Basically nearly all /ourguys/ already lost the elections. Only one that can win (Marian Kotleba) is on second place. But only 30% of all votes are counted so far. In few hours we will see if we are one of the most redpilled nations. Pic related
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kotlebin will lose to the (((independent)))
Does any of them want to join Hungary
I do?
Let Stefan win he is most pure.
FUCKING OLD PEOPLE i hope they bring migrants here so they can rape and kill them
Kotleba nenávratne odfúknutý do piče
Does any off them want to take Slovaks from Serbia back to Slovakia because who ever off them wnat to do it he is /mineguy/
>because who ever off them wnat to do it he is /mineguy/
I will go full Croatian mode and set your forest on fire Štefan
dont even call these debils /ourguys/ they are just roleplayers who fuck around and dont do anything of real importance
"Banskobystrický župan Marian Kotleba sa pred médiami počas volebnej noci skryl. Nie je ani v sídle ĽSNS - rodinnom dome na predmestí Banskej Bystrice.
Práve túto centrálu pôvodne označil Kotlebov spolustranník Milan Uhrík za pravdepodobné miesto čakania na výsledky. V dome je však zhasnuté a nebadať v ňom žiadny pohyb.
Kokotleba a jeho tupci
A to si fakt myslíš že na Slovensku môže opozičná strana alebo župan spraviť "anything of real importance"?
I hope you get the right guy, dear Slovaks.
keby sa Kotlebovci netvárili ako edgy náckovia už mohli byť dávno pri moci
Any of them behind V4?
So are you going to post election results or what, and explain who the winning party is?
I suppose you have a coalition government system in place?
5 good boy points goes to you.
It's regional politics it have literally 0 impact on country but one region was governed by guy whose party is openly NatSoc and deny Holohoax
He lost this year tho
Pičovina, keby sa Kotleba tváril ako klasický zakukovaný politik tak by ani neboli v parlamente