Joey CoCo Diaz Picking Men Up in Saunas - CONFIRMED

I've been spending time frequenting a gym/spa that Joe Rogan's pal Joey Diaz has visited often apparently to make himself healthier. (good luck with that..) I've only seen him twice in the sauna but on my second go around I noticed him trying to buddy up to another man there in his 40s.There was lots of complimenting coming from Diaz but nothing grossly inappropriate. According to some of the guys I know who also go here, he's attempted picking men up and has done so successfully in the past to give men some "good mouth time." This news was jarring to say the least but these guys wouldn't lie and the interaction I witnessed myself was somewhere past platonic in its nature.

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Another day, another character assassination projected based off the accusers own acts.

show proofs


Proof or it didnt happen

Dont talk about. Uncle joey like that cocksucka


Fuck rosties

There was one time on Joe Rogan's or his podcast when he had a Freudian slip about "boyfriends" or some other gay as fuck shit. If I remember correctly it was something about saunas too.

Blowjob with ice in his mouth?

How the fuck does this happen? I hang out at all the sleazy places, all the filthy bathhouses and run-down saunas, and no chubby grampa ever hits on me.


Prove Rogan sucks dick and i'll give a fuck

I've seen tapes of this.

It's gotta suck to be so hideous an overweight old gay man won't even mouth fuck you.


OP, the devils lettuce will make u gay

The proof is that he's Joe Rogan.


shoutoutz to the bar

Who gives a shit?

Look at the state o'you. This half-a-fag muthafucka. That's PROJECTION, cocksucka. You evah tell a girl "lemme put this coke rock on your clit, lemme eat that lil monkey". No, 'cause OP's a faggot. We goin' DEEP, Lee Syatt, ya Christ-killah.



they're just saying this because he's saying "fuck the [accusers of Harvey Weinstein]"

Wouldn't shock me desu. He always clams up and gets defensive whenever Joe mentions anything to do with fags.

It's okay Joey, you can suck some dicks if you want to.

im sure yah did cocksucka. Bet yah eat ranch with yah wings. Go fuck yah motha

Check yourself before you wreck yourself
Big dicks in your ass is bad for your health

Can confirm this! Met him after a comedy show few years back. We went to the green room to smoke some la chinka and do some Le coco and he exposed his dangalang to me. Wasn't impressive either. Not sure why he tries to act all alpha when he got a little baby egg roll

They obviously appreciate the male physique so much to the point where it's borderline gay, especially Rogan. Get uncomfortable sometimes.

For instance, if you saw the podcast where he had Jon Jones on and they were talking about his off-brand dick pills that got him suspended the first time around, Joe asked Jones "Why'd you need 'em anyway? You're a young dude." Jones replied, "because I have a huge cock, Joe." Joe kept repeating that line, laughing but it all looked and sounded flustered the whole time.

Same with McGregror's dick, wouldn't shut the fuck up about it for like 5 minutes. Is he gay, though? I dunno, I think a lot of dudes that are into fitness and martial arts have more appreciation for the male form that does come off as really gay a lot of the times, but I'm not sure they'd actually participate in a gay act.

Half his audience would abandon him if he was gay.

Spread it like wild fire.


he's openly said on the show he'll fuck anyhole he doesn't care

>1 post by this ID

But I like Joey and wouldn't want him to lose his livelihood, so why would I do that?
He says you should know what it's like to get your cock sucked by a dude by the time you're 50 in this video after calling Will I Am a bonafide faggotoid. He's probably had a few cocaine fueled homo hookups in his day

Fitness is a scheme made by elderly fat gay Jewish men to feel up beefy Aryans. Don't fall for the iron jew.

Still love the guy anyway

Stay black, cocksucker

He's 100% stuck that eggroll in the fat jew's mouth

Can you imagine Lee being barbequed sucking uncle Joey's monkey

ive seen footage


you cannot escape the penis hypnotism. boobs dont giggle like dicks and vaginas just stink and sit there. everybody has filmed themselves doing halfy boner flop vids in mirrors. then when you go to a gym you wonder how hard these other guys might be because they look soft but are fucking gigantic and wiggly of all sorts. enjoy

It's true. He sucks Lee Syatt's little circumcised cock too.

BOG likes joey and rogan
BOG doesn't get baited easily
Moar proof diggers dig
But I'd suggest to you that we are being baited because we are winning so hard right now
My guess is OP is this guy

They are attempting 4 D chess Sup Forums

wow, fag hater? go back to your ironing your Che shirt

He's openly gay lol

Joe also took a Cialis before rolling in BJJ.

that's a fucking problem today with fags! it's okay to be a faggot yet they won't openly admit it, and I always have to wonder that guy that befriended me today and is asking me to go on a hike with him to the woods wants to suck my pecker or genuinely a normie dude that just wants company on a hike?!?1?!?!

