know.

Jesus Christ!!!

I think you should take your faggot kike shit to Sup Forums if you wanna jerk off you loser

Don't post if you're new please, you ruin it for the rest of us. Keep your self-righteous disapproval to yourself.

Enough falling in love with this kike whore. Abigail Shapiro, being the idealistic standard for jewish beauty must be publically BLACKED in Revenge for all the years of that shit (((they))) pushed on Our Women.

>aw yeah guys IOTBW is great we are finally making the step from an online presence to an offline one
three days later

So when are we going to spam Ben's wall with Khazar milkers edits?

Abigail "ISRAELI PAIZURI" Shapiro

Daily reminder:
You can milk anything with nipples

>being attracted to tits
serves reproductive function

>being more attracted to ass instead of wideness of hips
degenerate shit niggers do


>not Yiddy Titties
Sup Forums I am disappoint.

Even John Goodman?

>Not like Both ass n titties and grading the body as a whole
Subhuman all of you.


Why do you think the (((porn industry))) goes to such lengths to promote anal sex?

the guy I replied to said "tit men" implying men who like tits the most. I never said you can't be attracted to ass too but the context is what is the favorite part, but I wouldn't expect some mong who doesn't speak english as first language to catch that.

ever since I stopped fapping and watching porn I have found myself infinitely more attracted to breasts. definitely not a coincidence.

All this guys photos are photoshopped.

Fuck off to plebbit newfag.

Thanks for all the subs guys. My next vid will be calling out that manet cuck Jeff Sessions and one exposing Milo and Laura. This meme is getting popular so look out for Milo getting a tit job next week to fit in.