Bread Crumbs info dump: → →
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Bread Crumbs info dump: → →
Links to thread #1 - #20 under → →
Read the FIRST Qanon.,... rest are cointelpro. should be obvious if you aren't a shill. or an actually dumb dumb.
waiting on indcitment
Seriously can a friendly user find the q post about the families that control everything.
This had to be foreshadowing this Saudi family takedown
May kek bless you if you do.
I will be so happy if an indictment or two comes.
the fire rises
give it a rest, reddit
Yeah, it's happening.
Trump in Japan, shoot down in SA
Now look at this:
shills are swarming
we're getting close
Ready for new happenings
Here you go:
what if Tony Podesta's terms of surrender included a MSM blackout of his arrest/indictment because he didn't want to prove Q right
you fell for the leftypol larp, feel ashamed
>tfw shitting up the threads with shillposts to piss off other anons
What a time to believe alive. Hail Eris.
Saudi Arrests linked to Vegas Shooting, Kushner just got there last week...hmm
Connection with Vegas shooting. The arrested prince owned a property in Mandalay Bay, and OWNED A CONDO a few floors above the shooter!!!!
What if the Saudi takedown is the start
The arrested are the money daddies of Podesta and company
Dear god, that looks horrible!
Kudos, SuperAnon
This - you can't drain a swamp with the hose running.
You can't take Podesta down without taking his backers! Podestas deal "art" through special means with Saudis.
The Saudis are buying children from the Podestas.
Pay fucking attention.
The reason Podesta hasn't ever been brought to charges, is because of his big connections.
The "untouchable" people that they couldn't prosecute running child trafficing rings.
Podesta comes next.
Don't you see?
user, i'm glad you fucking cuddling up comfy cozy.. we got work to do.
Ask me how I know you are new here
we must stop the madman!
Okay, with this breaking news, this post seems important in entirety -
>How did SA welcome POTUS during his trip?
>Why was this historic and not covered by MSM?
>How did SA welcome BO during his trip?
>How did SA welcome HRC during her trip?
>Why is this relevant?
>Not suggesting SA is clean by any means but they play a role in this global game of RISK.
>Combine all posts and analyze.
>The questions provide answers.
>Remember, information is everything, the flow of information is no longer controlled by the MSM but by you/others.
>Hence, why we are dedicating 'critical' time to distribute crumbs which can be followed in greater detail to paint the entire picture once more information is released.
>Why has POTUS dedicated so much time into labeling the MSM as fake news?
>Why is this relevant?
>We are fully prepared that all social media will be shut down to prevent the spread of this information (i.e. POTUS' Twitter etc. and/or mass censoring).
>Sealed Federal orders pre-submitted as prevention and masked as 'in general' (though that does not account for rogue agents/programmers within).
>Dates (impending actions) are deliberately provided for authenticity.
>Alice & Wonderland.
Combine all posts and analyze.
The questions provide answers.
Must bake bread...
Did we ever confirm "wizards and warlocks" Q?
do we have any answer posts to these q's?
Saudis gave Clintons 25 million
You know, Meg told us they'd be going down for financial crimes, not pizza. Wouldn't it be something if that was disinfo, intended to keep them complacent because they thought they were covered in that regard, when it's really the child trafficking stuff that's blowing up?
Although it's still Uranium One, etc., so I guess it can't be *just* that.
This hopefully means trouble for several Western European politicians as well. Bribed by Saudi and Qatari money to sell us out to Wahhabi extremists' agendas.
I can't remember but I'll go take a look.
Closest thing to it is rods of god or development for other forms of nuclear level retaliation check post 9 or 10
checking for Paleadians dumping their their holding tanks again
This is it.
The one removed post Trump victory are these Saudis.
They owned fucking everything
ty user
Antifa is retarded for having the protests saturday. College commies want protests as an excuse to get out of class not out of getting drunk on the weekends
Also - remember the twitter of the Donald going off the grid for 11 min not that long ago and now the SA purge. Strings are pulled and cut is my guess. Enjoy the show
Fucking checked and may kek also bless you
What if they escape and assume Academi army
Qatar was supposed to be invaded by Academi at the height of tension, so they are capable of waging war
BTW, VPU-1 & 2, are designed for targetted EMP.
The whole reason for the warnings today, was in case of a malfunction.
In Saudi, they are using targeted EMP strikes on the compounds to arrest princes, they are essentially fortified.
Look at the logo. It's a targeted EMP strike. "Lightening" from the sky.
You are right user. It wasn't a lie, it was disinfo! The larp was real!
You could be a leftist with mental gymnastics like that.
Stop - I can only get so erect!
I'm skipping the questions about people's visits to SA because I don't have a clue there.
>>Why has POTUS dedicated so much time into labeling the MSM as fake news?
Because SA owns so much of it.
>>Why is this relevant?
They're about to get exposed and/or their plug pulled. People needed to be broken into the idea that their media has been not just left/right biased, but a foreign agent for years.
What about the missile attack?
Small summary:
Al-Waleed bin Talal has just been arrested for corruption and money laundering.
He owns Citigroup, which basically picked Obama's cabinet.
He has ties with the clinton foundation, donated before as stated by washington post.
He owns the Four Seasons Hotel in the Mandalay Bay Hotel, the hotel from Las Vegas shooting.
Q was talking about 3-4 big families getting rolled up.
Q was talking about SA directly.
Is the beginning?
Yep not a coincidence
>Pay fucking attention.
I don't pay no attention to no homo.
Q in last thread???
Q in last thread???
Q in last thread???
