Did you at least tear it down?
Why not? That's more in line with Sup Forumss message than the original poster.
jewish psyop don't be fooled
leftists trying to ruin it.
all followers of kek are blind to see that kek is a demon.
a laugh
storm faggots are not Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is personal freedom above all without harming others.
Have you noticed that it's just this one picture over and over
Why the f is there no new IOTBW campaign threads????????
This is likely just the same /leftypol/ poster who posted this earlier. Now they are LARPing as somebody who allegedly "found" one of these. It's a poor attempt at derailing the movement.
Stick with the original message, ignore shill threads like this, and keep it going
You wish. The kinds of retards Sup Forums churns is on par with OPs pic.
>same picture
>looks like it's in some guy's room
You can do better.
If you idiots couldnt tell its posted literally in a apartment stairway/interior building stairway
An obvious false flag.
Leftist puts it up trying to make Sup Forums look like crazies.
Doesn't realize we're about love and peace.
It's a false flag by /leftypol/ obviously
Nice home stairwell
It's in some flop house stairwell, kids being fags, what's new?
This, pol only supports stormwieners tp the point that we believe in personal freedom, and currently the left is a direct threat to it.
White nationalists and BLM are the same imo
Whatcha doin Rabbi?
Randoms can try to ruin it but as long as it is opposed and the five words are all that is acceptable for this message the majority can easily claim subterfuge
This is why we cant have nice things
>pol is what i say it is
Fuck you faggot
Actual retards from pol will post this shit, delegitimizing the original message.
>Posts flyer in mom's basement
>1 post by this OP ID
Sorry fag it doesn't count when you post them in your own damn house.
nice try.
ITT cringey hitler weebs that can't even recognize an obvious shoop
>1 poster
>same pic was posted 2 days ago
>appears to be stuck up inside a home
I seriously hope no one falls for this.
I don't even think it's a false flag.
I think it's a genuine poster made by one of those kekistan memester retards
this is literally in someones house
a bit on the (((nose)) isn't it?
fucking stormfags
I hate newfags. Listen here leaf this is all satire nobody is really taking this seriously.
This doesn't even look like a publick place, this is some anons room. Whoever made it didn't even leave his own house.
Lel, a /leftypol/ faggot was so butt-enraged that he created this false flag, even though he knows this fake meme will die in obscurity.
Also sage
Im not a shill, im not from leftypol i just saw this and wanted to know whats going on
Go be a KIKE somewhere else. Saged.
This because of this
Damn leaf.
Sup Forums's politics would do more for blacks than the D's.
Haven't you noticed that the left only wants to keep minorities down and patronize them?
you are all retarded, learn how to look at the pixels, retards
You dipshits don't get it do you? They aren't gonna sympathize with you pretending that Sup Forums limits it's tolerance of stormfags. They're gonna come here and see all the shit that gets posted in the hundreds of daily threads every day. Not just the ones you agree with and post in. They're gonna see EVERY SINGLE BATSHIT CRAZY/RETARDED/RACIST thread you have and tell their friends about it.
tl;dr the point of the poster in the OP is to get more normies to come here and see Sup Forums
Let them know what they fear.
>Be me
>walk out of Harold Washington library
>see pic related
Wow, you guys sure work fast. I've seen all the threads but this is the first time I've seen a poster in real life.
Pray tell how to do that then.
jews derailing an effective redpill meme
The_Cuckold is back that way. Hail Hitler.
Trying to troll you guys. Counter
This Kekistan meme is getting real unfunny and out of control.
Its ok to be white black yellow or whatever.
you mean why did someone do this? is it not obvious? it's to make people look bad. ignore the faggotry
>not /po/ fucking newfags
It is the price you pay for individual chaos.
>implying you need to go through that much effort to spot an obvious troll
Still, nice work user.
well if you just look at the text there is jpeg pixellation behind most of it indicating the image was manipulated. look at the "Sup Forums.org/pol" on the left that is in 2 lines you can clearly see where the whiteness on the page in the background was distorted because they tried to make the text conform to the shape of the page, all the text has this though it was clearly a picture of a normal poster and everything else was added in photoshop.
image i posted is from fotoforensics.com and shows the error level analysis or different compression levels used
I see. The added text does look distorted.
reminder that pol is the containment board on an imageboard for anime masturbators so people don't have their fap sessions ruined by politics
When you put it that way...
>that eggshell wall
>carpeted spiral staircase
is this in your house?
it is!
ahaha what a loser
>implying this isn't a troll
normies won't ever come here!
That is so obviously shooped it hurts that I'm not the first to post it.
This. Posted with scotch tape on an indoor spiral staircase.
are you stupid? jpeg images have artifacts like that in them by nature, because that's how fucking jpegs work. nothing in your forensics image is out of the ordinary. someone made this image the other day to troll Sup Forums, and you can clearly see that they just hung it up in their own house for the sake of taking a picture