If some brown guy was born in a country, adopts the local culture, customs and rules, doesn't commit crimes and works and pays his taxes etc.
Why should i still hate this person?
If some brown guy was born in a country, adopts the local culture, customs and rules...
because he is brown
fuck off ahmed
Germany for germans only
You shouldn't. That's exactly the type of person we want. The issue is that JEWS NEVER ASSIMILATE, so every country they're in gets systematically destroyed.
Because he doesn't exist
how did his parents enter the country? you are just going to let your invaders reproduce and overtake the country?
lol speak for yourself civicuck faggot
> atleast I shtill hav muh conshitution
back to t_d
yea sure the first ones that come are like that. wait until they reproduce and you have to deal with the offspring.
You don't have to hate him, but he'll never be the same as you and don't belong here.
are you saying brown people are too dumb to move abroad and start anew, you know, something white people do all the time and brown people do, too?
No, non-whites are trash regardless if they're legal and assimilate the culture. Dumb shitskin apologist.
His children will regress to their racial mean and be low IQ criminals.
>why should I hate invaders
Huh, that's a hard one.
Maybe you want to encourage a foreign invasion but no right thinking man does.
Newsflash. America since the beginning was a BI RACIAL country. Blacks and Whites. America will always be bi racial. Race has nothing to do with the issues we see today. IT HAS TO DO WITH CULTURE. ONE COUNTRY, ONE CULTRE. JEWS NEVER ASSIMILATE.
you should not,but the probability is small,and don't forget that said brown guy can invite his cousins,brothers and whatnot,so is not good taking the risk,if you can stop immigration you do it as soon as possible
but why try to put sense in your head,you live in one of the most cucked nations
You don't hate him, but you don't let your daughter marry his kids because their genes are damaged.
you don't. You hate the statistically more likely to awful family members who likely brought you here who are a net drain. Obvi.
>still wondering about the race question in 2017
why do you think every single neo-nazi today is either a mechanic or a plumber?
feeling racially superior to others is all you guys have in your pathetic lives.
how will feel better about yourself then?
its not like any of you are getting laid anytime soon.
You don't hate him.
You hate the chain migration that he brings with him and the damage to the ethno-genetics of the nation.
Because brown people won't do as well as other groups as a whole. When the statistical differences become obvious, he, and others like him, will push for more affirmative action (i.e. he gets paid more for producing the same unit of production in order to "equalize" things).
The only racial groups that could even possibly work out in a multi-racial society are whites and asians, and I don't even think that would work.
Yeah but the millions of sandniggers in your country don't do that do they hans.
RIP Germany.
You shouldn't. But he should go be a good brown guy in his own country.
time to move to africa then potatonigger
> cherry picking one dumb t_d nigger
> not posts the thousands of black on white crime that happens daily in America
> That means all blacks like us right user?!!
> yes, now let's go to a black neighborhood and they will welcome us with open arms!!
Holy fuck, you civicuck faggots should hang yourselves.
I'm not going to let my people and their nations get filled with subhuman nonwhite shitskins alright?
Pic related is what I want to return nigger
You shouldn't. But this is an imaginary scenario; it literally never happens.
> implying I would consider Israel an ally.
Wtf are you trying to imply with that meme?
>Brown guy
>doesn't commit crimes
You can only have 1
show bobs and vagene
> America was always bi-racial goyim !
> so let your daughter get blacked by tyrone !
> pakinigger talking about superiority
don't forget to behead the little bois you pedos like to fuck each year
i highly doubt you wanna see my vagene
it has an eye and lost his hat when he was only a couple of month old.
You shouldn't.
I'm a "shitskin," was born in the USA, and given an Anglo-Saxon name. Currently working at a wealth management firm and celebrate all American holidays as well as Christmas. Also, I'm very patriotic and have my selective service card in my wallet as a symbol of pride in this country.