>i like teeth on my dick
go hide with him innawoods bushes. you can do inspections for jewry. then YOU wont be able to quit him. go live.

He's changing flavors ladies and gentlemen.


My dad that works at Nintendo slso told me this. Glad the truth is coming out

WRONG. fitness is the molding of ones body to it's peak. nu-males wouldn't understand


good one

Underrated. Checked.

ignore the quotes. he never literally said that. we have to be careful not to libel anyone on here.

I ever tell you about that time I stabbed a hooker joe rogan?

“Dude have you seen recently? He’s fucking YOKKED BROOOOOO”
“Have you gotten stem cell shots?”
“Bro, Artic Ocean water in a suspended gravity hyrdration extraterrestrial tank can cure cancer bro, especially if you smoke weed dude.”

Getting real fucking tired of homos defiling the bastion of purity that is the sauna - real sauna is for manly brotherhood, philosophy and telakoituminen, not homolewd.

Of course theyre bisexual. The entire fucking industry is full of kiddy fuckers and homos. The way Rogan was practically sucking Duncan's cock every time he had him on is what made me stop listening to his shitcast.

>Posts no proof

Fuck off.

this is a JIDF thread

the Jews must've learned of all the Jewish shyster stories Joey likes to tell


Whyre you lookin at ma dangalang?

hey Joe let me tell you about the time I used to sell coke to Whitney Houston


You first. Of AIDS. :D

Got the tapes bitch I've seen footage

oh wow he gave a blowjob to some random 40+ guy? who the fuck cares

AIDs or suicide, one of the two.

i know rogan is a faggot
had no idea about diaz though

Man fuck off, Joey is a mainstream comedian who constantly bashes jews into a pulp he's literally ourspic

>wants to get naked in saunas
>blames fags
>keeps talking about HIS OWN FUCKING AIDS that we cured for us and prevented and doesnt work on you like charlie sheen the degenerate and his 700 vaginas
>all homos are kiddy diddlers
>i dont listen to his podcast but i came in here to keep obsessing and lying
>etc etc etc etc
you didnt give up on indictment day. you wont give up now. epstein. putin. all pedos. ffs. are you right wing or a homophobe or a jew? you eat baby dicks. do blood libel. and are a pedo for sure. nobody else. just you

Get him to suck your dick, record on hidden camera. Take one for the team.


>be Joe Rogan
>love spending time out in the wilderness with other men
>admires the male physique
>likes physically engaging other men in "combat sports" and martial arts
>never talks about his wife and kids

who would guessed his friends were fags too.

what a scandal. were you born yesterday? nobody knows the names of anybody any of us know. but i want a list of any man who's never even glanced at a dick. it's impossible

When you're a hardcore degenerate like that you don't really have many boundaries. You'll fuck anything, do any drugs. Doesn't matter. It talks about this in the Bible. It's called being a reprobate.

>they knew God but turned away to worshipping REPTILES and committing idolatry
>occurred in cities WELL KNOWN for this
>for this reason God made both genders participating cursed and reversed their orientations as they had reprobate orgies
>made a frog cult
>these are homosexuals

Joey Diaz is a kidnapping drug dealer who’s openly admitted to aggravated burglary with a deadly weapon, felonious assault with a deadly weapon, and all sorts of other degenerate behavior. Being a faggot should be the least of his worries but thanks to humans being idiots, he actually makes a living in the public eye.

Well thats packed to the nuts with projection innit?

and then there's this guy's post. seems youre just cranky

one pill. no side effects. works for me. fails on you. then theres zika and harder to detect super gonorrhea goin for ya. on top of your aids. deal. this isnt 1964 when you made aids in a lab and blamed me. the finn faggot with his precious hetero naked men. zero projections here. that's you. nice explanation of the pic. what do periods taste like?

This could be a ploy to get at Rogan while Rogan spouts stupid at times he has done more for redpilling thn anyone on here.

like cancer. also caused by vaginas
>i have a gspot and she doesnt and pees on me
>imma ignore this and get ass and throat cancer; and all cancers from her minus melanoma; i love yeast infections

i liked his dicks are delicious may may

You seem ill in the head brother.
>tfw can't cover him in honey and get diabetes via licking in belly up

you fuck goop holes bro and their personalities are selfish and garbage. why do you hate being a man?

everyone knows that men's spas are just gay hookup centers

Not politics. Sage


sure it is. nobody ever says this when you try and frame us in a bad light. 99.9% of posts in here are based. i wonder what the differences are. his age. his butchness. the fact he doesnt flame too much. theres been so many like this. it reminds you of yourself


Joe Diaz is fucked.

Start at 7:00.

>I use to get girls to suck my dick to get stage time to get into the Belly room.
JR>How many?

I've sent this to Joe Rogan, Crowder, and many others and no one has brought it up. We need to make this famous. This dude is a coke addict felon.

>i make tiny poops
he hasnt lived