To all the people claiming Q was a larp, Anon5 (the insider who predicted Vegas) confirmed he was legit already, fuck off shills.
>mfw Antifa NYT ad was a real life slide thread
I might be wrong but didn't Trump tweet the infamous covefefe tweet while he was visiting SA. Then say the people who would know will understand.
pic related.
GUYS someone talking like Qanon toasted at the end of the last bread.
>Trump is going to Japan next
u damn right it is. it's being slid pretty hard. trump never telegraphs his move, and no-one foresaw this. the swamp starts in SA
He said one of those families was neutralized after trump election. We assumed he was referring to David Rockefeller finally leaving the mortal coil. Perhaps the Rockefeller influence was somehow neutralized with him?
Maybe vapid, but why am I thinking of that illuminated "orb" Trump and the Saudis were laying their hands on when he was there?
Made a chill go up my spine.
Not anon5 pls
You stupid fucking babies. You stupid cunts. How many of you have fingered a wet pussy? How many of you have punched a man in the face?
Get out more you fucking faggots. You fat soft cunts. You fat-bellied fuckers.
There was a post by Q at end of last bread
Follow HUMA.
Who connects HRC/CF to SA?
Why is this relevant?
Who is the Muslim Brotherhood?
Who has ties to the MB?
Who is Awan?
What is the Awan Group?
Where do they have offices?
Why is this relevant?
Define cash laundering.
What is the relationship between SA & Pakistan?
Why is this relevant?
Why would SA provide tens of millions of dollars to US senior gov't officials?
What does SA obtain in exchange for payment?
Why is access important?
What happened when HRC lost the election of 2016?
How much money was provided to the CF by SA during 15/16?
HRC lost.
Loss of access/power/control.
Does repayment of funds to SA occur? If so, how?
Why did BO send billions in cash to Iran?
Why wasn't Congress notified?
Why was this classified under 'State Secrets'?
Who has access to 'State Secrets'?
Where did the planes carrying the cash depart from and land?
Did the planes all land in the same location?
How many planes carried the cash?
Why is this relevant?
What does this have to do w/ NK?
What does this have to do w/ SA/CF cash donations?
What does this have to do w/ ISIS?
What does this have to do w/ slush funds?
Why is SA so vitally important?
Follow the money.
Who has the money?
What is happening in SA today?
Why is this relevant?
Who was Abdullah bin Abdulaziz?
What events transpired directly thereafter?
How was POTUS greeted compared to other former US President's when in SA?
Why is this relevant?
What is the meaning of this tradition?
What coincidentally was the last Tweet sent out by POTUS?
Why is this relevant?
Was that an instruction of some kind?
To who?
Why is this relevant?
Where was POTUS when that Tweet was sent?
Why is that relevant?
What attack took place in SA as operations were undertaken? Flying objects.
What US operators are currently in SA?
Why is this relevant?
Questions provide answers.
Alice & Wonderland.
then obviously you don't think that highly of yourself. homo.
i mean it was kinda wet
Can I as a non american, ask? "What must occur to allow civilian trials"?
Any links? Haven't been on since about thread 34 or so, so I don't know what's the habbening in SA?
& thanks for the short summary.
Shilluminati confirmed
relevance for the failed Rand Paul attack, is this why he had to leave the country.
Connect the dots anons.
It was necessary to remove the Saudi Princes. They are funding the Clintons as well as much of the social media complicit in her crimes.
Las Vegas was a meetup. The “shooter” was CIA, meant to provide weapons to Saudi supporters of the Prince. There was to be an overthrow of the King. Talal supported the Clinton machine and served as her base of operations and money laundering for the Clinton Foundation. The meet went south and to cover it up and let Talal escape the shooting occurred. Information obtained by MI showed the planned treachery and was given to the King to take out Clinton’s primary support.
Sessions has recused himself so as to stay “pure” for other purposes. This includes seizing the Saudi Prince’s funds domestically, as well as EVERYONE THAT HE HAS FUNNELED MONEY TO…IT IS ALL CONTAMINATED AND POISON FRUIT. Clinton Foundation, DNC, individual candidates and politicians on both sides of the aisle. Wrap this in with the U1, Dossier info and you have criminal conspiracy that goes who knows how far.
>tfw i punch jamal and finger his wifes wet pussy so i can please the mexican in a 3rd world country
why do newfags keep checking posts with no diggies
Then my work wasn't forgotten. Awesome.
in Toronto. no wonder it is being overrun by the fuckers
Boompin. Fuck the shills.
Right now there's a straggler who thinks that if she yells really loud it's like she's making a difference.
Fucking lame.
Guys, I leave for like 2 days and I now have no clue what's going on. I'm seriously out of the loop.
Can I get the speediest of synopses?
holy sheet, the walls are starting to collapse around the globalists
Was Taleed possibly the VIP they were speaking of the night of Vegas shooting?
get some coffee. You'll need it.
Look up Seymour Epstein. His porn company owning sons always called him "Satan". His wife is and Gloria J Epstein an Ontario Supreme court judge
I mean, what if it did mean this family and the reason it was mentioned was to foreshadow.
If you're going to takedown the fuckers that own everything you probably have to plan it for a while.
I'm just thinking out loud bc this is really lining up
Can somebody please explain me why the Saudi Arabia thing is so important? The king only practically killed a family branch, this isn't a coup.
>but muh waleed owns twitter
Well, that will be surely the reason why Twitter will suddenly end existing.
Someone said they typed covfefe into Googal translate with a certain pattern of spaces and apostrophes, and it translated from Arabic into something in English, but I can't remember what.