I also speak with the most midwestern accent. However, 90% of pol wants to throw me into a gas chamber. Sad!
show bobs and vegene
We want you to go back to your country.
Notice no photos of this emerged
It's almost like they were a subversion tactic used by Marxists to discredit the campaign
nice pasta
you'll get scared white boi.
you'll have nightmares.
show bobs and vegene
> france
No Abdul, you are not French and never will be .
What will I do there? I don't speak their language nor do I know anything about the culture.
I'm in a situation where I'm too "white-washed" to be accepted by my own people and too "shit-skinned" to be accepted by you supremacist whites.
You shouldn't hate anyone, it's exhausting. Said guy would still be a burden of society.
You shouldn't. Don't be an idiot and focus on skin color. A person's culture is what matters. Plenty of white people are niggers and plenty of black people are not.
i don't think mods will let me upload it here and scare and all the little white bois.
just ask your mother to describe it for you. she knows.
you shouldn't hate that person! It is not your decision how the government enforces it's law, but you should care that the government stays true to its laws!
If the law states that people who are born here are undocumented should be deported, not matter how immoral the law is, it is still the law and the government has to oblige by the rules it sets up for itself!
If you do not like the law, change the law.
I see thousands of people who came to Australian for a hand up, not a hand out. People willing to put in the hard yards doing lousy jobs just for an oppertunity for their children to have a better life. My grandfather worked so hard the first week of coming to Australia he passed out on the train home
Got made redundant at age 50 and the dole office told him to retire, there were too many young blokes out of work for him to get a job. He walked around the industrial park and and went to every workshop and he got a job that day
Stories like that are a dime a dozen, but that is times gone past. Anyone doing something like that, wether brown, black or Chinese is Australian in my eyes. Too many lazy good for nothing cunts with their hand out, only word they can speak in English is more
show bobs and vegene though
relax my friend
You shouldn't hate him.
You simply shouldn't race-mix with him and/or let enough of them in to permanently change the demographics and/or culture
However, get down to earth: those are not an overwhelming majority of the non-whites there, they outbreed whites by a lot and can bring a lot of social change(political Islam, leniency towards crime, etc)
spotted the chink
Ethics over nationality.
to bad , your parasite parents should've stayed in their third world shitholes.
You will never be one of us no matter how "white washed" you are.
In what way do you shitskins think you fit in a Taditional White Christian Society?
You are all fucking parasites leeching off my people's civilization.
Yet you can't admit that you are inferior kek.
> le 56% Sup Forums /leftypol/ meme that was fun 2 weeks ago but now is overused and burnt up
100% Anglo m8
I've got more in common and far more respect with the Asian shop owner than some faggot middle class private school gay cunt
show bob and vagene, discount India
Because our race is our nation
show bobs and vegene bitch lasange
You shouldn't
Fine with this, but when they decide to have 8 kids, then the questions should come.
> being a shitskin paki
fuck that sucks
how does it feel to be racially inferior?
How does it feel you will never belong to pic related?
That your home country is a shithole Islamic piece of shit trashcan of the world where there is no western infrastructure and where you live in perpetual terror of getting beheaded alive?
This guy gets it
inb4 bait
>America was biracial
Literally false. America was explicitly white until 1965, and changing that was the biggest mistake that we've ever made.
how does it feels like to be cucked by Israel?
how does it feels like knowing that you are paying for Israel's defense with your taxes?
how does like to be one of the last of your race?
Blacks and Whites both lived in the United States. What the LAWS stated is insignificant to the reality.
While you're right that Jews never assimilate, I have to assume you're actually a Jew considering your retarded "America was always a melting pot, right, fellow white people?" rhetoric. In fact the constitution is specifically pro-white.
you shouldn't.
True, though the blacks were simply intended to be a form of property, not part of the civic body.
Blacks lived in America like cows lived in America, fuck off and die.
The reason we hate them is that they NEVER do the things you describe. They come here, commit crimes, and vote for leftist politicians who promise more welfare. We hate the behavior which is their character. Only very low IQ people think we hate a particular skin tone just because....well, just because. The skin color tells you what you need to know. You don't have to let a grizzly bear kill you before you decide it is dangerous.
Fuck off you're going back to Anatolia.
you shouldnt hate anyone. hate the politics that allowed your country to become the mess that it is today
You're calling people who want to preserve their homelands supremacist and you ask why people don't want you?
You shouldn't, but still doesn't mean they belong here.
because it's a slippery slope and your whole anti-immigration argument becomes incoherrent. If you accept one, why not many? How do you know he won't adapt the culture in the next 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?
also europe is not amerimutt, we don't have a magical constitutional paper that turns our clay into magic dirt. Europe is and always will be Blood and Soil.
You shouldn't. Small amounts of controlled immigration can be fine. It only becomes a problem if there are enough foreigners there to threaten the local population, which I'm afraid is what's happening to your country.
>inb4 cuck, civnat, the_donald etc.
This is the only rational view.
Regression to the mean, his kids are likely to be shit
>The reason we hate them is that they NEVER do the things you describe.
I agree that this is the case when looking at collectives, but on an individual basis this is blatantly untrue. A small, controlled population of minorities is fine.
They are trying so hard to assimilate the Turks there I just don't understand it. They are there to make money then gtfo to retire in Turkey. There are literally more Turks moving from Germany to Turkey than the other way around.
Because it's not "some brown guy." It's tens of millions of them. No matter how well adjusted they are, they're not European.
So are you
you shouldn't hate that individual
but when it happens a million times you can resent the pattern
Minorities always advocate for more minorities to come in to bolster their own base. Even the BASED SPICS who voted for Trump would likely not agree if he ended chain migration, they want to bring their families over after all.
If you go back in time you can see a pattern emerging in the USA too, they went from NW Euros to allowing Irish, Jews, Eastern and Southern Euros. Those exact same blocks then helped pass Hart-Celler.
All over Europe, the people who are in favor of the current migration waves and "no human is illegal bullshit" probably had a BASED minority friend in the past.
Maybe back in the day, newer generations just sit on welfare. They all need to go back and never return.
>wtf i love economic, cultural, and racial decline now
you shoudn't hate them, but you shouldn't consider them German.
>trips of truth
kys schlomo
Then why are you trying to assimilate them?
>Why should i still hate this person?
It's not about "hate" imho. I don't "hate" brown people just like I don't hate pit bulls or rattle snakes or aligators. They just don't belong in white countries. White countries are not for brown people and it is as simple as that. You may know one or two BASED "high IQ" shitskins but you face the problem of regression to the mean (IQ) and the fact that they will never be a part of the nation, do not have a common history with you and will always advocate for more (((immigration))). They don't belong and should be in their own countries where they do belong.
>Then why are you trying to assimilate them?
You mean why is the ZOG in germany trying to assimilate them? No native German citizen wants to assimilate the roaches or other assorted shitskins. I know about 4 dozen Germans who still live in Germany and IRL after a beer or two every single one will tell you they hate the turks and want them the fuck out of their country.
Some random politicians and idiot students might actually want it but real interaction disabuses you of that action really fast.
We don't hate them hanz we simply don't want them to destroy our nations with fractionary politics by voting for the group that best caters to his ethnic group best. This is the poison of multiculturalism and has been what Russia has battled with for centuries, there's no necessity to kill or remove them but to design a system in which they can't exist politically or receive military training is invariably the best alternative.
Of course its discriminatory but by now with the way history has shown a multitude of civilizations collapsing due to this very reason, it's necessity and I would expect them to treat me the same way within their nation.
>t. German intellectual
Do you know what an average is, Hans? It's not about hating individuals, it's about recognizing averages.
Regression to the Mean.
His kids will be biological weapons.
how does it feel to not be kalash ?